AnCap General


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Sup Forums is pro-State now that their pet millionaire is the new Jew puppet figurehead.

>Being pro-open borders

ancap memes are the best thing to happen to Sup Forums
not even the best finnish memesters could hope to compare

>no welfare state
>the owner of your community has no reason to let shit people in







Anarcho-anythings are hopelessly naïve.

Minarchism is the way to go. Bring on the night-watchman state.






>Bring on the night-watchman state.
That would be fine, too.














Ancap master race reporting in

Well damm, beaten by two seconds

You need to cease and desist this thread immediately, or you will be prosecuted for defamation of the AnCap movement.

My McLaywer-Mercenaries will speak with you in the morning.


out of ancap
there are more in the archive that i'll get later
for now here's an assorted bag of other ideologies
let's start with my favorite, anarcho primitivism






Wher my fellow slav ancap at?

This one's good

That's enough




>Bring on the night-watchman state.

a polite way to say, the police state



my sides



>Using a gun without all getting in a line so that the bullet can be equally distributed to the commune

Get the fuck away from me you capitalist pig!

Except for all those shitskins that are willing to work at slave labor

But that's okay because lmao it's legit competition *sucks big black cock*


Not gonna lie, this thread is making ancap sound pretty fun to me.


No, complete opposite







and totally true

A night-watchman state is one which only handles the very minimal functions of governance. Police and courts to maintain the peace, a military for national defense, and possible some other services like fire departments and the like. But otherwise, it takes a role of non-interference in the lives of the citizenry.


Zozzel xD


>not Jewish

Why not use brown people as slaves? The part where we fucked up was givimg them all rights.


How are his property borders different from state boarders?

There was a period in history already where the state provided security services and little else, it was called feudalism.

most of Sup Forums have no idea what they're talking about, they think national socialism is right wing

This is dumb. Might = right

This is where I come to find peace. Sup Forums is my happy place.

Daily reminder that all capitalists are Liberals

Daily reminder that 'national socialism' was in fact capitalist social democracy Keynesianism only without the pretend democracy.

Economically, you're either a commie or some degree of Liberal. Hitlers policies were closer to classical Liberalism than Socialism.

I'm deep into lolbertarianism and made some of those posted ITT.

Noice. Really though, becoming a warlord does sound pretty fucking fun. Surely I'm not the only one thinking this?

Depending on your state, you are already halfway in ancapism compared to the rest of the world.

Just move to Somalia or Haiti and knock yourself out. Heck even Brazil has places with no state authority to hold you accountable for your rape spree.

AnCaps have been part of Sup Forums since all the way back in the days of /n/, tbqh. Newfags don't seem to understand this.

Missouri fag, in a libshit city that hates cops and underfunds our police department, so you're somewhat right.

>state just passed permitless concealed carry
>private sale of funs without background check
>atleast 15 minute police response times where I live, probably more
>pseudo stand your ground laws
>castle doctrine

Feels pretty good man. Kinda makes me conflicted being natsoc and all.

Don't worry. You're on your way.


I get that anarchy is a very nice idea. I even think it might be best for humanity if we were all living in an anarchic society.

But my question is, how does an anarchy sustain itself? If there is no state, then what is there to prevent a new state from being formed?

Say for instance that I and one hundred of my friends decide that we want start a state. Say we all have guns and form an organized military. Say we have some planes and bombs, even. What is there to stop that state from expanding and taking over more territory and incorporating more and more people former anarchists into our state?

How long would it take until the world was covered once again by tribes, and then city-states, and then nations and even empires? after all, states are a human contrivance in the first place. why wouldn't it just happen again?

>make serious post