What is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

what is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

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Did some things wrong.

He was alright overall

I've heard to pools temperature in the work camps were on the cold side though. He prob shouldve done something about that.

Could have tried harder to find a place to pawn the Jews off to.
I bet he could have snuck a few ships somewhere in Africa, herded the Jews off in the middle of the night, and gotten away with it.

Should have realized most of his quality of life initiatives, while quite nice, were unfeasible.

failed painter. got stds from a jew. went " jew privilege, muh feelings" in the end he just wanted to make Europe in flames.

Told the bankers to fuck off, they didn't like this.

Was right. Did nothing wrong.

He was a brilliant leader that lived his people and nation. He executed an economic miracle by breaking the rules set by bankers and they smeared him and destroyed Germany over it. The Holocaust has been greatly exaggerated. while somewhat true, the facts are it was ultimately a cost cutting measure during all out war. same kind of things happen to POWs during every all out war...(Andersonville, USA)

A puppet ruler who ended up gaining massive popularity, clout, and then absolute control.

he is right

hes a failure.

Did nothing wrong

Did *nothing wrong

fuck off nu/pol/

hitler is and forever will be our guy

>could have done something beautiful against jewish globalists and marxism
>instead destroys liberty and freedom
>Invades countries that would have been neutral

He's not as bad as globalist jews or marxists but you're insane if you believe you would have a good life under his regime.

He was literally Hitler!


I liked his movies

This is Charlie Chaplin?

Is military sense was modest, at best.
Foreign policy was also flawed.
Social, racial and economic reforms were spot on.

he was phenomenal and had nothing but the german people in his heart. wanted jew filth out of germany, rightfully so, and people agreed with him. of course, since jews control the media, they've made themselves out to be the victims of the Nazi Party, and nearly all of the public buys into their bullshit. the fall of the NSDAP is one of the worst tragedies in history of man, def on the same level as 9/11.

He ruined nationalism with his autism

Germans are literally worse than Jews, they ruined Europe two times already and they are doing it again as we speak.

They will reelect Merkel. They will continue to destroy European nationalism.

a shit piss poor commander, lucked out a few times, then became obsessed with his assumed ''genius'' and decided to turn his back on his generals advice
+discrimantion against innocent people that identified as germans
bloody shit tier

an egomaniac who's ideological and racial theories ruined all his chances of ever succeeding

I think Nazi is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Jews and doesnt afraid of anything

>same level as 9/11
Lel self-glorifiying burgers that think that a bunch of people diyng is worst of a war
>M-muh 9/11

He was in all probability a giant aspie who had a sperg rage.

a kike plant used to put zionists on the world stage and forever entitled to victimhood

Betrayed nationalism for imperialism and betrayed socialism for corporatism. He was not good at all - his head was filled with infantile, self-contradicting ideas and methods that lead to the ultimate death of Germany forever.

He would probably being a decent looking guy without the mustache

>5' 9"
>No jawline
>No cheekbones
>Small ears

A misunderstood lied about hero that no one will ever consider to be a good guy because of Jewish lies.

i have nudes

I would be interested to know what your thoughts on the Holocaust are. I was watching David Cole's video of Auschwitz, and have now seen enough that I have some doubts about it.

>the god-like Individual of our times
>the Man against Time
>the greatest European of all times
>both Sun and Lightning

Oh I love Charlie Chaplin.

Being a non-neurotypical autist does not make you a good leader by default.

>that LARP rally

if he was an autist how did he manage to get people to follow him

Mussolini was better

Greedy cunt who thought he deserved to rule all of Europe at the expense of millions of innocent lives.

He ruined fascism

Any psychopath can get people to follow them if he creates a cult of personality.

>Hitler was a fascist

psychopaths aren't autistic

He did nothing wrong

That's the general Sup Forums consensus

Personally he did one thing wrong: losing the war

Much of his success is owed to Goebbels and other propaganda geniuses who chose to side with him. Hitler's rise to power was not the solitary struggle of a man against the world like you romantics like to think it was, it was simply a coordinated and viciously pragmatic group of opportunists forcing themselves into a position of power during a time of great turmoil, it is the exact same human story we have seen since the beginning of time.

