Kids always make up the counter culture, is conservatism the new punk rock?
Kids always make up the counter culture, is conservatism the new punk rock?
God, I fucking hope so. I'm 24, and my generation was so fucking cucked beyond belief that I could hardly believe it. The insane shit that the fringe minority spewed eventually gained acceptance amongst the majority, and I was sort of of the mind that the younger generation would just build on that.
I can understand why, with Obama's "historic election," the constant Middle East media criticism, and the financial crash, but it doesn't make it any less fucking ridiculous.
yes. you know how many friends and friends of friends i know that've od and died from herion or prescription drugs? That story has been repeated across the country everywhere you go.
Democrats dont care about this
We can only hope honestly.
All this saving western civilization shit with Brexit and Trump's victories are nice but they won't matter in the long run if our future citizens are still libtards.
fuck tattoos
cant wait for that shitty meme to die
unless you're a pacific islander or have been to russian prison, no tats
Uhhhh, Youth Crew?
I've been abusing prescription opiates on and off since about last april. The most frequently I've done them is 3 times in a week once. I just ran out of my latest stash with no way to get anymore. Holy fuck do I want some. I'm freakin' out trying to figure out how to get more.
Uhhhh, literally almost every other punk rock band?
>im 24 and im a speshul snowflake among my peers, literally everyone else is so superficial and dum whereas I am a critical deep thinker but others are just too stupid to get me and my ideas about the world
you retards are quite literally the crawling in my skin emos of this decade, its actually hilarious.
you also get bonus points for being the most gigantic edgelords i've ever encountered on the internet, kek
You're not alone. Hopefully you weren't bad off enough to get withdrawals. Might want to grab a couple bottles of Imodium in case.
All Heil Generation Zyklon!
>The Children will show us the way!
>im an angsty little shit projecting parts of my life onto paragraphs of text on a chinese cartoon marketplace
I have a 14 year old, feels like I am reliving the early 90s with her. She does like artistic tats but does not care for whiny social justice types at all. Has impeccable taste in music, loves muscle cars and badass trucks, etc. Pretty badass kid. Overall hates anything they see as fake or pretentious.
fucking ahmed learned the word "edgy" today
make sure you use it in proper context though ahmed, wouldnt want anyone to think you were retarded.
Kids don't like things that seem like arbitrary rules enforced by older people.
The multitude of genders and sexualities and pronouns and intersectionality and all that shit: arbitrary rules enforced by (soon to be) older people.
>im totally not an edgelord, im a sophisticated young gentleman!
kek, the butthurt is real
My only withdrawals are mental as I try to cope with this depressing existence.
GL bro. If your only withdrawals are mental then you still have a shot at ditching the opioid jew. It is tough but try to go a solid week without them, use anything else to distract yourself.
Once you get past the first week or 2, it is about keeping yourself occupied as to not fall back into the comfort of opioids.
>my offspring is like me!
Not surprising.
This isn't the only thing going on. The environment is helping shape this generation as all environments do. They get to see celebrities drop dead from heroin and have an uncensored view of tattoos because they don't signal "coolness" yet, they're just icky black markings on skin. Things like birth control are also shaping this generation is a major way since leftist retards have unsuccessful children and if they're lucky, they only get 1 child who is also retarded. Birth control makes sure they're infertile fucks. The conservatives are gaining a larger share of each successive cohort because of these factors. Of course, rampant immigration is causing the white population to shrink as a %, but each new cohort gets more nationalistic.
Kids will be hunting SJWs in state sponsored events soon.
Yep, its the edgy thing to be conservative now. Plus the internet, where the shut-in rejects of society dwell, the "muh degeneracy" fags are literally indoctrinating these kids.
>more cash savvy
>don't like drugs
Holy shit why couldn't my parents hold out just two more years so I could have been part of this BASED AS FUCK generation.
>tfw gf is a generation Z, white, Christian just 2 years younger than me
Gotta get off em mang
They lower your test levels
Plus all the other nasty side effects
Yes, and the MAGA hat is the new mohawk.
plus they have to put up with a lot of shit skins in their school, making them super racist
>tfw just young enough to be Gen Z
we will call them the Trump Youth
You should try heroin. I hear it's a good substitute.
I'll do my best, anons.
they saw how millennials went to shit with decades of indoctrination and debauchery
Everyone is cutting it with fentanyl where I live (Ohio). I just want to escape reality for a while, not fucking die.
>Kids always make up the counter culture, is conservatism the new punk rock?
Not really
It is just liberals are not having children
its going to be funny when they start hitting the real world and realize theyve been conned by society into becoming useless retards
This makes more sense
So this is the last generation right?
There's no more letters after Z.
WW3 confirmed.
I can confirm this. I work in a high school and there are way more kids that are openly conservative than when I was in school. And this is in New Jersey. These kids love Trump too.
does anyone have that drawing of the kid telling his millennial parents he only believes there is two genders and them getting upset by it?
We just start back over
Try kratom. I have a friend that used to have a bad opiate problem and he used that to get away from opiates and then he was able to get away from kratom pretty easily.
We're moving into a new 80's, where the youth will turn there backs to the hipster/social justice norm and become hardworking conservatives.
Going to be A+, B+, etc.
You must stop now. If you don't, you will lose. This is the most important decision you will make in your life.
Even if it means losing your job so that you can go to another town where you don't know anyone and can't cind drugs for a week or so.
Again, once these drugs snag you, you can't beat them.
Sorry to be so black pilled but what's the Race of the people polled?
Well what in the hell am I supposed to replace them with? Literally nothing in life is as satisfying.
This so much. Fertility rates between conservatives and liberals are really stark.
