>Sup Forums says liberals destroyed catholicism
>catholicism was always a religion that promoted pacifism, tolerance and venerated a literal cuckold
Sup Forums says liberals destroyed catholicism
Other urls found in this thread:
>promoted necessary pacificism and necessary action
You can thank the Church for an almost Universal moral philosophy.
Catholisim doesn't promote shit, it's been a tool to control masses and amass power for centuries, Jesus' teching were thrown in a garbage bin in favor of fear and holy retribution.
>do not steal
>it's not theft if we legally implement socialism
I respect some catholics like Hoppe and Woods etc. who actually are in favor of universal and consistent morality, but catholics in general are tremendous hypocrites like every other group.
>Created the first amendment
That's when you've gone 180d
Not until St. Augustine and his just war theory
>Posting Varg
>posting a LARPing faggot who loves Muslim cock.
So catholics aren't violent fanatics when it's convenient to criticize, right? Also pagans are the cuck ones, christians destroyed their shitty culture.
> crusades
Pick one
My hard drive fried this is now a Crusade meme thread.
Can't tell if fedora or protestant.
Liberals destroyed charity by turning it into gibbs.
Taxation is theft
this reminds me of the time neopagans banded together to save Europe from muslims - oh wait, that never fucking happened.
Call us back when washed up attention whore Varg burns down a mosque instead of a historic church.
Damn right they are.
Why would Varg Vikerners feel any more in common with Christians than with Muslims?
It wasn't Muslims that outlawed the pre-Christian faith in Scandinavia.
You should study what we did in the Indian Ocean in the 16th century in the name of Christianity and the king.
>promoted pacifism
ahhhh leaf
>catholicism was always a religion that promoted pacifism
What were the Crusades?
Just war theory
The libs are just taking Catholicism back to it's roots
Jesuits are the gay socialists of the Catholic Church
>NotallCatholics famalam
Jesus loved everyone, that much is true
but only those who repent, and be good goy from there after
A fucking leaf
>catholicism was always a religion that promoted pacifism, tolerance
t. never heard of the inquisition, crusades, etc.
>fat degenerate wants multiple divorces
>is denied by the Pope for his latest after one too many
>makes up bullshit new religion
>new religious divide in Britain and Europe
>leads to several major wars between white people
>white Europeans killing each other over fat degenerate's made up religion
>retards unironically celebrate this
2 edgy 5 me
>catholicism was always a religion that promoted pacifism, tolerance and venerated a literal cuckold
t. never read the catechism and doesn't know anything about catholic history
kys rotten leaf
technically his dad, Joseph got cucked by God. His wife's son was Jesus
> Sup Forums says you need Christianity to have morality
Could you make this shit up? Because I can't.
Would you expect a retard to do otherwise?
>loves Muslim cock
You can give your money out of free will, but if you don't you get burned alive - sound better?
Oh my god. I am a christ cuck
mind blown
>>Sup Forums says leafs destroyed Sup Forums
>>leafs are always literally phaggots
religion is hating upon your natural base, hate upon your healthy natural base to add to that
being non religious, without kikes telling you what to do, means that you could open yourself up to the hymm of your own self.
And then you learn that gender roles, racial realism, being violent for your borders, for your land is not such a bad thing really.
As a white man, basically paganism could work to keep you healthy, but if you are completely sure that you are healthy, and are not a degenerate and have the willpower and strength to hoist yourself up, then nihilism is also an option, as nihilism will allow you to reach your natural conclusions.
Right wing nihilism I call it.
>Patposting on Sup Forums
Golden One?
No, I hate kikes too much for that. The golden one is a bit fearful of them, as I have seen some of his vids. I am just a faceless, but still I guess a high quality user, who also goes to /fit/ and dabbles in most of the racial realism science/lore.
red pilled approved religions for white men
>right wing nihilism
Kinda okay since they are not immediate enemies and dont want to violently murder us, and also share a lot of our own racial values
anything else that does not want to kill whites, and acknowledges that racial differences are right, but is for other races mostly
>christian orthodoxy (the poles for example have some racial realism lore embedded into it)
>everything else is more or less enemies of the white race
Christianity was a return to strict moral discipline after centuries of Roman decadence and decline in every sphere of life and strata of society. There was a tranny emperor for fuck's sake.
It's the circle of faggotry. Speaking of which, OP, kill yourself you larping poofter
>catholics in general are tremendous hypocrites like every
I think people overanalyze and miss the point of religion. Religion and law give guidelines to the people because we by nature are flawed.