Space exploration is a waste of money

Space exploration is a waste of money
True or false?

depends on who u ask i guess.......

Any effort made to get off this shit hole is good in my books.

Back before a majority of the earth was discovered by Europeans, they probably considered exploring the seas a waste of time and money

Nope where would Russia and America be without the space race, also the techinology that's being used is always saving lives and making new discoveries

Probably the falsest thing your dumbass has ever said

learn to make threads, faggot

False. It betters humanity as a whole and beings prestige to the nation that does it.

Was this thread retarded?

True or false.

Absolutely not a waste. More resources in space.

Maybe to shitskins

Making sure China doesn't just take the solar system for themselves is reason enough to go out early.

False. This comes down to opinion though. Is exploration, seeking truths about our universe, and challenging ourselves not worth it? And is the alternative more worth it? Exactly, focusing inward as a species, using wealth to help those too weak to thrive on their own, and creating large government structures to protect the rights and comfort of each individual.

You can probably guess my stance from the tone.

Total waste. Already too many illegal aliens on this planet. Don't need any illegal ayy lmaos.

EM drive confirmed.
Meme energy is real

My problem is transparency. There is NONE whatsoever. It's not really a waste of money. NASA/ESA work on some advanced tech that sucks all the money. It's probably in front of us in the form of CERN...who knows. Maybe it is CERN. Ever since it came to existence, space exploration slowed down.

false, with only one studio you won cold war, imagine what you would do if you actually go there

False: Space Exploration has by FAR the highest return in technology and human advancement for the money spent as anything else we do.

Hell, NASA is probably the most efficient government agency there is.

Imagine having space stations in orbit around all planets in the solar system, each capable of holding an entire breeding population of humans, and possessing industrial capabilities that can recreate more space stations from raw ore (asteroids, comets, etc)

Imagine multiple "biospheres" in the solar system for human habitation.

Imagine not keeping all of humanities eggs in one basket, so if something DOES happen to earth, the entirety of the human species isn't obliterated overnight.

Imagine expanding to other worlds through surface colonies, teraforming, and generation ships to other star systems.

Imagine the redundancy of survival for our species that would accompany spreading humanity out to other worlds.

The question isn't whether space exploration is a waste of money.

The question is, can we afford NOT exploring space?

Tokamaks would be the dumbest possible way to power a spaceships. They're too big and heavy, make way more power than a ship could possibly use and need a constant supply of replacement parts.

Even without the advances in technology and science that have come from the space programme, surely its sheer coolness is justification enough.

were gonna build planetary shielding, and the zeta reticulans are going to pay for it


Scientists agree that the whole history of humanity will be divided in pre-contact and post-contact

>whites want to leave niggers and spics behind and start a brand new planet

>a waste of money

pic one.

Not really. White people need a safe space (punny I know) to escape to if the planet gets run over by shitskins.

You cannot waste money.

sad that the next moon mission will look like a toys r us ad with women, niggers, cripples, asians etc

oh well

Unmanned exploration is useful. I think manned space travel is a waste unless it is specifically to colonize or to perform target experiments that facilitate colonization.

>How can you waste something that isn't even exist?

not if you search for ore to mine. having some retards plant a flag though? nah, stupid.

you're a waste of oxygen

And look how that turned out - Shitty. Now imagine not only globalism, but also being told what to do by outside forces to the planet. Does that sound fun?

It'll be important sometime in the future. We can't live here forever.

But it's very unlikely that any of us will be around to reap the rewards so getting people to invest in these very long term goals is difficult.

explore with your eyes, not your flags

It was pretty much one of the leading causes for the US to become a tech leader at all. The technology granted by our space program and subsequent moon landing program is so wildly good that there's no doubt that what we did was good for us.

> Live on world
> Shit on world
> Move to new world
> Why is my new world suddenly covered in shit?
Really instigates the wonder...

It is very expensive and has next to no immediate rewards. However some day we will either be glad we learned as much as we did, or regret not learning more.

space exploration is the only way to save the world.

Without our space program we would not be the strongest military in the world, we'd be stuck with bad intel and guidance like the rest of the world.

If I were god king Trump, I would ensure that science-related space exploration, like space telescopes and proposals such as the one to drop an unmanned boat on Titan are well funded. These are relatively cheap programs compared to manned missions so you can do a lot of them. And the public does show interest in them. I mean people were really interested in the photos of Pluto that came out of New Horizons.

I would also fund research into radiation hardening, alternative launch systems, space assembly, and longterm spaceship life support systems, because I think these are the areas that have to be developed before we can really make sending large numbers of people into space feasible, which is needed for colonization. But I don't think there's a lot of reason right now to be sending people into space. The ISS (which already struggles for a reason to exist sometimes) can handle most existing needs. But it will probably be a long while before researching those areas yields realistic solutions, despite Elon Musk's optimism.

Money isn't real. Bunch of arbitrary numbers we use to represent value.

Might be a waste of resources, but that depends on the mission. Might find shit we don't have access to down here.