Post-Election Regrets

How many of you are starting to regret your decision to vote for Trump? I mean, be honest.

I'm starting to. I don't think we're going to get a wall, bros. And after seeing his cabinet picks, I'm starting to think he isn't going to do shit for the middle class, either. There are a LOT of smart economists and political scientists he could have chosen from the private sector. I was counting on real change!

I voted for Trump to MAGA. Yes, I live a very idyllic American life in a nice suburban home with my wife, kids, dogs, SUV's, and heavy-duty pick up trucks. But you can bet your sweet cherry I busted my ass all my life for everything I've earned! I've been working since I was 11 in my Grandpa's shop. Everything I have I owe to the grace of the lord and good ol' fashioned hard work.

Part of me is feeling like Trump is going to backpedal on everything he promised us. I get especially anxious when I see articles like this:

Priebus is just another yes man in a snakeskin suit. Why isn't Trump speaking-up for himself? A simple tweet doesn't cut it.

I'm just tired of feeling like the only one in America who has to bust tail for a living while the rich get richer and my tax dollars go to feed worthless niggers and poor white trash inbreeds. And I've dealt with many a con-man in my life, and Trump checks off every box of a textbook case. But I'm trusting him on his word as a man of faith.

Reassure me this wasn't a mistake, Sup Forums...I donated my time and thousands of my own hard-earned income to get this man a chance. Honestly, it's not like we had much of a choice, but if I wanted a liar, I would have wasted my vote on the Libertarian candidate.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking kys you disgrace
Gtfo Sup Forums and never look back you literal cuckold


Not at all you stupid fucking faggot.

Your regrets are completely normal. You absolutely should regret it. It means you're having a sensible normal reaction to facts.

Hopefully eventually the rest of Sup Forums will join you after he's maintained a steady status quo while exploiting all his conflicts of interest for person gain

I regret nothing.

Stop being a faggot and don't worry until some actual decision are made.

Guy isn't even in the WH yet for Christ's sake.

You don't have a dog in this fight you Mexican ripoff!

You're not helping any.

That's easy for you to many of you assholes actually put your money where your mouth is and backed Trump's campaign through personal donations?

Bait so fresh I had to take a nibble.

Here's your (you)

Here we go, is there any trick the losers of brexit have played. That these losers won't try to pull. You lost get over it.

I should have known better than to come here for reassurance.

It's like you guys know it, too, but just don't have the courage to say it.

Trump will be a great president. Many election promises are never kept look ato Bush sr. And his "read my lips no new taxes".
Trump will grow our government increase or military power (great for the middle class). Trump is working on borrowing what he wants from Obama care and will implement something truly national. (Great for baby boomers and their children). Trump will make sure business CEOs will see tax cuts and create jobs in the nation. This favor will ensure they give back to the nation and don't just pocket the money. Trumps strong immigration jobs will eliminate migrant workers and ensure my kids can go back to farm work. Kids should work from age 11 builds character. Obortian is murder and his choices in judges ensure that every baby conceived will be born with the same oportunities we had. The wall might have been a waste anyway. All Trump has to do is renegotiate trade agreements and the higher taxes on imported goods will pay for deportations. These liberals have been restricting our speech for too long. It's good to have a non PC president suing the media for saying goes the wrong things. Once the deportation force is done we can keep "home grown" terrorists out by registering Internet use. Safer better nation under Trump. You have nothing to worry about.

>saged and hidden

0/10 concerned troll

>I don't think we're going to get a wall, bros.

No-one on Sup Forums uses this word unironically. You're shilling or baiting. In either case, fuck off.

Mad bruh?

Yes, I voted for Trump, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get access to the nuclear codes

C and R

You won't find solidarity for being a faggot with cold feet here

Does that mean you've been crying for 8 years under Obama. Man up.

Apple employee here. They're already scouting for people to run the new stateside production facilities. That's huge guys.

Cold feet, buyers remorse, second thoughts, Brexit saw all this too. Britain is better off without the yoke of big government.

So this is it.

You assholes are so lost that everything's a pasta thread or a shill thread or a CTR thread.

You're all so fucking paranoid that you can't even process the truth.

And yet, just a few weeks ago, I was here cheering with you as Trump swept the nation because literally everyone else in mainstream America are cucked so bad that they look forward to nigger dicks in their asses.

I'm starting to regret a lot of things in life Sup Forums. Don't flatter yourselves.

Well this doesn't sound at all like an overpaid psych kike trying to figure out how to subvert Sup Forums.

You are so unthreatening that here's a free tip; you outed yourself by linking CNN.

Are you kidding me? The amount of liberal tears was enough to satisfy me for four years. I love walking around NYC with my red MAGA hat, it's my personal "fuck you" to all the degenerates of this godforsaken city.

Stopped reading at
> Smart economists
Fuck off OP

Not sure American market can compete with all of Asia and the now incredibly cheap Mexican market. Drop in peso makes manufacturing really appetizing there. Technology destroys more jobs than globalization. Globalization saw huge increases in shipping jobs. Globalization saw big employment gains in retail online and otherwise.