Gen Z , please save my generation from itself.
The feeling of not having a crippling addiction you fucking degenerate
It was in the UK so probably 80% arab 10% somali and 10% white
I know three generation Z-ers and they all think Trump was the lesser of two evils, and none of them do drugs except a bit of alcohol.
One of them is socialist, but he still seems pretty removed from the modern SJW narrative.
ha, you actually used that word.
been here long?
*They don't like drugs or gay marriage, and they HATE tattoos: Is "Generation Allahu Akbar" the most conservative since WW2?
They literally are growing up watching the failure of cucks and numales from my generation
I can't wait to talk to a redpilled gen Z'er in 10 years and re-tell the meme wars.
you bloody idiots its the immigrants, do you really think shit skins are in favor of any or that crap
We are going to be their leaders. We are going to be their bosses.
>feels good
I've been saying Donald Trump is punk rock and Hillary Clinton is/was country.
This is so obvious...
Sup Forums forgets this study was done in UK where a large percentage of teenagers are conservative Muslims.
underage b& pls go
genzers are in the meme wars idiot.
Lurk more.
wtf I'm Generation Z now
>but I'm 26
What gives?
Mfw I'm too old to sex a gen z girl
If you see this, explain to me the high you get. I've been prescribed Codeine 10mg before and all it does it give me a bad headache.
I've even taken muscle relaxers because I strained my back and even had hydrocodone.
I have never once experienced the Fedora feeling using these things.
Is this shit all in your minds?
They are too young to remember 9/11. Which is when the meme war started.
This desu it's fucking sad. My best friend intentionally overdosed once he got hooked on tar and killed himself 2 years ago have a few other friends who've survived overdoses myself included about 1 year ago but I've been clean ever since.
Get off them while you still can. I was quite the nihilist and never cared about the risks until I overdosed and survived and realized the feeling of waking up in the hospital to your family in tears is worse than death. It's not worth it man that shit will surpass all other priorities in your life until it's all you care about then it will kick your ass and leave you wishing you were dead. Trust me it's not worth the high quit all pharmaceuticals/opiates/benzos they're destroying this country
We can only hope for the best.
calm down mate you are the only one being edgy here.
As a gen z I don't think this article is true. Maybe it's just California gen z that sucks ass tho
It should be, because leftism in all its forms has pretty much ruined western civilization.
Opium makes you feel unbelievably calm, not a care in the world, high as a kite. Like flying inside your own body. Which is why you see junkies clogging the gutters in major cities. Heroin/opium et al is a fantastic drug, which is why it is so dangerous.
Don't try it. You'll like it too much.
>It is just liberals are not having children
Fucking under-rated as FUCK!!!
Idiots. It's because they surveyed muslims.
Rumors had it that during the election there was a school full of kids shouting to build the wall. And a high school in minnesota was polled at 75% for trump. So its a start.
Oy vey, they need more free time - Open the borders so they will never find a job.
Codeine is weak as fuck you need to take a lot more than 10 MG to even get a buzz which doesn't compare to real opiates like oxymorphone/hydromorphone/morphine/heroin
This. most youth in the UK are muslim.
Liberals not having children plus more Muslims.
There's going to be conservative whites v conservative Muslims.
This is why liberals don't think about consequences.
Absolutely. Just take a glance at any college campus these days. Conservatism is definitely the new counter culture, the new rebellious viewpoint, the new alternative movement, the new punk.
Drug Tiers:
>High Tier
>Mid Tier
Coke, DMT
>Low tier
Heroin, meth, crack
>lower tier
Research chemicals
>gutter tier
DXM, Jenkem, Mouthwash
*tiers are based off risk vs reward as well as the high.
If you can still get it up you are good to go gramps.
I've never heard of generation F though or Q.
Generation Z here.
I've managed to redpill a bunch of my friends.
Sadly a couple of them are degenerates who smoke weed, what should I do to get them off?
>OMFG you guyz are so mad #rekt LMAO
Get a hold of yourself Yousuf.
Weed is fine in moderation, quit being a little bitch.
Where are they getting this bullshit? Based on what my younger brothers ,which are Gen Z, are saying their generation is absolutely terrible and love the 'SJW' shit based off of what they see in middle school and high school.
t. Utahfag
Does this mean we're the hipsters now?
Let them fuck your mouth and asspussy.
God I'm praying for that to be true. I have noticed a lot of my friends don't agree with the extreme liberal teachers
Source? I would be interested in looking into this further.
I was using oxycodone. Gave me radiating ways of euphoria throughout my body. Aches, pains, discomfort, etc. was all gone. Mentally, I was totally content. Wasn't worried about work or relationships or anything. All my anxiety evaporated away. One of my favorite things about it was that I could still function. I could converse, I could drive, I could work, I could do anything but I was HAPPY. It didn't fuck you up like other drugs, and when it wore off I was totally back to normal. Didn't gave a hangover or anything.
weeds not part of the problem
Z here too
my approach is to let someone get triggered by someone else, and then explain to them why they are a bigot and make them cry. get away unscathed.
rest of the country calls you Red California, Mexifornia and commiefornia
you are LITERALLY not america
>I'm freakin' out trying to figure out how to get more.
Dark net
t. fent user.
Don't go all devil's lettuce on them.
Explain that when your stoned you don't give a shit when you should. You watch opportunities pass by and don't care because you've hacked the pleasure system in your brain. Ask them if they want to wake up in 10 years and wonder where the hell their life went. There's a south park where the dad explains this really well. Show them that. This is coming from and adult who smokes occasionally. IMO you should avoid it until you have your life completely on track with no risk of derailment.