Where are far right strongholds in your country ?

Where are far right strongholds in your country ?

In France it's mostly mediterranean coast, eastern France and northern France.
They do very well in peri-urban areas (villages located around 20km-50km of big cities), and are pretty weak in big cities (except in south-eastern France, where they are pretty strong in Marseille, Nice or Toulon)
Also even if they are really weak in Corsica for local elections, it's a FN stronghold in presidential elections (they did 24% in Corsica in 2012, when their national score was 17,9%)

If you don't have any relevant far-right parties, tell us about conservatives strongholds.

Le Gard RPZ

I wish people are loyal on party here instead of sole politicians

God I hate this country

danish part of sweden

Anywhere without Scotcucks or Northern "muh industry" plebs

C'est quand vos élections?


Avril 2017

bavaria is the only real 'conservative stronghold' in germany

east germany is kind of a far right 'stronghold' but not nearly enough

the rest is endless cuckoldry

What the fuck happened to Maryland Delaware and Virginia?????

Is Brittany cucked?

Anywhere outside the three biggest cities.

Fun thing, in France most of former industrial areas who were socialist strongholds are now far-right strongholds (Northern France).
And a lot of rural places are still socialists strongholds (south-west, Limousin)

If Marseille is about 40% Muslim all those cities are only about 50% ethnic French how on earth are they far-right strongholds

France has fallen

Soon flipbro.

Idaho and Montana. To some extent the Dakotas and eastern Oregon.

Yep. Rennes is basically SJW capital of France, and even rural areas are pretty socialist (even communist in Côte d'Armor)
They used to be a right wing stronghold in the 60's,70's)

France is a multi party democracy, 40% is a lot considering how many parties there are

I live in a FN stronghold, well a place that will be a FN stronghold next elections, and it's quite a big city (120 000 inhabitants)

>That little light blue dot

Should cities be exterminated?

Completely cucked, it's the most leftist place in France, even paris is more based while the parisians are leftists/centrists faggots

Parisians are hated in the whole France

We have a lot of political parties, so 40% is a really high score). For example, in Provence at the last regional elections, first round results were:
FN: 40%
Center-right/ Right wing parties: 30%
Left wing parties: 28%


Noggins, Jooz, and Big City Living.

Not anymore friend, Californians are moving here en masse

FN did something like 6% in Paris.
Traditional right wing parties are still pretty strong in Paris, especially in rich western part of Paris (they get like 80% at each elections in those neighbourhoods)

Paris is full of niggers and Berbers.

How come all of the administration is so far left. Surely at least 1/3 of the administration would be republican?

DC goes 85% blue at every election, even during Reagan, can't be all black vote?


Turnout is pretty low among muslims, and a large part of white people in Marseille are FN voters



Probs the cunts at the skatepark screamin shit like "Fuck off we're full" Whenever a minority walks past

Who wants more money to go to the government than the capitals employees? DC loves waste, that's why they're blue.

Less hated than FN tho.

The Union has 101 seats in the parliament and the AfD not a single one, Bavaris is a cuckshed just like the rest of the west

Northern Karelia

There is no far right here to speak of, only cuckservatives.

Actually Maryland went red in every county except Montgomery, Baltimore, and Prince Georges.

Really peculiar. They are apparently living in a bubble, and they need to wake up, in order for France to be saved


It's practically a refugee camp for right-wingers built on a piece of land reclaimed in the 1950s, who wanted to escape the madness that was occurring in the capital. Since then it has been colonised by lefties and foreigners, but the old guard is still very much there.

FN is growing up in those regions. At the last election, FN did 21% in the department of Haute-Vienne, a rural and big socialist and communist stronghold

>Last election: 15. September 2013
AfD was completely irrelevant back then and CSU wasn't cucked.

>the areas with the most shitskins are the most racists

In the flemish (northern) part of the country.
Too bad they all want to kill me for I am a french-speaker.

Virgina was stolen because of those 60,000 prison inmates released just to vote Democrat.

Other two were city nigger votes.

Maryland, or at least Baltimore is ground zero for Soros. It's a sanctuary city. I was gonna move back with my mom over there but then I realized white people have been fleeing that area at a rapid rate.

Interracial crime is high as fuck and multiple jogger girls have been raped and killed by DC and Baltimore. Huge crime spike thanks to illegal spics, central Americas and niggers.

South Sweden have been hit hardest by migrants. Malmö is a warzone. Not very surprising.

Northerners are all communists.

Yep. North is communist land. Middle part is full of liberal cucks. South is full of shitskins but also hard-right freedom fighters.

