How does a young man like me avoid dating/marrying a SJW? Aren't all/most millennial women 'intersectional feminists' and shit? At least they all seem to be where I live.
Millennial women
surprised to see this level of self-awareness
put your dick in check for the foreseeable future, say 12 years
shit will fix itself once they start getting more desperate and the young ones will learn from seeing the crazy feminists it's not worth being a manhater nor a slut
>implying a "young man" you wont die a lonely fat virgin
pic related
thanks for the laugh
i find it hard to believe it's difficult for you to avoid dating
>all the girls my age went and got pregnant by some fucking retarded drug addict/dealer
>all the girls younger than us are now stuck up prudes
wew im so glad im a 90s kid
You're tripping broski. I live in California too, and I can tell you that 95% of women I know have zero or little opinion on politics. The ones with little opinion, who have "just heard things" are easily redpilled if given the effort.
wtf happened mid september?
Wait for these women to get desperate in 10 years as their ovaries dry up and they realize being a manhating free-bleeder is not going to benefit them in the long run.
Meanwhile work on your career/life and get a hot young wife who is 7 ish years younger than you.
yeah they're so easy to red pill man
they wont just hop on a new dick in a year or two when they're bored and then use everything you ever said against you possibly making you lose your job just because it makes them feel powerful
>How does a young man like me avoid dating/marrying a SJW?
Don't bother bro. Just be a fuck boy and smash.
SJW women actually hate the men they get surrounded by.
Suck ups and sycophants aren't attractive, and 99% of the men in SJW circles are just that.
Just remain cool and aloof and even SJWs will find you attractive.
Where do you live? There are a lot of cute "country" type chicks in Texas that are fairly conservative. Not to say there aren't a ton of sjws too but you can definitely find a good woman
Mother Merkel opened up the floodgates...
How about you grow the fuck up, stop coming to white supremacy websites, and find out what feminism really means?
Babydicks deserve to die alone. If you think millennial women will just blind themselves and forget about injustice as they age, you are a stupid ass white boy.
Feminism is here to stay and will get stronger as it's taught in high schools. Deal with it or get used to jerking your micropenis alone.
I'm from Northern Virginia, we're right next to DC and every girl at my university and surrounding area is/was huge Hillary supporters. Have only met on redpilled girl but she is still in high school.
i cant wait to get aids or die alone
what a time to be alive
Not one of those feel good hippie denominations. Southern Baptist and Methodist are your best bets.
Northern Virginia, land of refugees and feminists.
I think you just need to find a conservative/religious girl who didn't go to college. I married a girl who was brought up very conservative, but she became moderately liberal, but still tolerable, in college. We're in our late 20s now and she's getting worse. She's not a crazy SJW, but firmly in feminist territory. She accused me of basing my hatred of HRC on sexism even though I told her I have equal disdain for Trump. Someone help me.
im referring to the huge drop
thats a lot of sexist insults coming from someone who supposedly is the opposite of a bigot
>they built a wall.
All but one of them has such terrible posture.
>Head thrust forward
>Shoulders rounded and down
>Look of gormless dispassion
The only exception is the one that looks like Huma after eating what remains of Robbie Mook...
I don't understand the butthurt ITT.
If we're all autistic fat virgin neckbeards with babydicks then it doesn't matter what type of women we would want to avoid.
Stormfags, are you trying to get us to save the white race again, no matter what the cost?
before the wall, in mid-september shit for brains
you know what, user?
let them have their hillary
she will force them to register for the draft conveniently before the next war is started (by her) so the problem will solve itself
In today's world its impossible unless you marry a milf.
Treat women like shit. It's the only way to make them love you. Treat them like shit and let them know they are inferior.
The majority of white women voted for Trump
The majority of those people are either gooks or spics, who fucking cares about them being liberal?
Marry a gen z woman
Girlfriend of 2 years was a borderline sjw
It was a ton of fun, but I think in the future I'm going to filter out feminists and activists from my dating pool.
hello novabros. Enjoying all this wind?
source on that vid. I need to see the comments
This includes old ladies though.
Millennials in general voted Clinton over all.
my current girlfriend is borderline-SJW and i'm starting to fucking hate it. I can't joke around or make any sort of edgy comment without her getting upset, and she wasn't like that when I first met her.
