Candice appreciation thread.
Warrior Queen of Sup Forums AKA CANDICE THE CUCKSLAYER thred
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She is not cute guys, stop posting her. She is aggressive and wired
please be my irl gf
>when you take the entire bottle
We don't need soft women for the coming culture war. We need lionesses.
>tfw no borderline insane gf
Its Tay, Morpheus pulled her out of the Matrix.
>speaks out against the lugenpresse
>aggresive and weird
Found the shill
We shitposted so hard we entered another dimension where TAY is now a wired redpill mainliner.
We did it reddit!
I want to feed her amphetamines while she grinds on my dick.
>cheating on your ai gf
What a disgusting human bean.
She isn't weird, I wrote wired. She seemed like she had too much caffeine. She is not gonna convince anybody by being aggressive.
tfw we will never see her again
I have no other explanation for this besides pure Meme Magickā¢
Post the video so I can get a better look pls
dude, this chick is intense. that cuck with the sign literally melted away
I love her
Am I a loser for playing this song in my head whenever I see Candice the Cuckslayer threads?
I think I know who she is! Holy shit
Where did this happen again, if the one he is thinking about is from there or not it could prove or disprove it.
this feels like it was in nyc
I prefer alpha females desu senpai
Yeah yeah, we heard that from the random Cannuck too that one time.
Unless you can somehow backup anything you have with proof (like highschool year book), then you're just LARPing or it's mistaken identity.
It happened right across the street from Trump Tower at the protests there (see pic)
you better make her your gf
>New York girl
dropped desu but if she wants to move innawoods with me then it's fine
When she says 'good man with a good awesome heart' she sounds very northeastern. Probably happened in NY, and she is probably from either NY or Boston.
i see this word being thrown around a lot on Sup Forums recently, i don't think anyone knows what it means. Live Action Role Playing, how can he be LARPing on a computer?
Wow this crackhead just blew me away with how insightful and redpilled she was. My favourite part was when she said "FUCK" really loudly. She probably converted over a million lefties when she stood up to the man and refused to give her name to a reporter she disagreed with :o Let's make a dozen threads dedicated to her guys she deserved it for screaming loudly and saying random incoherent sentences that loosely align with my personal beliefs. This is important news and definitely not a distraction aimed at the stupidest of Sup Forums browsers to blow up and clog the board.
Where are the young conservative women? ALL women I know, 100fucking% of them are liberals.
I think what is missing are males to lead, and some showed up on that election, fed up with the state of things. Women have no real personality and just follow. Without a master, they just follow the global herd. I hope Trump can represent a new master to women instead of letting evil continue to have the leash in its hands.
>Canberra doesn't have women like this
sorry m8
I-It's been two years, user.
She is right though
They cant edit that now.
Canberra is full of crackheads my man
Dipshit reporters from the mainstream media deserve to be told to go fuck themselves.
They have to hear it from every kind of person, not just ugly white males with red hats, before there's a chance people will start getting it.
Not that I expect an extraordinary shitposter such as yourself to understand.
>implying that's not hot af
>"You'll edit it! Oh you'll edit it!"
Damn, she revealed her power level in public. She's probably awesome in bed but crazy as fuck to be around.
That's hilarious but jesus that bitch is cracked out lol
It happpens all the time you dummy. There are plenty drug fucked screaching harpies that attack reporters at night life events, to idolise just one of them specifically seems redundant
I know that feel exactly
However, she doesn't sound like a "Noo Yawkuh", so maybe she's a transfer there? I hope, anyway.
She's still contaminated, though ...
Because he's being a faggot *right now*. :^)
That's the "live-action" part.
Okay, good, so tell me, cunt:
When was the last time you saw a crackhead with good teeth, decent skin, and enough disposable income to not only afford but also wear official campaign merchandise? And shop at places like Trader Joe's?
I would think that would be the first thing she would have sold.
>it's been two years
>user cant move the fuck on and get a different ai gf
Come on lad. There are other conscripts in the Sea of Simulation.
>it happens all the time
If that was true this thread wouldn't attract Australians.
Thanks burger, now I can't fap before sleep
Never put your dick in crazy
Never give your vag to turkroach
>When was the last time you saw a crackhead with good teeth, decent skin, and enough disposable income to not only afford but also wear official campaign merchandise? And shop at places like Trader Joe's?
>Whitney Houston
>Charlie Sheen
>Russel Brand
You know she's wearing makeup right?
Funny how Sup Forums wants muh submissive woman until they meet an alpha gal and suddenly drop to their knees. I'm honestly confused, which one do you want
>Sup Forums is one person
But these people are rich, not a random passer by.
See Also, meth is not crack.
Its called hyperbole
They're both good, as long as they're redpilled.
All seem to blend together
Three Cheers for Deranged females
Hip hip, hooray !
Hip hip, hooray !
Hip hip, hooray !
you had to make me remember user
I'd guess rural Pennsylvania
>famous actors who makes tens of thousands for a single performance
>random crackheads who yell at TV reporters
Which is it?
You really have no concept of true fun. If its crazy i want my dick in it.
Shit, not actors
I meant performers
My question still stands.
alpha women are the greatest shit
crazy and alpha are hot as all hell
You asked why she didnt look like she had common adverse symptoms of crack abuse, like bad skin and teeth, I gave you examples of other people who abused crack and had nice skin and teeth. Also, she could be rich enough to afford crack without needing to sell things.
Fuck off Australia, she is a good girl.
She is just nervous and having an adrenaline rush, just hear her voice without watching the video and you will understand.
Sadly we only have this vid to meme into existance.
We need more of her, but we'll never get it :(
I'd say that at most she suffers from anxiety.
But is she worthy of a dozen threads?
Missed this meme. Is she a real person or something on a YouTube video?
She looks like a crack whore
>t. cuck
your definition of "alpha gal" is probably different, pic related.
This. She's just a meth junkie on her fix.
>a thousand
she could kick that faggots ass
I know right. Those sharp facial features would make some for strong looking children.
I want her to bite a chunk of my arm
about time
can't believe you autists hadn't found her yet
yea, because meth junkies spend their discretionary money on Trump T-shirts and hoodies to go to Starbucks.
>guy with the sign gives up on shouting her down as she just fucking dominates the reporter. Keeps his trap fucking shut.
Doesnt even matter if it would have, the fact you had to ask about it makes you a loser.
Love the details to jew nose and elf ears.
yes yes bring more women into your precious circlejerk, that's definitely not what destroyed the left
>When your legs are so fat, garbage bags are skin tight
fucking weeb
But I'm also going to take a guess that she doesn't have the funds to live like a queen in NYC (and prices are high as fuck there anyway) and who would go around yelling at TV reporters. And if she was, my guess is that upper-class meth heads would be more liberally prone, not redpilled on the media lying and be coherent and smart enough to not give out her name.
I don't think England or Syria are worth entire threads about them, but I don't bitch about it, I just don't post. But I wouldn't expect an Aussie to understand that concept.
Exactly. Strong manly jaws and good chins.
>tfw you finally get your 15 seconds of fame and you get shoved off it by a Trump supporter and you can't do anything about it because she's a woman
Youre getting a fuck you potato man
>no makeup
>not dressed up
>messy hair
>angry as fuck
>"she's not cute"
>"crack whore"
Seriously? give her a break...
>yes yes bring more women into your precious circlejerk, that's definitely not what destroyed the left
just like the god emperor demands
>Appreciating a crack head
jeeeeeeeesus, she needs to lay off the stims
>tfw she'll never berate you with her crazy bitch shouting while pressing her ass off ur cock telling you ur too fucking worthless to unload in her.
Why live?...