I wouldn't call it far right but here is Switzerland:

Pic related : result of the elections of late 2015 by "county". The county has the color of the party with the better score.

Dark green : Swiss people's party.

Also, the dark purple in the south is La Lega, a regionalistic ally.

(orange in the south is a catholic party, quite cuckservative and blue is the economic right)

>Anywhere without Scotcucks or Northern "muh industry" plebs
>What is London

Why are northern swedes such commies ?

Mostly south-east in the province Limburg for some reason. No idea why.
The red socialists in the west are cities and the red socialists north and east are farmers who have no immigrants around.

>>where are we sending the shills next?!

They are sheltered from the migrants. They don't get the sandniggers so they foolishly vote for the socialists for the gibs me dat and then yeah basically the south gets fucked while they are living comfy with the reindeers

>tfw even the conservative party here is socialist
>tfw the entire political spectrum ranges from atheist socialists to hardcore religious socialists

1. They have few to zero immigrants that aren't Finns, and they thus don't see the problem with mass immigration since it never affects them.

2. Worker's movements have always been historically strong up there since the population have mainly consisted of working class miners and loggers. Now it's just become tradition for them to vote left.

OK. It's the same in some rural areas in France, where socialist and communist vote is a tradition. We called those regions "campagnes rouges" (red countryside)

Ay poulet t'es d'ou? Un autre nîmois?

Some parts of our country with close to 0 immigrants vote against the immigration in Switzerland. Not sure that the "You don't see them then you don't have a problem" is really an argument. See

Literally nowhere. There are no far right strongholds in America. Just neocon Republican faggots.

It's true desu

I'm in the south, the most """conservative""" part of the country and everyone here is an Israel worshipping cunt

Southwestern France is full of commies. I went to the Aude and Landes departements two years ago to check out the old castles and also visit Frederic Bastiat's hometown (Mugron) and saw PCF shit everywhere plus when I asked the Mugron locals as to what they thought of Bastiat's economic ideas they claimed they were responsible for neoliberalism (they aren't, in fact Bastiat would have been AGAINST neoliberalism) and that they ruined France. WTF?

Almost everywhere except in our cucked cities

Landes and Aude are typical rural socialist strongholds.
FN is very strong in Aude tho'.

>Where are far right strongholds in your country ?

The American south, even though Georgia is falling to black and indians and Florida is falling to hispanics.

Alabama is the biggest stronghold in the country, no other state is more red pilled.

Parents' basements.

Toronto, believe it or not

Yes, and I refuse to believe Southern French are white. Look at these people. You know their ancestors bred with kebab at some point. Also their accents make them sound like Spaniards trying to speak French.

>former industrial areas who were socialist strongholds are now far-right strongholds
Yep, it's appearing to go that direction here.

>Where are far right strongholds in your country ?

Pretty much the whole country minus Warsaw

>Warsaw is 1.2% immigrant
>most are other slavs

Your country is fucking incredible.

Why do rural areas in other countries have a lot of socialists while rural Americans are almost always neocons

Southerners are neocons you fool. They are not redpilled.

It depend of the place. Socialist rural areas in France are mostly in south-western france (Aquitaine-Midi Pyrénées, Limousin and Bourbonnais)
Other rural places are really conservatives

Remove Walloon


I thought Modi was a based nationalist

>Warsaw is 1.2% immigrant

Fucking multicultural hellhole

Anywhere from Rural areas to medium cities in western Canada

North/west Ontario too

There's also supposedly a few right wing neighbourhoods in Vancouver Edmonton and Winnipeg but they probably aren't very big

>Tfw you live in the most conservative part of your country

What only 1.2%?


>McCain and Romney
>right wing

who do you think you're fooling user

it's a good feeling

>there were other options besides a chimp in a suit

>voting for either of them like a spineless cuck

Good job queer


I don't think they really exist anymore, outside of a private residence anyway.

Canada is the original cuckold. We've been multicultural for so long we don't even have a real Canadian culture to be proud of.

>"Too above it all"


Yes, yes! Keep supporting the two part system! Good goy! Anyone who speaks out against it is just an edgy weirdo!

Alabama is pretty nice

Stay based, Poland

>Gary "Free gay leppos" Johnson
>Jill (((Stein)))

> not all pepe

dat id

Maryland and Delaware were always for the Democrats. Virginia allowed felons to vote and they have all those DC government workers living there thanks to the expansion of the government, something you can partly blame Bush II for.


Not my country but these based madmen actually have MPs who want to repeal women's suffrage.