>Hospital circumcisions down 10% over three decades
>The percentage of circumcisions fell to 40.2%25 in Western states
The circumcision meme is slowly dying out in the US. What is your opinion on circumcision?
Hospital circumcisions down 10% over three decades
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It's increasing here. Not sure why. Strange
a step towards degeneracy and lawlessness
>not sure why
The Muslims and Jews flowing into your country is definately why. It's part of their religion.
>barbarian horde
>cutting off the tip of your dick
>having it look like an infected quac bowl
just fuck my dick up, famalam
I was born here but my parents are English, so they refused to let the jews circumcise me.
There's absolutely no need for it.
No one I know is circumcising their kids. It can always be done later so they just don't do it. Might cause problems if done early.
I myself only have a minor one.
holy fuck, that's a tiny dick
Circumcision exists to harvest fibroblasts from infant's underdeveloped body at the risk of mutilation, amputation, and death.
Let an adult decide what happens to them. Give men a choice.
My mom wanted to get me to get cut when I was born but thank god my dad told her hell no
for you
Why? Do you want to suck it or something?
All I can say is - I am glad I have the choice. If any scientific proof comes out to show it is worth doing, I can go do it.
Opposite true - if scientific proof comes out to show it's bad, phew, dodged a bullet.
Cutfags don't have this choice. I honestly pity you guys in a non-trolling way, but you guys will STILL claim it's better, just because you can't change it (it's kind of like people's pride of their nationality, you'll hear people from shitholes say shit like "fuck yeah Afghan pride man", but everyone knows Afghanistan is a shit hole, but you can't change your birthplace).
>What is your opinion on circumcision?
it's awesome
anons with micro schlongs detected
The thing that makes it extra ludicrous is that the female equivalent is against the law to such an extent that surgery for medicinal, or comfort reasons are almost illegal.
>Typically the cost of circumcision is least when performed in the sterile room in the office settings. It is more expensive by $1,000-$3,000 in the outpatient surgery center and can cost anywhere from $2,000-$5,000 more if performed in the hospital.
That's a lot for a 20 minute procedure. If doctors convinced millions of Americans that it has health benefits they would be making a killing! Oh wait...
all babies have disproportionate sized balls
subtle post
Relax Mike
A literally indefensible practice and a violation of the right to self-determination of men. It should be outlawed just like female circumcision is.
You legitimately can't get laid if you have a nasty ass uncircumcised dick in the US.
It's repulsive.
>The percentage of circumcisions fell to 40.2%
Still way too high. It should be illegal. I don't know how it isn't.
There is scientific proof that shows it's worth doing, but only if you have severe phimosis or something like that. Otherwise there is absolutely no point in doing it and it's just removing what's basically your male clit nerve endings.
Cut the penis if you like. It make boys dependant on women for pleasure which has consequences and leads to adulthood and children of their own whose penises they cut.
As a female I can safely say, YUCK!
Anteater dicks are disgusting and I refuse to ever let my lips touch one. I've thrown multiple men out after reaching down into their pants to find a disgusting subhuman ape dick.
Civilized men cut their shit. End of story.
If I have a son he isn't gong to get circumcised.
It looks no different when I'm hard
nice try, schlomo
It's an utterly disgusting thing to do on a fucking newborn
>willingly ruining your sons penis
It should be fucking illegal.
I have and it feels amazing. You wouldn't know because most of the nerves on your cock were chopped off. You're making dr shekelstein very proud good goy!!!
>I don't know how it isn't.
literally because jews
>civilized men mutilate their penises
Nice one
Categorically the dumbest fucking thing you could do for your child as a white person.
Whats nasty about it? All you have to do is make sure you clean under your foreskin and it isnt hard.
We went millions of years without doing it and now we do it because one jew had an agenda.
Uncut american male here. Had sex with 8 women, none of them have ever said anything negative about my dick. If I ever have a son, I will spare him from receiving the mark of the jew just like my parents did for me.
Girls like it more here due to literal culture memes. That's currently the advantage.
And no, obviously they wouldn't just not have sex with you for not being circumcised, but they might not want to ever suck your dick.
I agree.
Islam is the future of our society, only barbarians refuse to remove their foreskins as as offering to the great prophet Mohammed (pbuh)
I wonder who could be behind this post
Who even cares about this shit anymore? I guess it has to do with uncut fags wanting "social acceptance" deep down or something. If you have a kid, don't get him cut. Idgaf what the neighbor does with his kids. If you think being uncut is preventing you from fucking girls...LOL
The skins get used to make skincreams. It's a billion dollar part of the cosmetic industry.
circumcised when I was a baby, not jewish
I personally would never go back because:
1. I really don't care
2. I suffer no apparent "loss of feeling"
3. I truly believe it is more sanitary and want to stay clean so girls actually want to give head
4. A close friend had a girl put her clothes back on because he had "Anteater dick" - I've never had a girl walk out on me, despite being smaller than average
You mean helping them get laid and avoid STDs?
I want incels with subhuman dicks to go.
