California hate thread

ITT we discuss the best way to destroy California .

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how can people live like this?

>live in california
>vote for CalifornOUT
>move to AZ
Problem solved

The earthquake will arrive someday soon™

>Niggers and spics

Is this a shitburb? so boring.
I would prefer to live in a favela

Stop giving them water.


pick one.

Nuke along the coast/fault line and you fix California

>we discuss the best way to destroy California

Let it secede then promote the State of Jefferson to be created and join the Union and watch as California starves itself because the farmland seceded from them and embargoes were placed on them for being such faggots.

Living in Southern Commiefornia as a Trump supporter sucks. Yes, we do exist, but our voices are drowned out by the mob. When the big earthquake hits, the inner cities will implode and it'll be left to the Republicans out here to clean up the mess. CA will be red one day.

Water. (To be cut off by power outage, earthquake, etc.)

Look at how much supply issues were had by the comparatively tiny population of Flint due to the lead problems. Convert that result to 10,000,000 people in Los Angeles County and you'll see people dying by the thousands within 2 weeks of a true water shutdown.

Do sikhs find it offensive to be called muslims terrorists ? And if yes ... what is the insulting part ? Being called a muslim or being called a terrorist ?

Muslim and terrorist are basically synonymous

it's destroying itself quite nicely

...unfortunately it will try to take the rest of the union with it

It's like cancer, it's metastasizing.

I had prejudices myself.
I went to California.
I found that it's really OK. I mean outside of places like LA, San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Remove everyone who doesn't speak English and all the lefties, and you've got yourself a pretty nice state.

Shut off the water and build a wall around us.

>Living in anywhere in Commiefornia as a Trump supporter sucks


Just cut off their water gibs

They'll die within the week

Idk. They produce a lot of agricultural products. Won't surrounding states die off too, if they don't get any vegetables or feed for their cattle anymore?

The California agriculture is a meme for the most part. It's mainly fruits and vegetables, things that could be sourced from elsewhere and aren't necessities. The real agriculture like wheat and corn is still grown in the middle of America.

very simple
have fracking near the San Andreas fault and eventually it will speed up the time for the (((((( big one )))))))) cant wait for it to happen

Hay does not come from Commies. You need water to make hay.

Once the price goes up, the rest of the states will replace all Cali vegetables.

the only "food" they grow here is bullshit
the midwest is the real breadbasket/meat locker of america. It should be fucking criminal how much water goes to grapes

Let them leave the union

I hated California but I might have to go back if I can't find a job here in the Seattle Area in the next two to three weeks. I like the rain and stuff up here, but Seattle feels more liberals than LA in most ways. Luckily I live in Kirkland so it isn't that bad. Much better than California over all though.

It is a great deal whiter but I miss in-n-out and decent mexican food. I do miss California because my family is there though, but I saw how bad of a shit hole it has become.

>California is ok if you exclude population center where 80% of the state lives
Not very convincing.

California is a liberal dystopia.
50% brown beaners replicating their third world often not even speaking English and many illegals, massive degeneracy all around including mountains of drugs, middle class strangled by law codes and taxes, absolutely retarded infrastructure and housing (because who cares about the future lmao), small and middle sized business leaving a state falling for socialism while 5% of "elites" work in the fake economy of incredibly overvalued internet software companies, completely oblivious to the world outside their metrosexual bubble.

Leave the cancerous west coast

Move to real America

czech these

that just looks like horizontal commieblocks they just take up more space than be compact and space efficient

Pssh you are but a child

The muslim part. They hate muslims more than Sup Forums does.

what about these...kid...

as a SoCal trump supporter, this.

Socal here. I used to try and defend this place but I've lived here 27 years, I'm bound to it for family reasons (ill mother) and holy shit this place feels like a concrete cage.

Come here to Arizona and help secure the Colorado river.

We'll dehydrate them within a year. They're already almost out.

meme the earthquake happening, we can do it

Also, we can cut them off from Palo Verde.

SoCal can't run without electricity.

Guess I must have landed in an oasis that was OK then. Btw. it was Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, and it might have been an influence that that's right next to Vandenberg AFB. You know, where they develop missiles, where they have the military space shuttle and where they teach bunker boys how to turn the key when the president orders a nuclear strike.

Of all the problems California has this is not one of them
Only animals live in apartments

AZ and NV would flip blue overnight with all the CA peaceful migrants.

Sikhs are like brown Mormons; they're very peaceful and nice people always forgiving and helping everyone they can. I have never met a rude or impatient Sikh.


The ones leaving right away would not be liberals
If anything a Calexit would attract liberals from other states
They would not return to America until it inevitably fails

an earthquake will destroy California because god hates them more than any human ever could

living in LA and working in the industry, i 100% agree

I'm just a Bong and I have only spent a grand total of three weeks in the meme bear state. One in LA for conferences, one in SF in vacation and one in Silicon Valley on business.

Believe it or not but the third of these places is the worst. I've never had this kind of death wish even in the middle of the fallen parts of Londistan.
LA is just ugly postmodern urban sprawl with mexicans and shit infrastructure. SF was ok but overpriced. I guess I got lucky, barely saw any of the world famous faggotry.




Seems like a leftist indoctrination camp and a spic incubator build into one.

What about your Sup Forums bros in LA?

the central coast is mostly just white people lol it is not indicative of what a cesspool this state is, sadly

They've been saying "soon" for the last 90 years or California is "overdue" for the last 100 years. They don't fucking know and there are no signs that an earthquake will happen again.


