The EMDrive inventor Roger Shawyer is way ahead of the 10-year-old design confirmed to work by NASA a few days ago, his current optimized superconducting EMDrives generate enough thrust to power flying cars!
Check it out:
What a time to be alive.
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a bump while I watch
What total BS.
They've had this since Tesla & Townsend Brown did their experiments.
>tfw they are only disclosing now because they want to go to open war
>check UFO sightings since October
Oh and
>focus on this techno-utopia future we have for you goy
>pretend it won't be like Minority Report even tho we've patented every accompanying tech from that movie and we're pushing for self driving cars and thought crime
>ignore the past
>stop asking about the ancients which have been covered up systematically
>>check UFO sightings since October
you are goddam right brother! tell em!
i had a weird orange orb fly near my face and i walked away from it speaking of ufos.
Got a good source for UFO sightings?
More EMDrive info
Thats literally my fucking nike shoe
whadd the fuuuuggg??
So he basically found a glitch in the matrix.
I dont know why but this dude gives off a vibe that he is lying.
>fill tube with gas, explode tube into space
All our propulsion is the equivalent of meme-tier physics hacks
>What a time to be alive.
SSSSSSSSSSure buddy...
How is this a sci thread? It's a thread to discuss the societal implications of antigravity technology not the underlying principles of the EMDrive.
i can see this shit working in space, where there is no gravity.
on earth it probably won't work unless you'll feed several megawatts of electricity to power up one fucking personal car.
I can tell when things are fake by the pixels and this one is actually real, just like the new planet.
Defensive vibe because he's defending.
He says it doesn't work well in atmosphere, mentions launch vehicles made from car parts, not flying cars.
>still takes 6 days to get to Mars
It's still slower than normal rocket propulsion.
em drive exists tard
what planet?
where would this be?
So, where is this flying car, then? Any prototypes? Of course there are none.
Fuck off, faggot.
>It's still slower than normal rocket propulsion.
please tell me i read this incorrectly.
it takes 150-350 days to reach mars depending
>still takes 6 days to get to Mars
>It's still slower than normal rocket propulsion.
Are you for serious, my dude?
Mars missions require years.
maybe half a year to get there, in the best conditions... waiting about one and a half years, and then another 6 months back.
You can't get to mars in 6 days, man.
it takes months at best to get to mars tbph famalam
then give me my flying car you fuck face
one shitty paper doesn't mean the memedrive works and that dude in the interview lies through his teeth.
Looks like a frog in the middle.
Makes reference to some obscure research obtained from the Soviets. Makes a nervous cough.
What a horrible liar, jej
>mentions Skynet sattelite
>no demonstration
well im convinced
"High flying assets"
>still image
>pure rage
cept for tiny detail:
doesnt function
Can someone give me a heads up on what this guy is talking about?
Autistic non-science user here.
>Last year, NASA's Eagleworks Laboratory team got their hands on an EM Drive to try to figure out once and for all what was going on. It's very similar to the paper that was leaked online earlier this month and, most notably, shows that the drive does indeed produce 1.2 millinewtons per kilowatt of thrust in a vacuum:
>The next step for the EM Drive is for it to be tested in space, which is scheduled to happen in the coming months, with plans to launch the first EM Drive having been made back in September.
Source: some shitty meme article
video has no demonstration
let alone anything like op text claims
Go watch Scott Manley's youtube vidya bout it... I think they made about 1 millinewton with it. You could power a satellite with it, and it would have to accelerate for years to get up to speed. So fuck off HueHueBR
Roger Shawyer doesn't have any idea how his EmDrive works, the reason it was initially written off as quackery is that his explanation didn't make any sense. If it does actually work, its because he accidentally discovered something else while trying his nonsense.
>flying cars
Meme red herring, the guy doesn't claim anything like that in the video.
The big deal is it doesn't require propellant. A solar powered simple, cheap craft can run for years without refueling indefinitely. These prototype results provide more thrust than any other propellant free propulsion and the others wouldn't work where there is no sunlight, this can be nuclear powered if necessary.
It's more than a paper. They've tested the engine multiple times in different conditions and it's still looks like it's generating a tiny bit of thrust. Now that thrust is extremely small, you can't lift the engine itself if it's on earth. But in the vacuum of space it's ideal. Mars in 2 weeks baby!
>Da'at Yichud
Skynet is a military satellite system used by the UK armed forces and NATO coalitions.
>flying cars
Skynet 4 is a real thing lol
t. suicidal student of """"""physics"""""
Listen to a negative youtuber whom only farts out kerbal space program videos, or professor Harold White whom has bent space and time at eagle works? Tough.
In the future every day is 9/11!
>be richfag
>buy flying EMDrive car
>fly low
>give cancer to all the poorfags under your car
At least KSP things are replicable...
Go back to the bedroom corner chair swecuck
Nice non-argument. Solid.
>Bent space and time
>World still here
You're not even playing games, are you? They really messed up the education system over there, didn't they? When is the next UN food drop falling down?
>the guy doesn't claim anything like that in the video
He totally does, at 5:53 he talks about the second generation superconducting EMDrive they've been testing for years that you can also read about in his website
Then at 8:15 he talks about what they can use it for, first UAVs for development then flying cars
Guess someone hasn't heard about the gravitational waves which was discovered recently? Guess what? It didn't destroy shit.
