The last time Germany was in deep shit, Austria actually combined their powers and shat out Hitler who built up and made the country of Germany great again. Is Germany's last hope a new champion from south-east, to clean up all the rapefugees in their land? Do you have anyone based Austria?
Can Austria summon a new leader?
van der hofer
Let me in
They have Money boi.
Austra needs to elect a clerical fascist monarchist and start swallowing pieces of Germany until Germany itself is actually Austria.
Hre rebourn
Hi, my name is Alti, and iam going to die :(
Hallo Noarn
König der Juden
WTF dude
Hallo noarn
Yes, but first the right needs to be disillusioned with the available options.
what is stopping them from fabricating hundreds of thousands of postal votes like last time?
Südtirol Anschluss when?
Hey halfkrauts, how is Hofer doing? Is he going to win? I assume he's up like 10 points in the polls because of that antifa postal vote rigging business, right?
Noarntreffen when?
Pretty good.
Most likely going to win.
Südtirol ist eh am arsch.
Kaum fährst du über die Brennergrenze, siehst du alles rosten.
Trips of Destiny
Kek wills it
I'm actually worried that Hofer will lose unless we pull off some shit to sway public opinion.
Haselsteiner is still spreading lies and fear about Öxit and I fear people are stupid enough to belief this, even though Hofer has been saying for the whole campaign that there are only two scenarios in which there should be a referendum (of which one scenario is covered by the constitution anyway, regardless if Hofer or anyone else actually wants a referendum or not).
Nein Danke.
>cuck or cripple
Fucking hell, why are all politicians such shit.
daily reminder that hofer losing makes way for an even juicier scenario:
vdb having to swear in strache
the keks would be infinite.
>vdb having to swear in strache
although i guess he'd melodramatically resign in that case.
But does he really have to do that? Can't he just say "fuck off" and not accept the FPÖ in the government? That's what I'm worried about if he wins - which I doubt.
We have the meme magik.
NOARN, zu den Flaschen!
No, are you stupid? At Hitler's time, Austria ruled a multi ethnic empire and Germany was mono ethnic in a way that could make a major impression on someone who served in both armies. Those same conditions do not exist today
of course he could.
but then what? red-black-green??
>using English Gothic letters instead of German ones
lol WTF...kinda hot
Vienna is crucial to the election and the left in Vienna is currently crumbling.
gonna be 60:40 for Hofer
Stop Hofer
interesting pic
The nice thing is that they can't pull this "new deal" bullshit anymore. Everybody knows that Kern is dishonest hack now. They put everything on one card.