Yea he shouldn't have invaded russia.

Very talented at becoming a statesman, absolute shit at being a statesman.

who is that?

Nice painter

he couldnt be that bad, he did kill Hitler after all

autists are psychopathic though, and any high functioning autistic or asperger dork could use that to their advantage

Literally who?

that war was coming either way

Made Deutschland Great Again

>autists are psychopathic though
are they though

are they actually

Dumb fuck got his nation involved in a war against the world's three most powerful nations, and on top of that didn't develop a nuclear program, so even if he had somehow won the land war he would have been fucked come 1945 or so.

had a strong social conscious and instituted many brilliant reforms. wasn't afraid to stand up to international juden filth. his ego eventually got the best of him. he should have trusted his generals and given more power to loyal subordinates. russia vas mistake.

A misunderstood humble painter.


>should have trusted his generals
>who tried to assassinate him on multiple occasions

He may have gone too far in a few places.

He had a bit on a temper but dont we all?

Brilliant mind that got smoked out of education because of Marxists. A war hero with several medals. Charismatic leader and economic mastermind. An environmentalist and animal rights activist. Ended child prostitution. Forbid the development of nuclear weapons because of the massive civilian casualties. Wanted to liberate the Russian people from communism. Took us into the fold and gave us weapons and military training when no-one else did, despite Swedes talking shit. Wanted to end the Rothschilds abusing the people of the world by shipping them to Madagascar. Realized that while the average black might be worse than the average white, there are still highly respectable blacks, and thus treated Owens with respect.

TL;DR Did pretty much nothing wrong.


>Realized that while the average black might be worse than the average white, there are still highly respectable blacks, and thus treated Owens with respect.
>When Baldur von Schirach suggested it would make an excellent impression abroad if Hitler were to receive Owens in the Chancellery, the dictator was outraged. “Do you truly believe that I will allow myself to be photographed shaking hands with a Negro?” Hitler yelled in Schirach’s face.

While the things that happened in his regime were horrific, in all honesty I think he was a master manipulator and used antisemitism to gain power in his country, then went about trying to make his country better... it is unlikely he foresaw a global war when he invaded poland and it is also unlikely he personally had enough control to stop his rhetoric from snowballing into such a massive humanitarian catastrophe.

Can we get another Hitler plz!?

>what is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?
He's literally Hitler

all he wanted to do was make germany great again and the jews turned the whole world against him

Looking at merkal, one would think so.

T: A fucking kike

>Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send a telegram. - James "Jesse" Owens.

He will always be this Sup Forums approved.


He loved his country.

Germany, not the other place.

Zionist anti-hero

Literally who

wow hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all


Good neighbor

Nice shop

the amphetamines made him go fucking crazy

Did nothing wrong

This is what Hitler wore at the Olympics. If the picture is real, then where is the swastika armband on his right arm?

He obviously took it off to be considerate and to not offend his negro guest?

I can't say anything about him that won't be misinterpreted and blown out of proportion.

wtf hitler was a bad guy after all

The swastika was not a symbol of hate at the time It was only a symbol of hate after WW2.

Maybe his guest wasn't so tolerant of different political opinions:)

Yeah and he changed his hat as well not to offend anyone.

But if the soviets had attacked Germany instead of the other way around the Germans would look less like the evil aggressor

Personally if I were hitler I'd have left Poland alone let the Soviets take it all all and once the soviets tried to attack me id be able to become an enemy of the enemy because Britain probably would go to war against the soviets for taking Poland

Now with the world at war with the communists of just sit back listen to the Americans calling me uncle Adolf and quietly make plans on how to carve up Eastern Europe once the war is over

Also I'd sever military ties with the japs. If they want to attack the US they can get assfucked by themselves


Not a chance. Churchill and Britain would never ally with Hitler.

>not taking your hat off for a photo on a hot summer day

>taking your hat off on a hot summer day to put on a different hat

>because Britain probably would go to war against the soviets for taking Poland

What gave you that impression?

How dare you praise this man. This antisemitism here is getting out of hand.

>Having one hat
You have obviously never been a dictator

>Artist by profession (failed one)
>Vegetarian, pro animal rights
Pretty cool guy.