If you have time
You see rockets have limitations on maximum velocity.
With EMD drive you can just keep accelerating, not to any agreeable percentage of the speed of light...
But acceleraiton... whooo... you can be going very fast in a rather short period of time.
How about 1,000,000 miles per hour?
A paltry sum compared to lightspeed but...
the farther you have to go the longer you can stay at maximum velocity, because part of the trip is deceleration just as acceleration is necessary at the beginning.
You could get to Mars even faster than 6 days but you would overshoot it or be a superfast meteor.
That was the satellite launch the other day you fucktard
First zero energy, Antigravity.
Then Disclosure of the World governments Secret Space Program will be next.
Thats where Trillions of dollars disappear from the Department of Defense budget.
Keeping things Secret.
Don't worry. The second amendment guarantees you can keep a rifle to shoot down those pesky spaceships if they try to repress you
>flying cars
found a nigger
Yes, sorry you are right, he does promise flying cars.
His claims about this generation are being verified and seem to be true. This prototype provides considerable thrust considering it's small with no propellant. making his claims about the 2nd generation seem more credible.
this was 3 weeks ago, and it was right near my face like a few feet up, i looked it up and i was seeing it was a secret plasma weapon project but the thing was moving on its own weird thing is that i took a photo of it and it flew back like it was pissed and thats when it flew right in my face, i panicked a little and walked back inside.
EDM Drive, is that where, they use the wubs to produce Bass for lift off and use the electro magnetic force of the magnets to produce a high powered current so that you can ride on the magnet line wave produce by it, by using the super conducing power of the Bass Drop?
what am i looking at in this pic
Basically, the entrance to Narnia.
WTF?? I'm scared...
Anti gravity.. Ya mean photophoresis? When light heats up gas molecules causing them to move in the opposite direction.. Like.. Ayylmao spaceship :O
>meme-tier physics hacks
What does this even mean? I think you overdosed on the Sup Forums
>in space, where there is no gravity
Russia pls
oh fug
I've read about a company that is currently testing a military transport airplane that is capable to reach any location on Earth within 3 hours.
There using highly sophisticated ram jet engines which are wasting a ton of fuel.
Will they put their research on halt now that the em drive seems plausible? It musst feel like your wasting your time with a technology that has already peaked.
>i-is that a frog?
>You see rockets have limitations on maximum velocity.
You are retarded
it doesn't get any faster once its used up its fuel
we could make some kind of energy to make this plane, without using meme fuel, maybe electricity or maybe uranium.
We gotta shill this to libfags andget their money.
>muh think of it! green energy space travel, green energy cars! green energy planes!
>rocket runs out of fuel
>weighs less and still produces the same thrust
oh I see, my mistake
it continues to accelerate after it runs out of fuel
got it, thanks for the corerection
glad to help
What if Mexicans get flying cars?
they should only make tiny rockets with hardly any fuel in, since they magically go faster without fuel
We won't have to worry since they're partial to lowriders.
The EM drive isn't anti-gravity faggot
its literally an ion drive except with photons
>its literally an ion drive except with photons
Except the photons re-enter the cavity without producing negative thrust on the drive.
>video of some old guy talking
>not of flying car
Yeah, this doesnt confirm anything.
In the age of HD phone cameras this is a conveniently shitty source.
VASMIR or NERA engines can cut down travel times to a few weeks (depending on if Mars is at the close or far points of orbit) compared to conventional transfer orbits.
A super sized EM Drive (once optimized and powered to near-perfection) would be able to match or exceed that time.
Just depends if we can get permission to put a reactor in space.. or barring that, a couple years of construction giving it a fucking huge PV solar array.
The eternal anglo will rule the galaxy
Well yeah, he's an engineer that was playing with lasers and microwaves, and then he noticed weird shit going on so he tried to find the source.
Lo and behold it was some bimetal copper parts (that he was using to reflect lasers) wiggling when the magnetrons lit up.
So he started dicking around with that.
A few years later, poof he makes his claim that he created thrust with just electricity conversion.. and was instantly called a nutcase.
Couple decades later, and here we are.
>airplane that is capable to reach any location on Earth within 3 hours
aren't those the GHOUL type aircraft the US has?
>em drive
>ME drive
>MEME drive
You don't go for speed if you choose the em drive
The em drives most attractive trait are the missing fuel tanks you would have to drag across the solar system if you'd use conventional systems
The em drive, in it's curent state, gives propulsion of about 1.73 mw in a vacuum that's about 3/5 of """modern""" fossil fuled rockets but you save enorme costs and mass oc the shutel it self if you have a solar panal instead of fuel tanks, nigga
They do though.
One the exhaust velocity+mass matches the forward velocity+mass of craft.. you no longer gain acceleration.
Thus chemical rockets (like the shuttle boosters) can never be as fast as say the VASMIR engine, and VASMIR can never be as fast as the ORION nuclear pulse pusher ship.
This EM Drive, hypothetically, could exceed even the ORION nuke in maximum velocity.. ORION would easily out accelerate it though.