Anyone watch this?
Watched an episode the other day, but can't figure out why people are pissed/why people like this show.
I get it presses people's buttons, but is there a method to Sam Hyde's madness? Or is he just a fervent nihilist?
Anyone watch this?
Watched an episode the other day, but can't figure out why people are pissed/why people like this show.
I get it presses people's buttons, but is there a method to Sam Hyde's madness? Or is he just a fervent nihilist?
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. Joe Bernstein
He's what you could describe as alt right, his comedy is pretty good, you should buy the show so it gets renewed. Watch some more episodes, MDE makes some insightful stuff, and its not all comedy.
After watching and loving their stuff on youtube I check out the tv show....
I agree that there's nothing even close to the shit on their yt. I think this is just more virtue signaling agaisnt the makers, most likely based more on their personal politics and not the content of the show.
Plus, this "comic genius" who quit adult swim in protest if fucking no one. Never heard his name until this "controversy." It's just the sjws targeting adult swim with hopes of replacing with their propaganda.
>they call me peanut arbuckle
>they call me argon
People who dont understand WP sicken me.
They call me go-go nuts
It's entertaining tv for right wing adult swim fans.
Adult Swim is run by liberals but for some reason they are letting Sam get away with his shit. They're getting a lot of shit from their other artists and writers for letting the show get another season. Guess they're pissed about the "enemy's" propaganda getting mixed in with theirs.
Carefull now, he is wanted by the NSA, NASA, DARPA, CIA, FBI,etc.
He is the purpetrater of at least 50 mass shooting, he is the leader of Isis, Hamas and the one behind the cuckroach uprising
I get the alt right vibe, and I've checked out some of MDEs youtube stuff - but on a more philosophical note, I'm having a hard time understanding where it's coming from.
I saw this video last night
On the surface, it's easy to write off as "homophobic rhetoric", but he clearly has a purpose he's aiming for, which offensive material is pivotal to. I just can't nail down if he's coming from a "I don't give a fuck, fuck your safe space." point of view (fervent nihilism), or if he has a particular point he's trying to convey.
I've watched it. Bretty gud stuff. I find it hilarious though how adamantly Sammy boy is rebuking accusations of racism. Anyone that's delved into his material can see his views clearly - Pic related
i just wish i had friends like the mde crew irl
What is Sup Forums's favorite MDE World Peace bit and why is it How to Make Flint Michigan Tap Water?
Also, World Peace itself is artistic and everyone interprets it differently, but the underlying message is mostly intact for every interpretation.
Many of the jokes are inside jokes for his fans, and a lot of it are also hidden messages, like pic related.
In the first few episodes he references William Luther Pierce and his National Alliance, David Duke and Moonman.
The video is Jews Rock, and the symbol is the life rune, representing the national alliance, and Nazism - ambiguously.
One of the weaker skits imo. Fave from the show is the gorilla dick nigga one.
Here is one of the best skits, with the music it was intended to have (he had to change it).. but if you have trouble following the other stuff, you probably wont get this either.
Teacher sketch, another more artistic less funny one.
The Wall Show - most people should be able to understand the majority of this..
Last clip of the season
"tap water"
"Mark Zuckerberg Sweat" - make sure to google that - a lot of it is redpilling people, not just jokes
"Toss it project"
>If you dont like the idea of homosexuals in your schools teaching your kids about buttsex *kicks box*
This is the kind of look into his philosophy that I was looking for. The left often criticize shit like SNL for inviting on Right wing politicians, citing "satire without teeth", and they say it's detrimental to discourse, that it "normalizes the enemy". It's interesting to see this sentiment exists within the alt right.
I'm unsure of the implications of this.
The point of the tap water sketch is that its fomenting violence and directly suggests the idea of killing politicians over not providing even clean drinking water, and how everyone is getting fucked in the ass by the government.
Always thought he was a fool.
>Ideá´€s Man
I still think he is fool but one that wields around with powerful maymays, what isn't necessary bad.
Look into who William Luther Pierce is, he was pretty much George Lincoln Rockwells editor for the party papers that were handed out, propaganda. Like a US goebbels, died in 2002, formed his own organization and even religion designed to preserve the white race.
Author of the Turner Diaries, and Hunter. Timothy Mcveigh followed TTD as a blueprint and blew up an FBI building, the start of Hunter begins with him shooting random racemixers in parking lots.
So yea, amazingly based and one of us.
>not posting "Jews rock"
I did.
I've seen most of those videos before, but I'll give them another watch.
Personally, what do you make of his stuff? I'm not a big fan of absurdist comedy - Tim and Eric shit - but I was a fan of Wonder Showzen, and MDE on Adult Swim reminds me of that quite a bit.
I had a conversation with someone the other day, regarding the use of offensive tropes/material, and they don't see the payoff for calling someone a "faggot" or doing "implied black-face".
It's kinda why I'm stuck between thinking this is just radical nihilist humor, or Sam Hyde has a personal philosophy which he is aiming to convey.
lol he is a good provocateur
The humor wasnt just in him doing blackface, and there was more to that scene. Personally I enjoyed nicks part where he drove his car into her house the most.
