After his last two tv interviews about black lives matter Lil Wayne has been getting a lot of criticism from the black community. Rumor has it that a few days ago some blm protestors confronted him and threatened to shoot him. Wayne has since been carrying a gun on him at all times (despite having bodyguards) in case anybody else tries to confront him. His public relations manager practically forced him to erase the tweet threatending blm telling him "it could ruin his career".
Lil Wayne is pissed as fuck about black lives matter lol
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers threatening to kill other niggers how is that new?
Trump will make operation weezy f baby a reality
Wayne is so fucking based
Him and Kanye are probably going to get killed by Soros goons though
Trump will release Tha Carter 5
Talcum X on suicide watch
>Kanye / Lil Wayne 2024
New Kanye West song feat. Lil Wayne
>"White POWER"
I think he's just crazy enough to actually shoot one of those idiots. When that happens it will be amazing to watch the left destroy itself even more.
So CTR does still post here. I thought this was a myth
OP is a faggot as usual.
Tweet is fake and gay.
Lol butthurt shills detected
The problem with BLM is that real ghetto blacks who have lived through terrible shit can instantly spot fake ass house niggas from a mile away
FUCK off with this TMZ bullshit
Is he, dare I say it, our nigga?
I actually saw his tweet earlier today right before it was deleted. Tons of butt blasted niggers calling him and uncle Tom and saying that they were going to kill him kek. These happenings just get better and better.
This. They don't ask for change they see their 'gansta' way of life as hip and part of their culture (which it is). And I think some blacks embrace this as a 'title' almost, because of the popular trend in being a bad boy, and a thug. It's only the liberals that are serious about BLM. The real ghetto niggas don't care and prehaps see it as an embarrassment to their 'hard guy', 'thug' personas.
He gives absolutely zero fucks about the liberal narrative. I'm not a fan of rap music but he seems like a cool guy.
>""""""""""peaceful"""""""""" protestors
it's really irritating that no one here ever checks to see if the tweets are real. Are you all dumb?
What does "pop off on a bitch" even mean?
Shooting bullets into a person until said person expires
Just like said it was up earlier today but only lasted for about 30 minutes or so. I saw it as well. Tons of salty blacks saying they were going to lynch him, shoot him,saying "delete your account", ect.
Kanye and Lil Wayne collab featuring Moonman when?
It's wonderful that we live in a world where someone like lil wayne is a moral authority on anything.
Goddamn this really is the best timeline
Such tolerance
>tfw after decades of brainwashing the pendulum is swinging
"Black Lives Matter", unless you disagree with us and then we'll shoot you.
Am I doing it right?
ruin his career? ruin his life maybe, but rappers are expected to get into fucking shootouts.
>pandering to the crowd with money and power
Kanye is doing it. Who is next?
>Have an eye opening experience after shooting yourself
>White police officer takes care of you making sure everything would be alright
>Decide that everyone no matter what skin color is cool with you.
>Get pressed by other entertainers to be a puppet for BLM
>Repeat over and over again, "I'm just grateful/lucky". BLM can do them i'm just being myself.
Lil Wayne has done some stupid shit in his life, but he's pretty smart for not following this agenda.
>Talcum X finds out about this
>Confronts Lil Wayne
>Gets shot
Can't forget Ben "The Racial Pain Hurricane" Garrison
Why are rich niggers woke in their own way?
Weezy, and now Yeezy?
weezy and yeezy for the Trump administration inauguration. Just to fuck with anybody who's left on the sidelines