>"I brought you home and we were about to fuck but now that I see you have a foreskin this isn't happening, fuck off loser."
Does that really seem plausible to you?
> doesn't matter if your peeper is big and you have no problem to last
> having a cut peeper in cold countries ... gtfo
> why would the skin be there to begin with
> you don't need to fuck goats, sheep when there is no woman and or lubricant around
> why not cut your eyelids while at it ? never need to sleep again ...
It doesn't help avoid stds and it doesn't help you get laid. The only place that might be true is in backwards places like the US.
As a male, I can safely say, YUCK!
Roast beef pussy lips are disgusting and I refuse to let my tongue ever touch one. I've thrown multiple women out after going down on them to find a disgusting subhuman pair of meat curtains.
Civilized women cut their pussies. End of story.
>What is your opinion on circumcision?
a sign of just how degenerate and jewified this country is
lol thanks
i am circon.
i dont feel bad about it. usually girls see that for the first time with me and seems to enjoy. they say its soft and easyer to pu in their mouth.
i still dont know if my child will get it. probably.
Because jew and muslims have to do it
the fuck is wrong with you Sepp?
On the day of the rope, a lack of foreskin will earn you a good dangling
Why are incels always so asspained?
I won't claim it's better, but in my life it's honestly never been a big deal. I was cut for actual medical reasons though, but I have no plans to get my kids cut if I ever have any.
Precum is literally a lubricant
and niggers, and retarded goywhites
at least a lot of these retard bloodlines end with their fucked-up niggerjew cocks
There is no "female equivalent" retard
"female circumcision" is the complete removal of the clitoris, so there is literally NO FEELING
There is another variation used in muslim countries (no way, right?) that involves sewing the labia together so that sex is extremely painful for women.
They do this to actively discourage infidelity
>suffer no apparent loss of feeling
That's because you never felt being uncircumcised.
If I claimed that cutting off even a small piece of skin from an infant without anesthesia was a mandatory part of my religion and that making such a practice illegal was literally Nazism, I'd probably get committed to a psychiatric ward and my kid would get taken by CPS.
>believing in the jews
This, foreskins have a big gross vein too.
women will literally not even be able to tell that you have foreskin when your dick is hard.
Sounds smart desu
I'm not an incel. Stop memeing.
Yes, it has happened to people I know
If you live in the USA, enjoy not having your dick sucked cause the bitch finds it disgusting.
Not even circumcised
>Be 22
>Girl who I want to spread my genes with reaches down my pants
>Cups fingers at the tip of my dick
>Has deflated look, pulls hands out
>Only get a handjob in the end, not even a good one because she didnt want to dirty herself
Sad but true.
Who cares. My wee wee is underused anyway.
Wow, almost like I said it only matters when they suck your dick.
Because if it's the first thing done you won't necessarily be hard yet
Circumcision is good for giving toddlers herpes :)
oh god
Removal of the clitoral hood is pretty comparable.
I've read that foreskins actually fetch a high price because they are used in dermatological testing and such
I suspect that comes into it today in America, but historically it's probably just to stop men from touching themselves.
Think about it, in times gone by the closest you could get to lube was lard
>a big deal
Nice meme.
According to the WHO, there are several types of unnecessary female genital surgeries. Many of the more common procedures are quite similar to male circumcision.
My parents kike cocked me. I'm making sure my children don't get the procedure done.
I've probably masturbated with lube two or three times in my life, do cut fags actually need lube to masturbate?
FGF in Islamic countries is generally just poking the clitoris with a sterile needle in a hospital or making a very tiny cut with a scalpel. You have to go deep into Africa before you start finding the FGF that is constantly tossed around in these arguments. The vast majority of girls that this is done to are much better off than your average circumcised male.
>Because if it's the first thing done you won't necessarily be hard yet
Maybe if you have low testosterone or fap constantly. Get your shit checked by a doctor lad
Nor do I have any interest. Like I said, no APPARENT loss of feeling. I also know grown men who have been circumcised late in life because American girls that were raised in JudeoChristian communities will literally walk away from an uncut dick
A sizable number do because there literally isn't enough skin left to make the gliding motion.
I'd be cool with every doctor who performed a circumcision having both their hands chopped off
The US doesn't consider it that but when it's female circumcision it's seen as terrible and illegal. They both should not be performed on babies
I support circumcisions. It really is more hygenic, makes sex feel a billion times better, orgasms feel more intense as well, and your dick looks bigger. They were onto something.
> I had mine circumcized at an adult age because of medical reasons and I like my dick way more this way
first post best post
I'm a cutfag and I've never needed lube to masturbate
I don't even understand where that meme comes from
What's the motives for the Jews? Is it a sign of power or belittling?
That's what he was implying, Einstein
that's b/c it's literally a baby dick
So what? If they want to mutilate their bodies, they can do it in their own countries.
>I've read that foreskins actually fetch a high price because they are used in dermatological testing and such
Look into Apligraf.
One of my friends were circumsized due to phimosis
Aside from all those people who were circumcised later in life making it clear there's almost no difference.
Thanks Dr. Goldberg