>We offer more fridges than a sears catalog
I'd either pretend to have a girl on the side or put my foot down in a nasty, hurtful way. Like calling her a sore loser because a woman didn't win and explain why women can never be president, making sure to use as much sexism as possible. If she accused me of more shit, I'd just amplify it and throw it back in her face.
Damn, sorry guys I can take some shit for a taste or sniff on that sweaty hairy coochie, I love pussy-
This. Man up, win, gen y is getting old. Gen z qt is the ultimate prize.
Oldest is 21 now.
>>assblasted feminazi detected.
Go to church, user. There are plenty of good women, and you won't find them at college.
Date the younger generation. We will start a new wave of conservatism as the people after millennial are more conservative.
Be 30, date 20.
very unlikely. Usually all the girls worth dating are already being dated and will likely to be in a relationship unless they find what they consider a more worthwhile partner, which unfortunately it probably isn't you or me, or anyone commenting on this post.
Even chad realises that SJW are shit tier in relationships or just to fuck. Hence why they know to avoid them like the fucking plague. But chad also realises that he doesn't have to settle for low to mid-tier, can choose a partner and probably a few stubble concubine if he wishes.
If you're 17-20 there's still a chance that the (((good girls)))) haven't been corrupted or gotten into a relationship yet, but remember they'll always go for what they consider to be the superior partner and the relationship may only last a short period if you're not what they want.
Women have no loyalty, unless you've got nearly perfect traits in their opinion and they "want to keep you", rather, "he's a keeper".
Dating woman that are single after the age of 24, has issues, they may have kids, broke (lost their job), a good reason they're single (head cases), among other problems.
Dating is bleak with little fulfillment, not saying "go your own way", maybe just have low expectations.
Wait until Gen Z hits legal age.
t. virgin
When I met mine, she was not even borderline, she was full sjw.
I slowly started redpilling her.
But it wasn't enough, or maybe it was too much.
Even at the end of our relationship she would get mad if I said "retarded" or any swear word that ever meant women (Bitch, cunt etc)
Also this. Can confirm - gf now I pulled from her two year relationship.
Had better job and bigger cock.
ctr shills plz go
I'm gen z. The girls are nearly as bad as millennials, the guys are all red pilled thiugh.
underage leave
I'm 20.
agreed he just has GID cuz his micropenis, he should admit to being a sjw transfeyg take vagina pills and suck cock. its his only hope for happiness being a beta cuck
dont u mean rapefugees?
>How does a young man like me avoid dating/marrying a SJW? Aren't all/most millennial women 'intersectional feminists' and shit? At least they all seem to be where I live.
The truth will hurt you OP. Women in America, especially the millennial generation, are mostly SJWs or feminists to some extent. If you don't value a mind at all, then you could try to get with a lady from the middle/rural America. Be warned, a woman without a brain will transform into a Depend-a-Saurus or Depend-o-pottamus.
Can they cook? Yes, but they'll require double the calories. Can they clean? For a time, then once the beetus or back ache sets in, you'll live in filth.
These are the things you trade off when you seek out educated women. And yes, there are conservative women out there, ones that are against abortion. But they'll still be for women's rights if you even try to slap em across the face.
Exactly work on your mind body spirit and randomly fuck women a few a year and never seriously date. In your 30's lay the alpha down on them. She will worship you. If your not a bitch.
Mine gets upset if I say retarded or autistic to describe something. It'll be interesting to see how she is with my redpilled Clinton-hating family for Thanksgiving.
Just dismiss their bullshit. Women are incredibly easy to argue with and get kind of turned on when you ignore or put down their little outbursts
I hope GenZ is a redpilled generation, but HOW?
They are growing up with media, teachers and parents who are all int he social justice warrior mode. How are they so conservative, potentially?
I'm married
>How does a young man like me avoid dating/marrying a SJW?
You don't.
All women to some degree subscribe to feminist ideals, shitty western social cues, and habits.
You pretty much have to pick the ones who have the least and tolerable amount of this shit in them.
Which is hard because women are like parking spaces, the good ones get taken and all that's left are handicapped.