Come on man, thats funny shit. I lose it every time.
Shit quality. Hes pouring sweat, and cant come up with a real answer besides a long waffling pile of bullshit.
I love MDE:WP so goddamn much. I could watch it once a day because there's all these small little instances that are so fucking funny. I enjoy the meaning behind it too. Sam is really incredibly smart and I just want to see him create more.
why are you talking to yourself
Whats the point of the history teacher? (Besides the obvious anti-white curriculum)
I think the wine party is something about switching gender roles in younger generations. The wife asked Sam to marry her, has a degree and drinks too much (acts like a guy), he enjoys shit like swiss cheese and tandem bycicles.
Older brother hates her (for that?), but Sam is too much of a pussy to stand up to him, failing to protect his wife (acts like a woman).
Older brother smashes her through a "glass floor" (opposite of glass ceiling), but shes just shocked and cant say a single word - she fails at her new male role as well.
Older Bro appearently is single, abuses women, disrespects men and receives money for it in the end - hes almost like a stereotypical refugee, but that might be too far reaching.
I didnt play the video until I posted it, and linked back to my own post.
Why are you so new?
there's nothing wrong with sam and his views, but the average alt righter isn't sam and is still a fuckboy toddler meme spouter and should still be executed
Watch kikestarter tv, he's smarter than people would assume
Pic related identifies as alt-right.
Hyde hijacking a TEDx talk was one of the funniest things I've ever watched
It was such a good show that MDE decided to make their very own cartoon due to high ratings.
Lol yea, he scammed a bunch of MLP fags out of money thinking they would get a pony porn game.
You can still find the videos of him hyping it up, its hilarious.
What do you mean "average" alt righter?
>Or is he just a fervent nihilist?
He acts like he's against nihilism in his serious musings but in reality he's a literal fag and a degenerate. You should see some of his correspondence with women.
I couldn't finish it. I didn't get what he was doing and I just felt embarrassed.
>they call me PINEAPPLE MAN
His rutgers thing about art was pretty good too.
You've been shilling your video recently
Most of the skits are more scary than funny. There's a steady stream of references to alt right concepts but he doesn't use them to do comedy.
>people still think sam is alt right
he's edgy for the sake of being edgy and doesn't have a blatant liberal slant. that doesn't mean you can claim him for the alt right. if you try to and if that was really the case he'd be boring just like every other blatantly right wing failed "comedian".
You're entire post was too far reaching. It was about Nick tripping her.
I don`t get it at all. Am I missing out on something bigly?
>Whats the point of the history teacher?
criticism of the education system as a whole. teachers are just glorified babysitters and have no authority over the classroom to really teach them valuable lessons even if they wanted to.
>wine party
just lampooning upper middle class white people get together with absurdist humor and using violence to make it edgy and even more uncomfortable. i mean who hasnt been at a social event with people they despise and wanted to punch them in the face?
most of sam's skits just have a dark underlying attitude of anger towards society and comedy is his way of subverting that - by making people uncomfortable. the people that are the most uncomfortable are people who aren't really aware or have never had any real introspection to what kind of person they are and how they fit into the world.
>le alt right maymay
Leave this place now
He didnt trip her, she fell!
you might be, but it just depends on what your sense of humor may be. the skits on world peace are pretty absurd, but i wouldn't call it lolsorandom in the same sense that tim+eric is, mostly because there is a deeper meaning to everything they're saying. its not to say that there isn't shock value, because you can clearly see it in certain skits (in the pickup artist one, he nicknames this kid david duke and looks into the camera with a totally mischievous look).
they do operate on some level of irony but if you look deeper into the content, there is a purpose. it honestly does go over my head sometimes, but if you're actively watching and think about it, its there. i would try it out again and just maybe think about what the sketch may be about. sam is a really smart dude i m o and i appreciate his content so much so i am biased
his old """vlogs""" are incredibly indicative of his feelings towards society which is why i really agree with your assessment of both skits.
Where can I watch the uncensored World Peace episodes?
Because of this shit
I liked "The Wall" sketch, the rest of it was pretty cringey to be quite honest. Unfunny, unsubtle, literally edgy the show. Hyde's smug attitude as if his show is somehow subversive is the worst part
>being this much of a faggot
I love this show and love Sam Hyde's comedy, but I'm worried that Sup Forums and otherchan are going to ruin this guy's career. It's good that we've brought him a bigger audience but he's getting too much baggage along with the audience. His comment sections and Twitter went from funny, absurdist jokes to cuck and memes overnight.
Sam Hyde is an unfunny, trap fucking degenerate.
Did they confirm season 2?
Sam, quit shilling your own show on a Liberian farming techniques forum.
They're back, shilling for the shit-show on Sup Forums
You're not original, you're not funny, that's why you fail to even get you's with a shitty 4chin joke.
I was getting worried there, thanks for the (you), kid.
it has potential but its going to get boring quick if the only thing he's got going for him is his politically incorrect jokes
Doesn't count nigger