any chance we can make our women less degenerate? or is the west doomed?
Any chance we can make our women less degenerate? or is the west doomed?
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Story on webm?
Also, moar please.
what fucking story? it speaks for itself.
>that thing
its a tranny
No it fucking doesn't, it's too shaky and blurry and half-assed for anyone to see what the fuck is happening
>potato brain
take your tranny fetish elsewhere amerifag.
bet that dude was black
did they know each other?
A tranny is fondling some random dude.
Problem: Random awkward boner in jogging pants in public.
Solution: Don't wear jogging pants in public.
welcome to germany:
>be 15 years old riding a bus
>qt Eastern European girl with tight ass in the bus
>she was like 20 or 21
>accidentally touch the side of her butt with the back of my hand
>starts rubbing her butt all over my hand
>even bumps it against my leg
>get off at the next stop in complete horror
I didn't even mean to touch her!
can you please explain this video ?
sexual assault dummy
yes happend to me many times.
women are horny this day.
>women are horny this day.
women are degenerates these days. they were always horny
Explain what? Dude has boner. "Woman" (?) sees and rubs her hand against it a couple of times.
why are you people ignoring this degeneracy in germany?
Why does he have a hard on?
Why is everyone oblivious to it?
>not wanting to touch free tits
no i mean, can you provide any information on this video, what doest it say to us, what is the purpose of this video here ?
Any more examples of degeneracy? I want to rage with you....
>american without morals/values/dignity
what else is new?
I could swear I saw the exact same shit only she was letting randos "grab her by the pussy".
Also why are her nips like 2 inches long wtf
>Also why are her nips like 2 inches long wtf
chewed up nipples, she's a mom I'm guessing.
>I could swear I saw the exact same shit only she was letting randos "grab her by the pussy".
yup, same degenerate whore
was it because of trump ?
nah. way before that shit. years old
"feminist art"
>Also why are her nips like 2 inches long wtf
grow up
What's supposed to be the point of this? What's Hans saying?
>you are free to grope/touch her tits
it's feminist "performance """"""""""""art""""""""""""
make sure, that WESTERN WOMENS GENOMES gets extinct. once and for all, end this degeneracy.
this is my opinion.
source/more/pussy grabbing?
>he thinks cultural is a product of genetics
Wait until you see the second video with people fingering her.
culture has strong impact on genetics.
Western culture STRONGLY strnenghtens degeneracy-genetics ( cuz marxist influx ), lazy, pathetic, useless subhuman scum ( aka leftists and degenerates ).
and this then workks bac vice versa, because retarded degenerate ppl STRONGLY tend to form the same un-culture ( leftism ).
so : yes, and yes.
lol, no thanx.
Here you go
this. the degenerates are picked out for breeding, thus you increase the concentration of degeneracy in the genepool (inclination towards degenerate behavior, lack of shame and dignity, etc)
>American hoping just like his cuck fetish porn
Fuck them regularly.
Not joking, as soon as men answered feminism with withdrawing from society the bitches went full batshit insane.
When rad-feminists started showing their faces in the 60s, our dads and grands should have been fucking them in the street.
Now that their stupid movement has taken a hit from Hillary loosing, we should be grabbing them left and right and ploughing the ever loving shit out of them.
The fat ones will lose weight running from our rape squads.
Its simple, a sexually satisfied woman is mentally incapable of being a feminist. She can only think of the dick.
me too mate, what the hell it's going on with womyns.
LOO guys : The problem eventually is : Women, the female nature, no matter what country or part of the world.
women are highly retarded / underdeveloped creatures, that know no honesty, no loyalty ( exept to their profit / advantages ), no shame, no fairness, no empathy, no ratio, no self-behaviour or restraint, ...etc.etc.etc ...
There is no way to reason with females or apelling to their sense of moral/honesty/fairness/...
because the dont have ANY !
so hitting if they misbehave is the ONLY thing that stops them from totally freaking out uncontrollably.
it's the only controll, IN THEIR VERY OWN INTEREST ! Because women who are not being controlled, they destroy everything around them, as well as themselves ! ... and eventually females destroy civilisation, when not kept in chack by men !
this is no joke !
see the west !!
leftists = female media / politics / culture / ...
female politicians ... or 'gender' ideology ( = feminist ideology' ), etc etc etc ... i mean u can see it yourself, if you open your ees.
i mean : why did ALL cultures ( except the west, who's men are just way to patient and empathic towards women ) have concluded, that ONE MUST NOT let females loose and MUST NOT give them political power ?! ( SImply : beause one doesnt give creatures with the minds of egomaniac, 4yearold children power over civilisation !! )
surprisingly smart edgelord
LOOK : Women never developed a brain. They literally have their brain between their legs.
That's why they fail at literally everything, unless government or men helpt them ... EXEPT in one thing : Sex.
One can by this also conclude, that women are good for nothing, except for sex. Or maing Children ( which from biology's standpoint is the same thing as : sex )
Thus : Women literally ( and ONLY ) are : sexobjects.
No further use.
( Kind of sobering for everybody who ever dran from the egalitarian or even feminist coolaid. )