Now that Trump is President, will more white men become redpilled and get a foreign wife?

Now that Trump is President, will more white men become redpilled and get a foreign wife?

Will American women finally get BTFO once and for all?

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Look at this pathetic americuck. I would have slammed that girls pussy with my 10 inch black cock like no tomorrow. You americans are the most pathetic people

No, americans are cucks, but not nearly as much as leafs.
Also Source on webm?

Sure you would pal.

Nice try

It's from 90 Day Fiance.

And the dude is a spic, if you couldn't already tell from his obesity.


wouldnt doubt it leafer. most american women have become just plain awful and useless. im gonna try to leave pa and go to kentucky and find me a girl who can field dress an animal.

Good luck, a lot of trash comes from kentucky

The guy is disgusting.

I don't blame her at all


It's from 90 day fiance, he's some eccentric millionaire and he flies her out to marry him. Just to find she's a gold digging slut, that doesnt even put out.



mfw some 7/10 average as fuck girl can act like a fucking princess just because she has a pair of tits and a cunt

>will more white men become redpilled and get a foreign wife?

Probably not.

If I could do it over again, I would have gone Nip. These white women have become entitled bitches.

Jeez, what a whore.

filipinos are the most powerful race

Make America Great Again
When do I get anutha hat

She's not even a 7/10, she looks fucking weird.

I thought muhammad was taking all the good white girls, what is this?

>Clearly being a cuck online

Fuck she's cute

It's an escort

Is it true that over 80% of burger women are overweight? Memeing aside

Had a friend who married a Russian chick who jumped the ring for an Israeli greencard, stayed with him for a year, he said the forced sex was worth it.

that girl,is like "get away from me u disgusting fat gorilla". obvious shes in it for money n will ditch him for some big nigger wit big dick n more money from sportz n shieeeet asasp

>forced sex
it's called return on investment, what kind of kike are you

Make America Great Again.

they hit their primes from 15-19 year olds

after that, they constantly drink and fuck niggers in college and it goes downhill desu (think of the chubby ladies at the dentistry or chubby secretaries in a office setting...that's them, the 80%)



Most gold diggers aren't that honest

>will more white men become redpilled
here the real redpill

> 7 / 10

More like a 3, at most 4 if you care more about the body than face

>already sold more than 180'000 units
wew the britbong lads at dragons den would have a laff

how so?

if american women do get BTFO it's because they fell for the "money above all else" meme. they didn't realize that maintaining a high standard of living rendered them insufferable

All women fall for this. Not all women are fat tho

Underrated post

Yet you fear our wrath. And rightly so.

>foreign wife

Unless you got to some secluded small village in a small country that isn't poisoned by western media, the chances of finding a decent woman this day and age is slim to none.