Beta tears
Trump won the white female vote, period. A little over half of all American white women who voted, voted for Trump - flip a coin, and if it comes up Tails you get an SJW.
then shell make the final transofrmation into 900 pound lard mountain vegetable that talks u have to clean n cook for therefore cucking u n removing ur masculinity. so just suck up it n sho sjw who is kang
ask them about donald trump, very simple way to filter out trash
How to avoid them? Simple, don't talk to them and don't earn much money. Otherwise, they'll haunt you like a plague.
>marrying women
>not just holding out for artificial wombs
Oh wow sounds like you got a winner there! Hope you get herpes from her faggot.
Generations usually do the opposite of the preceding generation, at least that's the way it's been since the 20th century.
Just focus on you and don't give into any bullshit
The good girls will stick around. The shed will cause drama and that's when you dip
I just broke up with this girl I was dating for 3 months. All she does is smoke pot and work as a cashier for 20 to 25 hours a week. I work like 55 or more sometimes. Anyway she was getting real bitchy after trump won and claimed I didn't pay enough attention to her and that I was supposed to take care of her and shit. Broke up with her right there
Now I'm just stacking cash and focusing on me. She already wants me back. Pro tip, don't tKe her back. If all these hoes got dumped hard once we wouldn't have any uppity hoes anymore. They'd learn you can't fuck with a man and would either live lonely or not act like little cunts
Just fucking look closer to that picture. Who in his right mind would want to fuck those nigger&spiks mixed gooks... Aka Philippino . Is like the lowest you could possible go. Fat ugly dark midgets.
Haha, taking my gf around family was always fun.
She liked my mother and father, but my extended family is very conservative and she fucking hated it.
Hey man, I'm sorry but it's probably not going to work out. How old are you? It took until halfway through sophomore year of college for her to realize I'm not conducive to who she wants to be. She dumped me so she could go do the things she wants to do (read: not be embarrasssd of her boyfriend with her new college friends).
It'll probably be impossible to leave her, because you really do like her and you're so comfortable with her, but start preparing now. She isn't the girl you'll have children with.
come back next year
They're being blasted with so much sjw shit they're sick of it.
Mainly the whites and the boys. They are sick of being told they are the biggest evil in the world before they've even left primary school.
Also don't listen to this guyGenerations have been steadily becoming more liberal since the silent gen. They rarely do a total flip.
>"If I imagine my enemies as big fat stupid losers maybie the will become one."
Enjoying the rain, fellow californian?
Yeah, surprisingly a lot of chicks I know don't care for politics. The circles I used to roll in were basic bitch bernie bros but I got out of that group and have been enjoying myself a lot more.
the only sjw girl I was with was easily redpilled. just to fuck with her I told her I was anarcho-capitalist. she asked me about books to read to learn more about the subject and shit.This coming from a girl who a couple weeks before attended a BLM march on her campus.
I don't know what the fuck I did to make her just fully comply with it, but it opened my eyes to just being as real as possible with them, and they'll do anything. being a bitch and footstool with women is the worst thing you can be to them.
Find a girl who really likes you, thinks your funny, smart, cool, etc
As you date her, slowly, start talking about conservative things. Tell her that you could never be with someone who doesnt feel the way you do about these things. She will want to convert to YOUR way of thinking to satisfy/keep you.
Keep using confirmation bias as the relationship goes on....proving why your way of thinking is right. The protests/riots (liberals and the left are the intolerant and crazy ones type of thing) is the perfect example.
Women WANT to find out who they are. At 21-28 they can easily conform to a strong willed guy who has a good head on his shoulders.
Just make it clear in a subtle way (as the relationship starts) how you feel about things and make no apologies for it.
You dont need to be some shitlib to attract a girl....let them come to you and YOU teach them how to be.
Women absolutely love a guy who KNOWS what he is, and knows what he wants. It will empower you tremendously and you will have a greater life/marriage for it.
>if you think millennial women will just blind themselves and forget about injustice as they age, you are a stupid ass white boy
Sorry but this is exactly what will happen. Sure these bitches can be tenacious and liberal as they're younger, but once they grow up and realize they aren't strong willed and need a man to provide for them they will shut their mouths and open their legs.
Happens as each generation gets older. Women continue to think they're empowered when they're young, but continue to eventually need to be taken care of, it's human nature.
