Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

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Fuck off nigger.

>what is "poetic justice?"

She never had a job. She was just the president's wife.

Yo "job"?

You made your bed now lie in it.

We were brought here against our will. We have as much claim to America as the Whites do.

Still doesn't change the fact that Sup Forums hypocritically takes an anti-immigrant stance, yet is fine with an immigrant FLOTUS.


FLOTUS is a job you retards.



> job

Being against unskilled Mexicans and for slavic hotties is not hypocrisy, user.

And that aside, most anons wouldn't even be against Mexican immigration if it had stayed at levels that wouldn't upend the culture. This wave has built since Press 2 for Spanish and has just now found a voice. If Mexicans had just stayed on the down low the Trump reaction would never have happened.

Do people think being the first lady is a fucking job?

Yep. Our diversity is our strength!

Too bad she's a legal immigrant you retard.

So what immigrant is sucking Obamas dick now?

Immigrant isn't taking any jobs, since immigrants are dumb, they can't even get a job in own country. The correct term is: an immigrant is getting a job, because he's imported by greedy elite to reduce salary expenses.

You may have a claim, but not the numbers to do anything about it. Your only hope is that the spics take your side, and you'd still get fucked up.

Wtf I hate immigrants now

We take an anti illegal immigrant stance.

Get your shit together already

>not shown in this picture are two testicles
>both of them belong to 'Michelle'

shes talking about mrs.trump

Mrs. Trump can speak 5 languages. Asians that come here can't even speak native language and somehow finish phd. I remember in school that some guy couldn't pronounce 1 letter correctly and was send to specialist to train. Now i see foreigners, they not only can't pronounce, they can't even speak.
>le competition
Rich people and politicians write laws for their own ass.

Dae terk err jrbs?

>both of them belong to Mitch

Did you heared the word?
The Word about Bob"KKK"Byrd?

Hillaries Mentor....

Why are all these Slovakians posting here? Did I trigger them by pointing out that Trump's wife is an immigrant?

Nope we're just the next great shitposting nation. Like straya and canada.

USA is a migrant country, but for white people, so it was written by founding fathers. Michelle Obama can only speak English, Mexicans can't even speak English and they aren't only migrants they are also illegals. This argument holds no water.

you were brought there because your own people didn't want you in Africa

But the First Lady is merely an honorary title, not an actual job. There is no salary for being FLOTUS
>She does it for free

Absolutely not. FLOTUS has no salary.
And you call someone else the retard...