If aliens are demons

If aliens are demons
what are the stars and planets?


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>what are the stars and planets?

hydrogen, helium, gas, rocks ?


If you buy into any degree of "magick" or astrology, the planets exert a powerful cumulative force on Earthbound creatures due to their gravity. We're just now figuring out that consciousness is an emergent property of some kind of quantum mechanism in the cellular structure of neurons and their supporting cells - this is partly what explains free will and the ability of human brains to create art. In theory, gravity from astral bodies could exert a minute-but-significant influence on these quantum mechanisms, leading them to favor certain "states " (i.e. personality) based on the forces prevalent during some important time of neural development.

This is the most far-out explanation for planets and how they fit into the "aliens = extraplanar entities" scenario. Otherwise, they are just other lumps of elements that didn't form in the spatial sweet spot that Earth did.

Stars are small holes through which the light of heaven shines through. NASA has confirmed it.


We are someone else's ayy lmaos

>what are stars?
Holes into hell of course

Viruses are demons. Prove me wrong.

Protip you can't

To add to this general relativity is flat out wrong.
>constantly BTFO but it's own observations
>"missing" matter
Our ancestors knew more about our reality than we do, which is why they hide ancient civilizations from us.
>if u want to know more...
Watch: the thunderbolts of the gods

Spiritual & Mythical:

Technical: m.youtube.com/watch?v=5AUA7XS0TvA

They don't get everything perfect but they present enough evidence that falsifies relativity and modern (((physics))) which is just purposely over-complicated BS that uses a preconceived conclusion and goes backward creating paradoxes and extra math to affirm its faulty premise.
>anyone versed in true critical thinking and scientific theory can deduce this

We've been brainwashed. Now ask "why?"

We r starso dusts lol ayy lmao is staRs dusts to

>what are the stars?

Aliens are not demons. The aliens that have directed us in a certain direction are humans from a very distant future.

>If aliens are demons
They aren't.

"Demons" and "angels" and "gods" are aliens.

aliens arent demons wtf dude are you schizo

55959595 is our language

>We're just now figuring out that consciousness is an emergent property of some kind of quantum mechanism

No, EM drive just now literally proved that Schrodinger quantum theory is fake and New Agers/magickians got BTFO; the real way quantum operates is Bohm's


what bout smaller light sources ?




Pilot-Wave manipulation = Meme Magic

>muh EM drive
literally we dont know how does it work

but we constructed it

anyone who falls for that bullshit should be neutralised

We aren't schizophrenics, unlike you.

Take your antipsychotics m80

ho many beers?

The antidote

>>We've been brainwashed. Now ask "why?"

why have we been brainwashed?


Okay, what's your proof for this theory?

>we classified and hid all of Tesla's work which involved electric universe, aether and an intrinsic energy connecting us to the stars
>we released a few docs from it so it looks like we're being forthcoming
By the way here is """"relativity""" which is (((((science))))) - ignore observational data that completely contradicts it
>here's some nihilistic views to go along with ((((science)))) - the notion we are in a dead universe & impossibly distant from everything
>we ""invented"" this device we don't understand
>it now verifies all our previous bullshit because ((((reasons))))
Like isn't that complicated. Plasma physics observations can be seen on the macro level.
>the smallest plasma physics can be scaled to massive proportions
((((Ignore it because it doesn't fit to our pre-decided conclusions of relativity))))

We left observational and experimental science a long time ago and it was our biggest mistake. If u look really hard most ((((science)))) draws a conclusion and then simply maths it's way into being equal.
Aka: Instead of considering our fundamental understanding is wrong, just do error correction calculations until it's fixed.
>when u realize this it's scary how much it is done
Like the 97% of ((((scientists)))) who agree with global warming, the reality was it was 4K out of 12K & they were funded by the climate agenda. They literally say in the survey (not study or actual science) that their conclusion must be right because if not tectonic theory is invalidated (because they used the same bullshit statistic sampling & outlier rejection for it as well)
>tfw I learned techtonics is likely largely BS when reading that

"There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics"

Actual science is reproducible and follows observation and experiment. It's predictive in most cases
>no one argues 2+2=4
>"we don't know where the missing matter is, so we just call it dark-something-something"

how can we be real if our eyes aren't real?

>Take every existential organism: See it as one.
This is a part of your brain. If you're understanding of the existential and it's relationship to reality is fucked up, then usually the "visitations" you receive from that part of your brain takes a fucked up form.
It might as well be you, managing your life as one of many lives of you. And that is the self communicating with the self in 2 very same ways.
>The waking part of the mind connecting with the dormant sleeping part of the mind as well as;
>The dormant part of the mind entering into the waking part of the mind.

A bit silly but I've always liked to think that my dreams are actually glimpses of myself in alternate universes. Some of my experiences are fucking great while others are miserable but I always seem to remain who I am at my core no matter what is going on in that reality.

Ever read Chariots of the Gods? Or 'Our Occulted History'

the dreamers of dreams.