Release: Hawaii Dem Gabbard on Trump meet
>yfw Trump actually makes America great again
She's one of ours, despite the (D) after her name on C-SPAN.
She called out the corruption of the DNC which was true.
Is she the kind of person the progressives were hoping would get important positions in the Democratic party to fight Trump?
I'm with her
Yep. It would be golden if Trump actually gives her a cabinet spot, because the only glimmer of hope they have left then is to hope Sanders doesn't kick the bucket before 2020, and if Trump does a good enough job beforehand, Trump will easily have a 8 year term.
Sanders isn't going to run in 2020, he'll be 79 and already looks 90.
Sanders had a huge number of problems and was a fucking idiot
He was only running as a shill for Hillary
Welcome to the Trump cabinet, Gabbard.
>It would be golden if Trump actually gives her a cabinet spot
UN Ambassador seems likely at this point. Anything more (SoS) is really unlikely, and anything less (VA Sec, Army Sec) isn't worth taking.
>He was only running as a shill for Hillary
Did a pretty fucking shitty job then, since she lost because the Bernouts didn't come home.
I hope she gets a cabinet position.
Bernie Sanders is a loser without any principles. Hillary Clinton is everything that is wrong with American politics. She was massively funded by Wall Street. She ran on a corporate pork platform. She was the universal pick of the corporate establishment. She was a huge warmonger who was supported by nearly every intellectual neoconservative. She wanted to massively escalate the Syrian conflict by instituting a no-fly zone. She stole the primary from Sanders. And Sanders endorsed her. The only reasonable position from liberals was voting for Jill Stein. Any liberal who voted for Hillary Clinton is either a corrupt liar or as moron. No Hillary Clinton voters should get any intellectual respect.
this is the proper spelling, user. the w is pronounced as a v too (ha-vah-ee)
2020 is gonna be a close one.
q t
Trump will build a coalition of the best republicans and democrats and BTFO out of the retards in both parties.
>Trump wants to end the war in Syria
>invites Democrat Congresswoman who shares same goal
>Democrats can't attack it now unless they attack their own and admit to being misogynists
This has got to be the end of Assad's terror reign.
no he's not
he's a very typical cocksucking jew
Seems like a better woman to be president. Gabbard 2024 Sup Forums?
I want to annex Tulsi's butthole!
she is so based. She even called out Hillary on being a warhawk
Why is she talking like trump wanted to overthrow Syria government? That was clintons endgame... God dems are brainwashed.
>Representing the aloha spirit
I just remembered why I hate Hawaiians so much.
He'll run forever if he has to.
Nah. I visited /r/politics just to see what they thought of this. They say she's "not even a democrat" and should "just change parties", mainly because she's against refugees.
>I visited r/politics
>not routinely going to see what the emerging liberal narrative is so you can keep your counter-arguments fresh, current, and effective
Or do you just sit at home and not spread your views?
kek, I forwarded the article to a shitlib I know and she literally couldn't even. Just spewed some shit about how Assad is worse than Hitler and this woman is clearly working for Putin. The dems have soaked up so much propaganda lately they're completely insane.
Thanks for the link fag
Who knew Hawaiians were so based? And just a few months ago i was arguing we should kick them outta the us. You can stay now, magawai
I say this as a nationalist: Gabbard is literally my favorite American politician right now.
The last time I heard about her she was named Gobbard or something. Those universes and timelines keep shifting.
But if she's meeting Trump in this timeline, I'm in the best timeline.