Trump meeting with Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Trump is meeting with this loony libtard. Is this a good thing?

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It is for my dick

Every politician that was anti-trump walks away singing a different tune after meeting him.

He's trying to fracture the Democratic party by courting various pro-Bernie and anti-Hillary Dems.

Strategically, it's fucking brilliant. Has Bannon written all over it.

If you think adding one idiot libtard to the administration is going to turn the entire White House into a progressive cuck shed, you might not like this. But you're also an idiot, so there's that to consider as well.

Gabbards alright


Terrible face

Apparently she's against the TPP

Gabbard her by the pussy.

She wants to kill Muslim

Who doesn't? Even muslims wants to kill other muslims on daily basis.

and an added bonus: she becomes associated with Trump, discrediting one of the Dem rising stars popular among the radical Bernie left

Yes. If she can be turned even slightly towards Trump then she'll be seen as a traitor on the left and disregarded by the Dems. Better to get her out of the spotlight now.

damnit, beat me by 8 seconds

So her father was a shitskin samoan, and her mother was some delusional liberal woman

>Gabbard grew up in a multicultural, multi-religious household: her father is of Samoan and European ancestry and an active lector at his Catholic church, but also enjoys practicing mantra meditation, including kirtan. Her mother is of European descent and a practicing Hindu. Tulsi fully embraced Hinduism as a teenager. Her siblings' names are Bhakti, Jai, Narayan, and Vrindavan.

A nut from a family of nuts

And looks like shes one of those bern victims, so maybe she'll vote with the republicans on most of the stuff Trump wants, the hindu certainly hate muslims.

>discrediting one of the Dem rising stars popular among the radical Bernie left

Bernie himself said he'd work with Trump on economic lefty shit.

Implying the tumblerites understand how to achieve goals politically as a minority power

Durhur she's working with Trump, she's ebil.

>Catholocucks destroying their own religion

>shitskin woman from the most cucked state in the nation

Hawaii is more cucked that California. What the hell is Trump thinking?

Tulsi and Bernie are left wing. Trump would need them to accomplish his infrastructure policies.
>Stephen Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, reportedly likes Gabbard because of her stance on guns, refugees and Islamic extremism along with her ability to invoke strong anti-establishment populist sentiment on the left.
>Gabbard did not join the majority of her Democratic colleagues in the House by co-sponsoring gun control legislation this summer. She was one of 47 Democrats who voted in favor of a Republican-sponsored bill that requires refugees from Iraq and Syria to receive background checks from the FBI.

How is she a loony libtard, she is practically /our girl/

Secretary of Veterans Affairs?

Oh, she's 75% White. I knew she didn't look Indian.

Or Secretary of the Army. Give her a similar political trajectory to Jim Webb.

She's not pro-gun, just less partisan about it. After the Orlando shooting both the Dems and Reps created bills that would limit people on the no-fly list and terror list from buying guns. Republicans wanted a judge to review the case before issuing a ban, Dems just wanted to ban everyone outright. Their explanation was that there already is due process because you can sue to get off the watchlists.

So yeah, her unwillingness to play partisan dick-waving games is commendable but very insignificant.


her mom is hindu, how many white hindus do you know? at best shes half white half poo in the loo half samoan

How about no. Fuck POGs and fuck fobbits.

No, Gabbard is pro-Assad. Actually it makes sense for Gabbard and Trump to meet.

He just wants hot chicks working for him, republican women have pretty icey pussies.

Trump doesn't have a grand philosophy on anything, he's just a crazy old man baby

She wasn't going to run in 2020 anyway, or ever, shes too conservative for the Dems

The Democrats are clearly the communist party at this point


Nice try, broken record.

Should have worked harder when she stepped down from the crooked DNC.

You pedofags will hang.

>Gabbard has been a favorite of Fox News, where she diverged from the typical Democratic Party line on the term “Islamic extremism.” Democrats such as Bernie Sanders—whom Gabbard endorsed—have stayed away from such phrases because, they argue, it suggests that the United States is at war with the Muslim religion itself.

>“It is crazy,” Gabbard said on an HBO talk show, of Democratic refusals to use the term. “They do matter, words mean things, and this is what we need to look at as we look at how do we identify our enemies so that we can defeat them?”

>Trump’s views on foreign policy have overthrown a generation’s worth of conservative thinking on the matter: His tolerant stance on dictators like Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin shocked much of the right’s national security intelligencia. But it meshed well with Gabbard’s thinking.

>In March, Gabbard was the only Democrat and one of just three members of Congress to vote against a resolution condemning violence by the Assad regime against civilian populations.

>“Bad enough US has not been bombing al-Qaeda/al-Nusra in Syria. But it’s mind-boggling that we protest Russia’s bombing of these terrorists,” Gabbard wrote in September, on the first day of the Russian intervention in Syria.

>The Hawaii congresswoman was also one of just 47 Democrats who voted for a bill that would make it all but impossible to admit new refugees into the United States.

>They also align on trade: Trump has called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that is supported by many conservative economists and Republican lawmakers, “insanity;” Gabbard has called it “disastrous” and denounced it as looking like “NAFTA on steroids.”

she sounds alright

>shes too conservative for the Dems

She's a Sanders supporter. She agrees with Trump on TPP and Syria, but so did Sanders.

She is ok, much more conservative than her republican opponent who was all gay pride and lgbtq+ rights


Oh man imagine if he could get the Webb too

There are different variations on "conservatism", just as there are different variations on "liberalism". Labeling doesn't mean much without a qualification of that label.


She's honestly great, we need the Emperor to co-opt her and turn her Republican. She belongs with the R's anyhow, the D's are going off the deep end currently.

>Tulsi Gabbard

You're fucking scum. A cutie ethnic joins our cause and you want the Emperor to pass up an opportunity like this?

they are all the economic left, socially whatever, this includes trump, mind you
as opposed to the other way around (economic right, social left) - most of the rest of democrats

read Sy Hersh's report on Syria. Gabbard was one of the few dems against Obama's bullshit, she publicly sided with General Flynn.

she's a fake progressive. total mole for the general

Shes a fucking Hare Krishna

If you haven't noticed by now Trump likes to hire a lot of veterans

What are her conservative positions under your definition then?

This is the main reason I wouldn't want her anywhere near the Trump cabinet. We already have enough eastern bullshit being pushed on society, we don't need this crap slipping in and getting press.

I've seen one interview with her. She hedged statements where I couldn't really tell what she stood strongly for. However, she didn't seem like the goofy, reactionary left.

That being said, I don't know where Trump would want to stick her without her doing something possibly crazy.

I hope it is just for show and he doesn't stick her anywhere.

He may just be meeting with her because she seem like an honest broker. And after speaking with Trump, she can truthfully report to other people, Trump isn't Hitler reborn.

>MSM and Lefties give Trump shit about appointing all FUCKING WHITE MALES
>Appoints a PoC Female Democrat
>She is not literally Hitler by association

Trump is just great.

Now we just need to steal Webb and the Republican Party will be the most based it's ever been.

She seems to be a traditional pro-labor Democrat, rather than a modern identity-politics liberal. Conservation of working class America is rather important this cycle.