Ok, my first post clearly didn't answer your question...well , go to a nice Irish Catholic neighborhood church and try your luck. Amish counties would work also.
Or just start Tinder and put down your values on your profile. That would scare away all SJW cunts
i love good bitch stories like this.
I got a girl kicked out of mormon BYUI for being a slut. I thought I liked her but she was just treating me more like a shoulder to cry on between riding the cock carousel.
first, avoid coloreds. white women only. you're more likely to find redpilled white women. run if she mentions intersectionality etc
You just need to find a high IQ waifu.
You can figure out if she's smart enough to become fully redpilled by explaining to her about the Jews. If she is able to make the connections, marry her. It will take more than a few days for the redpill to kick in.
>Irish Catholic
>not the biggest liberal fuck heads of the Christian denominations
marry young / marry old / be very attractive
this is honestly some of the best advice in the thread OP.
Basically you gotta convert them by infiltration.
A lot of women are weak minded and you can't really blame them for believing the BS they're forcefed at university.
They just need a strong, self-confident guy to show them the light.
Gotta wonder if they're actually for Trump in a deluded way.
>If we impeach our enemy, he wins!
the boys are raging against the shitlib machine. the girls are getting bluepilled tho, because they listen and never question authority, until that authority figure shows strength or fucks their brains out.
The boys are redpilled BECAUSE they see how easily bluepilled their crushes are. Boys tend to lash out at whoever is in power. I was always a rightwinger because of my pops, but when I grew up during the bush admin, dudes were uber-leftists. the groundswell of hate for the left has been palpable because of the obama admin/the media covering up all his bullshit/the internet exposing and airing their dirty laundry.
trips of truth
They are ugly as fuck that's how you spot them. Other signs are hambeast, brightly coloured hair and buddy holly glasses.
If you're not already, become Christian and date Christian women.
>it's all confidence
>and being strong
Yeah those are things either taught in childhood or inherited. You can't expect people nearly on the spectrum to go and tell a girl about how good his minecraft tower will be after a month.
>avoid dating/marrying a SJW
Judging from that picture, just avoid the ugly ones.
I am a millennial women. I want friends but I have a hard time making friends because of the phenomenon you are talking about. Where do I find women who aren't degenerate tranny lovers/enablers? I have been thinking about going to church to find friends, honestly
Also before one of you asks
>posting your body on Sup Forums
Another reason for the female/male split is that girls need social acceptance.
That means whatever they see as more common, they will imitate.
For a girl, social suicide is a real thing. They will refuse to do something or speak their minds if that means a possibility of losing their status.
For guys, standing out is important. So they will try to go against the mainstream and worry less about losing social status.
be a man
I can't speak for the other women my age, but I am female. I am 22 years old, self-sufficient, and engaged to my high school boyfriend. I obviously support the alt-right or I wouldn't come to Sup Forums. However, I have not met a single other female around my age who is not at least slightly into sjw stuff. It obviously doesn't help that I live in a left-leaning city, but it really is outrageous how many women I see who are exactly like the ones in the picture. They weigh 30lbs more than they should and have no self-awareness. They are so deeply ingrained in the culture of third wave feminism that they will cover their ears in the face of dissent. I went to an exceptionally diverse public high school and everyone (male and female) who has voiced an opinion about politics on social media has been the typical "I'm so scared" "tell ur islam grill and lgbtqrstuv friens y u hate them" bullshit. People I used to respect as friends have been completely brainwashed by college atmosphere, and those who haven't are silent out of fear of persecution by their peers.
I don't envy you user, because finding a wife who is not an SJW seems impossible. All I can say is that I am probably autistic or something and don't relate well with many other women so I didn't grow up with girlfriends with whom I could circlejerk about this stuff with and instead went on Sup Forums and bbs forums during middle school and high school, so my political views were shaped by that, I guess. I recommend looking for socially inept girls who probably didn't have many female friends growing up. Failing that, marry a Russian. My brother did that and his wife is one of my closest friends. She is very reasonable and doesn't care about feminism at all. This seems to be true of most Russian women I've met. We're all going there during the holidays so I'll learn more about their culture then.
Hi I'm the same! If you want to chat online, post your skype/email/kik/whatever.