Educate yourself shitlords

educate yourself shitlords

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Yeah, there's also less than 0.1% of the population that's hermaphrodite.

Thanks for Cing the R.

I'm gonna create a webcomic. Do I just buy a website from Godaddy and I'm good to go?

kys queer

Enjoy your b&

This is what the person who created that looks like

Studies in this case being notes from a child psychologist's mentally ill meetings.


Glad you have multiple images for such an occasion.

Is it in pain?

no, just host whatever WITHOUT paying, start a Patreon, and buy it later. If it gets stolen by someone else first, you cry "harrassment!" and get an income boost after you cry about your misfortune on twitter, even though you dropped the ball.

You can't do things sensibly, you need to be a desperate, irrational basketcase.


DOIs please

no, it's having a headache with pictures

fucking hell so wonder he runs into so many transphobe people or was that the other awfull cartoon fag



>lol if i draw a smug face on this mentally ill child, it'll instantly make my incredibly backwards statement correct
when will leftists learn that acting like you're right doesn't make you right

hi cutie

Someone post the charmander one

This person is why haloperidol was invented

Even though most Blacks do not commit crimes studies have shown that its not the case for all of them so please: AROUND BLACKS, NEVER RELAX!

a penis is inconvenient

vaginas are a lot neater I think

So suddenly I should care about .00000001% of the population?

can someone with skills replace the kid on the tablet with pic related?

They don't mean the same thing we do when they use that word.
Remember: evidence = patriarchy

Fuck off degenerate.

Why aren't mentally ill people like this put on a treatment?

They used to put excessively hysterical women into mental institutes in the 60's United Kingdom, why shit like this is nowadays let go?



>not liking your handy tube that lets you piss anywhere

>studies have found

[citation needed]


He looks exactly like his fucking drawings.

Thnx family

It's so...unfortunate.

Which family member diddled him as a kid to fuck him up this badly?

This is now /tcg/ - Tranny Comic General

DElet this



Here's what a drunk frenchman can do. Hope it's good enough

You're a credit to your people, frog.



I'm laffin

JPEG'd for xir pleasure

top kek


Disturbing... Not surprised though.


Kek, nice one.

I had to verify that was fake. it almost completely changed my opinion of the author lmao

>the GOP is going to impeach Trump and start electrocuting practicing homosexuals

Thank guysd
Here is the updated version reflecting the sociocultural norm of the beast

Mike "You knew you were gay since you were a kid? Let me hook you up to the power grid" Pence

Funny, how we'd be able to accept this person if just a single redeeming thought ever came out. But no, hundreds of comics about guilting people into buying his delusional fantasy wherein he imagines himself as a sassy teen girl with a perpetually cocked eyebrow.

It's sad, no more and no less.

It's sad that you'd allow a delusional person to cut their dick off and spread their lies among our social fabric.

Just because they might agree that Islam wants them dead.

Oh shit... studies huh

KEEEEELLL SELF. Seriously, you'll be dong society the world of good.

Any r34 of this?


kek, the original is just as ridiculous

Well... Don't you?

Are they making a Mask 2 or something?

Wtf is that?

Its face, its wide like a shovel. And those eyes, thoee eyes have seen some shit

>studies have shown
So, someone want to post these sourced and cited studies published in respectable peer review journals?

Or we could go around spouting bullshit, that seems to work great too.

exactly how I expected them to look

Jesus. I actually pity this humanoid. Imagine the madness that drives one to end up looking like that.

...I think you missed the point friendo

These people need therapy or banishment, not coddling and acceptance. I was pointing out that his entire identity, and subsequently everything he creates, revolves around this delusion. Really defeats the argument that someone can be "normal" and transsexual.


Nice. Can someone shop a book (biology for dummies) in a bin ?


made me think

I like where this is going.
Someone with shoop skills should make the "t. tranny" version of pic related.


There will be now.

Get out

I'm utterly disgusted.

>this used to be a teacher

Added a maple syrup bottle to reflect this beautiful minotor's country of residence.

Blood comes out of there once a month and it gets all kind of funky diseases.

You don't want one.

literally what I expected

It's perfect.

>not minoritaur, the ancient half man half demiqueer panthalathicsexual monster who inhabited the gender maze and patron Saint of minorities.

>tfw the Minoritaur meme is born

10/10 user that's hilarious I'm giggling like a school girl.

Also am I the only one who thinks rafael cruz kinda looks like him ?


>before Mike Pence "zap the gay away"-treatment
>after Mike Pence "zap the gay away"-treatment

I like how it has a balding man hairline.


I found out """""she"""""" had a youtube channel the other day and was incredibly unsurprised at the results

Nice work

>tfw have edited over 75 of her comics

Alright I'm triggered

>Not being associated with trannies.

C'mon, Hue.

>studies have found...

I like how this creature tries to use science to support their claims only when it suits them.

Didn't it recently make the claim that biological science was wrong whenever it didn't support its tranny agenda?

vaginas are literally the worst

Exactly the expression i made upon looking at this picture

How unfortunate.


Oh god the yellow poster in the back says
>festival of anarchist books

Why am I not surprised

Fair point really.

We should also ban the T-shirt because this thing exists.
Gotta be inclusive yo.



Corey Feldman?