>I busted my ass all my life for everything I've earned!
>I've been working since I was 11 in my Grandpa's shop

Sounds like you didn't "earn" anything you privileged little sniveling faggot.

Also kys for voting Trump and not understanding the consequences you were conned and you should feel like a fucking moron for a very long time.

I regret voting for Ted Cruz in the primaries and not Trump

Do you use Reynolds or the store brand foil?

go suck an egg faggot

Getting reaaaaally tired of this concern trolling, CTR.

Not a one op.

I sleep so comfe every night nowing that Hillary's day is coming soon.

Come on grand jury! Go get her while she still breaths.

This is a slide/shill thread.

But I would like to say that one issue I knew Trump and I disagree on is net neutrality, which I would like to keep in place, and I hope he reconsiders because the destruction of that is something the elite want.

Yeah nah man, don't make us responsible for your decisions.

What do you have to worry about?
Has Trump even once failed you yet?
Let the man get into office before you start bitching around.
What do you want me to do?
Pull you into abear hug and tell you that everthing will be okay ?

That's not how it works.
Let the Don work his magic and then come to us and grovel.

Clinton didn't win. For now, thatis all that matters.

Grow a pair

t. Utah fag

You should feel bad for wanting to destroy the U.S.

Yeah all this winning is tiring

I voted for Trump in the primary and general and I could not be happier

>People actually believed Trump was on their side the whole time
It's Brexit all over again where people obtain 20/20 hindsight and realized that these were the questions they should've googled before voting.

I don't regret anything. In fact I'm getting downright comfy watching the decline of American power right before my eyes.

You deserve your fate faggot, can't wait until robots take your job.

You're not my bro.

Trump backed off that plan. He "doesn't want to hurt them they are good people." He also settled his fraud case for $25 million. He said he doesn't settle. In fact more lawsuits have started popping up because he now pays so well hoping to avoid lawsuits in office. If you have a claim sue the president cuck elect.

> linking to CNN
Uh, thank you Mr. Good Goy totally-honest not-at-all-a-shill Conservative!

I will enjoy your completely unbiased and balanced opinion!

>be this much of a faggot to post CNN as a source.

Britain & America self-BTFO in the same year. 2016 was glorious.

Reality hasn't set in yet. I'm sorry man we tried to warn you.

At least try to blend in if you're going to shill, faggot.

Sir, it is clear for all to see that you're not a native of this website.

Lurk more before your next attempt.

A wise man learns the tongue of his enemies so they cannot plot against him without his knowing.

Anyone who knows how to balance a checkbook is a smart economist. What's your point?

Fuck you you cocksucking libtard. You have no idea what I've been through in my life. What were you doing at age 11 besides jerking-off in your sister's panties?

We were "bros" a few weeks ago...

Sup Forums, proving some people are too stupid to think for themselves.

>In fact I'm getting downright comfy watching the decline of American power right before my eyes.

Did watching the decline of France due to Muslims and Africans start to bore you?

I regret not placing a bet on Trump.

I'm not too sure balancing a checkbook makes you an expert. Global economics are pretty complex. Well beyond your usual Sup Forums poster.

>I'm sorry man we tried to warn you.
I could not be more please. Shit eating grin for weeks. Now we go after the World, this battle has just begun. Capturing the Presidency of the United States is just the next foothold as we march under the Black Sun to retake the world.

I was glad he won, but now we have to deal with 4-8 years of repackaged Bush jokes, MORE hypocrisy from the left, and a hard push for "social justice" in Europe as a response to this and Brexit. I think this may kill the right wing movement once and for all, at least a Hillary victory could have made anti-left beliefs more commonplace.

>we were "bros" a few weeks ago
No the fuck we weren't. Nobody on this website uses that word. The only people who did were the r/the_donald faggots who invaded this board. The fact that you used that term, and then proceeded to link CNN just outs you as a concern shilling redditfag who doesn't understand the board culture on Sup Forums trying to get screenshots of Trump supporters regretting voting for Trump you can post on your shitty subreddit. Fuck off.

Enjoy your conquest. Big and powerful now aren't you. We is a fun word. Have fun with your weeness.

>How many of you are starting to regret your decision to vote for Trump? I mean, be honest.

Not me! In fact, I am just the opposite. I am starting to feel much better that my vote went to Trump. He and his team are doing a terrific job early on.

Suck it, libs!

I still feed on the liberal tears and cries of the media. This alone made his presidency worth the downsides.

The American people fisted thoses liberal elites so hard, they'll need time to recover their condescending attitude.

Trump can't fulfill his promises, but Hillary wouldn't have helped you either.


Just because I'm not a hiveminded basementdweller doesn't mean I don't frequent this dump. It's the only place where you can have an discussion about what's really going on in the world, or as you guys put it, being "redpilled". Which I think is a stupid reference so I don't use it.