Reported to Department of Homeland Security.

This. It would be a simple matter of cutting off its supply of water from neighboring states. The place would turn into a post-apocalyptic warzone in days.



>LA is just ugly postmodern urban sprawl with mexicans and shit infrastructure.
It is sad how what was the probably the nicest city in in the 30s turned into a 3rd world shithole so quick

jewish tricks

imagine it, a kennel where the dog pays for his cage


Fuck you. California is awesome. We just need to save it from the SJWs.

Good luck
Things keep getting worse every year

you should know more than anyone, satan, that the time is near

oh right you're the deceiver carry on

What would happen if the Tsar bomb was dropped in the San Andreas fault?

It's San Francisco.

AKA Ground Zero for degeneracy

How? 61% of the population is irredeemable. With another 7% soon to be irredeemable.

will my house in Palm Springs be fine from the quake?

Your entire country is a favela

This is now a Barcelona hate thread

I got to LA only last year. I had been prepared by all the burgeranons but it was still extremely painful.

I should have made a bullshit excuse not to attend the conference, I would have been able to keep the fantasy of Los Angeles being the all American city I has in my meme thrillers by James Ellroy.

Fuck you Sweden, you're a laughing stock

Califag here. You really don't need to do anything, California is destroying itself. Hell, our elections were a fucking joke. We banned plastic bags for Christ sake. I'm in sacramento, and the damn city looks like a 3rd world country and all the infrastructure is literally falling apart. We used to be the country's bread basket, but now between continuous drought, and the libtards redirecting water away from farms to save some parasitic fish, the farms are failing. Give us a couple decades and we'll be absolutely worthless as a state.

A lot of Alfalfa is grown which is used as the feed stock.

If Caliext happens we are keeping Jefferson, The Central Valley, and a corridor through North San Diego and South Orange counties to the ocean

nope, itl be 4 meters in rubble or sewage. that or burnt to crisp

Someone go cause an earthquake, fucking wipe them off the map.

Maybe if we all jump at the same time we can do it

Where in the fuck is this in California?

That year, Gloria Valadez lived with her daughter and six grandchildren in a rundown, rented twobedroom
house. She sublet one bedroom to a family of three and the other to a family of five. Sixteen
people were living in her 950-square-foot house, which was one of four on a one-third acre lot. The
neighbors were also subletting, for a total of 42 people in four small houses. Fifty-five people had
been living there, but the city made 13 people move out of garages. The Santa Ana fire department
worried about fire hazards and the health department worried about vermin. Crime goes up in very
dense housing, and children who live with strangers are much more likely to be molested or
Tim Rush, a white man living in Santa Ana, kept busy reporting violations of the laws the city still
tries to enforce. It took him a year, but he finally got the city to shut down Pedro Reyes Rios, who was
running a used-car business on the streets and in his front yard. Mexican neighbors considered Mr.
Rush a racist busybody.
In Los Angeles County, it was estimated in 2009 that hundreds of
thousands of people were living illegally in garages.
In Manassas, Virginia, the city government passed a law in 2006 to stop overcrowding after
complaints from neighbors about noise, and streets and yards jammed with cars. Most violators were
immigrants, whose spokesmen called the law racist. The charges were effective; the city withdrew
the ordinance.
Cobb County, Georgia, saw its Hispanic population double from 1996 to 2006, and a
corresponding surge in complaints about overcrowding. One inspector found a dozen cots lined up in
the basement of a 1,300-square-foot house. “Ninety-five percent of the complaints I get are white
folks complaining about Hispanic folks,” said Rob Hosack, who was enforcing the code despite
accusations of racism.

so does this mean i should not stay inside when it hits?

That's what you get for listening to the "creative" types, neglecting actual business and making the whole state economy rest on mobile phone applications and illegal beaner slave wages.

San Francisco

Everything south of Oregon is complete shit. Cascadia when?

Hey I live in Davis. If you want to get some background on water management there are plenty of good resources online. Something I learned was; during the drought planting of water intensive plants like Almond trees increased. Most of the farmers don't give a fuck about the drought because they don't even live in the central valley and are content to drain all the resources beyond replenishment rates. There is no consequences for them because they live in Tahoe, LA, and SF. Small Cali farmers make up a very small proportion of farmers in the state.

It's funny to me that people focus so much on the stupid feel good laws that get passed when most of the state is controlled by tech companies, military bases and defense industries, and massive farms that grow luxury and resource crops like cotton. Every year we become more oligarchic, this place is a rich man's dream because if you have the money the stupid laws don't apply to you. In the town I grew up in a man was arrested and they found an armory filled with guns and explosives in his house, despite all the laws banning "assault weapons".

Detonate a nuke right on the san andreas fault and let these fuckers take a little dip into the depths of the Pacific ocean

LOL you autistic neckbeards don't realize the economic harm this would cause to the rest of the USA?

It's easy OP, make weed illegal again.

u should leave california just to be sure

Californians enjoy butthurt so this would do nothing.

It's still illegal under federal law

i am in late 2017. hope i can make it by then.

I wish the entire state would burn. These fuckers keep moving to Texas to get away from their sinking ship and they're bringing my state down. I fucking hate Californians and Mexicans so fucking much.

I live in BCN
What is the problem?

we should embrace a Calexit, and extend the wall around it

t. cucknifornian
you are irrelevant

Mold on a fucking sandwich