>Good. Bought time female predators pay for raping kids
>There's that "had sex with" again, no, it should be "raped schoolboy" cause that's what happened.
>you wanted paedophiles preying on children in your school? are you retarded?
>Good. Bought time female predators pay for raping kids
>There's that "had sex with" again, no, it should be "raped schoolboy" cause that's what happened.
>you wanted paedophiles preying on children in your school? are you retarded?
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Lucky motherfucker.
This is as retarded as throwing someone in prison for a marijuana cigarette.
>>There's that "had sex with" again, no, it should be "raped schoolboy" cause that's what happened.
If no force is used it's not rape. Dumbfuck faggot feminazi.
So what happens to these kids, do they turn out normal or become spineless numales?
Fukken noice.
Good. True equality.
Probably turn into manliest of alphas. You can't top fucking a hot teacher so for the rest of his school days he's the king of the school.
it's like a /ss/ doujin come to life
They lose there arms from constant high 5s
Do women have no sense?
Pic related
It's sexual assault in the US because she is his teacher and has power and influence over him, you stupid fucktard. Its also rape, because he is not at an age where he can consent.
Peaking in middle school isnt something someone should aspire to do. His life will be nothing but down notes without a doubt.
All the other 8th graders bow their heads now every time they make eye contact.
I'd wager they become the most outgoing and alpha motherfuckers out there. Most of the betacucks only become that way due to lack of female attention. They then double down on their social retardation by attempting to please women in every of their whims and by consequence becoming nothing more than useful tools and/or pets. These kids who experience female nature at an early age have get it ingrained in their head that women desire nothing more than to be dominated; they want a strong alpha motherfucker and that is what they happen to be.
>a woman being punished for something
What a time to be alive.
What in tarnation
Honestly kids will never have the excitement/sexual satisfaction higher than what they had at a young age. They will chase the high/cum for the rest of their life. Some will trun into degenerate sex addicts.
>tfw never got to fuck my teacher
Would have taken away a lot of anxiety.
guys should i ban OP for being a whiny pussy who is just mad his female teachers never wanted to fuck a beta numale like him
SJWs please leave
>it's a "why didn't she rape me instead" episode
Lucky bastard. If it was the other way around though a male teacher would be hanging from the gibbots for even joking about 13 year old girls. Two faced world.
>It's sexual assault in the US because she is his teacher and has power and influence over him, you stupid fucktard.
Nobody cares and it's irrelevant.
>because he is not at an age where he can consent.
No such thing exist. Also rape=Forced sex. Consent is irrelevant.
you can't rape the willing, senpai.
Depends on each individual case.
>Thinking his opinion has any bearing on laws that are in place to prevent abuse.
Would you be making this argument if the genders were reversed? It's the same law for priests, care providers, therapists, coaches, teachers: don't fuck your students.
So yes, we do care. Fuck off.
>tfw no gf to eat your nut off some eggo waffles
Also, she should not have gotten abortion, told she did not know who the father is?
>Also rape=Forced sex. Consent is irrelevant.
>nonconsensual sex isn't forced sex
t. literal retard
>>Thinking his opinion has any bearing on laws that are in place to prevent abuse.
>Enacting fiction into law makes it true.
And not just eat it but be glad she is getting to eat it - he made her morning brighter.
Let that sink in while we contemplate what being Alpha really means.
Lucky bastard
>nonconsensual sex isn't forced sex
>t. literal retard
t. actual literal retard
Boys and girls are not the same
>hurr I have no idea what consent means
Just stop, it's embarrassing
>that shit eating grin
If I were that dude I'd frame that ad
Fuck off Debbie Downer
this desu, but at least he didn't peak with girls around his age like I did, which has proven to be a bit, uh, troublesome now that I'm an adult.
Good. If men can't have it, women shouldn't get it either.
Damn. Even fucked that bitch preggo
fuck off a man was getting it you're just fucking mad he's younger than you grandpa
You have no idea what either force or consent means. Consent is an expression of will, force is use of coercive means the two have nothing to do with each other.
hahaha FUCK that ROASTIE HOREBITCH, and FUCK the traitorous cucks that defend these LIBBERIST HORES who fuck them fugging chads in school, saying "nice" and other KEKOLD BULLSHIT. that fuckin hore should be HUNG U P BY HER FLOPPY COOTER LIPS in public and be stoned to death. and someone will call me edgy b/c pol is full of whitenight roastylovers probably, oh well who cares.
Most kids who get molested end up being basket cases.
They were fucking young Chads, That's why you never found out.
That roastie is ugly AF, dude. No idea what you're talking about.
>inb4 niiiiice
Only beta males would worship a child rapist just because she's a woman.
Watch the movie That's My Boy with Adam Sandlet. It deals with this exact same thing. Spoiler: he turns into a rockstar.
He probably did.
Shame that newspapers are going away.
Every couple of weeks you used to see something like that.
This post is as retarded as being a liberal.
If I was "raped" at that age, by her, I would first - not snitched her out, and second - make a statement that she did nothing wrong.
atleast he peaked
i've been on a downdard path since day 0
no end in sight
>rape=Forced sex
>Consent is irrelevant
wew lad
Its hormones.
I never got insanely horny until my female classmates started producing sexual chemical pheromones.
Basically, the male students made the teacher high as fuck off their hormones and it effected her judgement
>implying this little dude didnt have a raging boner and was totally and completely willing to participate in sexual relations with this woman
>tfw you will never impregnate your teacher
There's no defense for having sex with a minor.
It's a statute. Once the age has been proven, that's it. The best you can hope for in leniency in sentencing
>you will never be 14yo again and pump your teacher so full of your seed that you get her preggo
Good thing she didn't help coach the football team then.
Lots of testy air in a locker room.
>tfw your 8th grade teacher was super hot
>tfw she told me one day "You should try out for the wrestling team ;)
>tfw I did not nut inside her or anywhere near her
To this day I carry the shame of not banging Mrs. Benson.
Your flag proves that your ancestors were retards. Why should I listen to you about anything?
>Cuck: the post
living vicariously through the sexual fantasies of a 13 year old boy does NOT make you an "alpha".
you all know that kid was most probably black. since even 13 years old black kids have bigger dicks then adult whites.
Now mexico must pay the wall.
Dude, OFYM child molestation isn't always some idealistic hot teacher/student fantasy come to life for a lucky little shit. Sometimes it's some abusive ugly frumpy twisted cunt with a power trip - family member or not.
Just curious, but have you ever even SEEN a nigger, Pragueman?
That has to be a joke, that's disgusting.
Seriously, that has to be a joke.
Losing your virginity in the early teenage years as a male is a ticket to sexual success. Such an accomplishment instils a fuck-ton of confidence early on.
I didn't lose my virginity until I was 19 and I can count using just both my hands the number of sexual partners I've had since now that I'm 27.
True, but when you think about how early marriage happened in middle ages...
let's keep this going
They'd do great if the state and media didn't turn their triumph into a ritual of humiliation.
My English teacher from my junior and senior year was ridiculously hot and the whole school wanted that ass.
One night I was walking around my neighborhood at like 1 AM and saw her at park near my house. We had an adult conversation and it was pretty cool.
I like to think I got the closest out of my school.
Now I'm surrounded by unbelievably hot college girls all day.
Never underestimate a woman, user..
She probably ate every bit.
the real crime here is she didn't have sex with me
My god, that makes you -- yeah, just about average.
What a loser, right?
>Losing your virginity in the early teenage years as a male is a ticket to sexual success
Enjoy divorce, degenerate.