>m-muh aryan race
>m-muh blonde people
>mm-uh christianity
>globalism i-is wr-wrong
pol btfo!
>m-muh aryan race
>m-muh blonde people
>mm-uh christianity
>globalism i-is wr-wrong
pol btfo!
is it the conquest of war?
It's either that or trade
It's because the vikings traded slaves with the arabs you retard
So a terrorist brought his family treasure to the battlefield, so what?
>what is trade
a fucking turk
no all slaves were sold by jews to FUCKING WHITE AMERICAN MALES
kek, sweden started with its fetishes way back then.
probably selling its qt blonds aswell.
Swede the eternal cuck.
>It's because the vikings traded slaves with the arabs you retard
So even Swedish Vikings were hungry for Islamic cock?
>A race of pirates has treasure buried in their country
Why is the average leftist so stupid?
Viking's were fucking great traders as well as bloodthirsty killers.
They spread right across the rivers of central/eastern europe trading shit and getting paid.
The skills of navigating and trading from the north down to the mediterranean just shows how good they were.
> Vikings conquered and looted a lot
Stop the presses
Pal, we're talking about sweden.. They are attracted to islam and have always been.
Not their fault though, it's the unlucky genes.
نحن كان السويدية
Vikings raided other European settlements and sold the women to muslim buyers, this is not in any way news. Muslims payed greatly for white women, they were considered the most valuable.
Mcfucking kill yourself, Ahmed.
You do know Rus is Swede country?
Yes so let's open our borders and let hordes of them in because ancient Vikings traded with them a few times
>modern German logic
idc about russia desu. they shouldve done better vs mongols.
The women traded were from the places they raided i.e slavs from Gaardland (Russia) since that's where the Swedish vikings went
More importantly I don't get OP's point
>mm-uh christianity
First I don't see why many Swedish people would defend christianity since its highly secularised today and not even the original belief which was replaced by germans
Secondly mid-10th century is before Sweden was even christian
Forgot pic
>selling its qt blonds aswell.
Actually they were selling slavic thralls.
It's well known that the Vikings had access to trade where they got goods from the near east. Some of their swords were made with extremely expensive metal that was imported. That doesn't mean muslims lived in Sweden.