That's not true! I did all my research. And deep down in my gut I knew he was the king of all snake oil salesmen. I just hope he uses that fucking forked tongue of his to help out the middle class and defeat our enemies overseas.

You are a fag and have been added to the Emperor's purge list for your lack of faith in the Trumpist Impirivm

Awww you're using the exact same tactics the faggots that voted remain in the EU used.

People don't regret voting for Trump, they didn't do it because they are racist, they didn't do it because they are stupid. They did it because of people like you, only you're too stupid, and too racist and noninclusive to even begin to understand the reasons why this has happened

Those beliefs are now even more scrutinized than before Trump. It isn't CNN that makes Trump supporters seem racist, it's/pol/

This is the newest CTR narrative.

>it's a worry shill episode

How are you going to handle all of the "literally shaking" you'll be doing for the next 4, possibly 8, years? Mad that you got blown the fuck out?

Hey guys remember all the concern trolling that happened after Brexit?

>Gee guys I am regretting my vote, I feel like I contributed to the destruction of my country.

This thread needs some sage purification

I was on to the Trump con early.
Never Trump.

Know that, in for the lulz.

Hillary would have appeased the liberals. Now the tears that fell anyway are listened to by the world.

Well, honestly politics is always about making comporomises, so is business, sometimes you win big, sometime you have to fold and sometimes you have to compromise. Media is overblowing negative aspects of Trump transition team etc.

>Big and powerful now aren't you.
Yes, we are.Our mythology is building and our fires are rising. Time for the cuckolds of the left and right to fade into obscurity and irrelevance under the weight of their own ignorance.


>implying all of Sup Forums is just one person
I'm just not one of the flock, you hiveminded faggot.

Let me make this perfectly clear: I'm not "one of you". This may shock some of you, but I have a job, a family, and responsibilities IRL outside of this message board.

Maybe if some of you neckbeards bathed and climbed from your parents' basements to let your skin catch some sunlight, you wouldn't be so busy trying to oust everyone that posts here.

Good thing Obama kept Gitmo open...

Don't blame me I voted for Hillary.


I am upset we have to wait until January for Trump to become President.

shill detected

I'm a normal college student who voted for Trump and even I can see you're being cancer.

I'm a white guy in America. While I would love to see all Americans get the same oportunities I've had. Nothing about Trump's win affects me. In fact his economy bubble will be profitable as hell. If you invest just be sure to bail before it pops . All I have to do is sympathise with Hillary supporters and panties drop. How is I told you so doing for your sex life?

Whatever, he's not Hillary

You are the tongue of the enemy.

Just because you can add doesn't mean you know how fucked you are that every dollar printed for the US comes with debt.

Don't fucking post about your life if you don't want people to talk about it you dumb cuck.

You can be bros until you try to stab your bro in the back cain.

Now begone you douche. Go find a freebleeding pussy to shed tears with.

Hahaha. Fedora or Trilby?

>Legit thinking he's not going to do what we all know he's going to do which is sell the middle class down the river

Sthalhelm, m8

Paranoid Anonymous Tinfoil detected.

Fuck off pussy



>gets BTFO
>H-how's your s-sex life
Better than yours. Nu-males like yourself don't tend to get laid, which is why you try so damn hard to virtue signal. Back to neogaf, cuckboy.

I can see now that a good majority of you are just keyboard warriors who don't put your money where your mouth is.

The truth is: This is a man pushing 70. He should know that you don't prepare for a job the day of the contract. You get your shit together long beforehand. He knew he should have settled that shit but went on bragging like he was going to fight it to the end.

This is textbook philandering, and I (almost) feel sorry for anyone here who doesn't have the life skills to detect it.

And yes, if having the courage to admit doubt makes me a "cancer" among you knuckle-dragging poltroons then so be it.

> le concern shill "I don't think we are going to build the wall

I got news for you Paco


Ooh, using that self-righteous lingo and Shakespearean insults.

You've changed my ways, Mr. Arrogant Dick. Gee Golly, I'm gonna be paranoid and regret every decision I've ever made instead of making the best of it.

>leddit/newfag post formatting
Your concerned trolling isn't going to work here

At least you've stopped pretending to be a trump supporter. Donald Trump is going to be president and there is literally nothing you can do about it. Back to r/politics or r/cuckold now, bitch boi.

At least this little bitch gave us new copypasta.

>This is a man pushing 70

Uh... I got news for you. The man you guys love so much, Bernie, is 70 years old.

Why liberals are that dumb? Did they get damage in Frontal Lobe?

>You get your shit together long beforehand

Even 538 knows he's ahead of schedule. sage



OP - You are either a CTR faggot or faggot faggot, but you are a massive faggot either way.

TRUMP getting elected has helped save America from the grasp of evil Globalist Elites who were bent on destroying America.

Hope you come to THE WALL once it gets built. If it feels like it's raining when you're there, it won't be, it'll just be me pissing on you from atop the wall, you worthless faggot.

Not sure what the issue is. Trump has a pretty solid cabinet so far, with people his hardcore supporters really like.