>there's a black person in my yard
There's a black person in my yard
Other urls found in this thread:
Shoot him
Thats his natural habitat
Call the Police
The race war starts with you OP
Let him go
>neighbors are black
that's pretty progressive of you
>not calling animal control
then its gone loose
>tfw the nigger trap worked
Just ask him to hang out from your tree.
I think KEK's will is pretty fucking clear OP. these are the only gets in this thread.
yell nigger out the window
Blast this at maximum volume.
He'll freak out and leave like a confused beast.
came here to write this
gg no re
kek has spoken
checked and kekd
praise kek
You must do these or your a traitor faggot and kek will curse you
You know what to do.
Kek Corrected Your Record
>black people moving in next door
>tfw the black guy on your block died
Take you gun and ask him what the fuck he is doing in your yard. If he gets aggressive and attacks, put him down.
Rape him.
>one post by this ID
Why not use a fence like these? it's pretty cheap, it's not absolute defense but it discourages them. I've seen it where I work and it keeps kids and dogs away very well, it's easy to repair too, unless they burn it down of course.
there's literally nothing wrong with being black
prove me wrong Sup Forums
protip: you cant
Invite him, give him food, introduce him to your family, let him fuck them. In short: Do it the german way.
wow I really can't come up with something wrong with being black, you were right
>i have a 50kg muttweiler ready to fuck shit up
Is it the hunting season again?
you used to be a baby OP, now you're a racist
what would your mother think?
fucking Sup Forums btfo haha
That's you, isn't it
We have ID's you autist
Yasss slay werk it boo