CTRL-LEFT generals

ITT: we rebuild the Left from its cücked state

the name CTRL-LEFT is a playful take on "alt-right"

1) the CTRL-LEFT deemphasizes identity politcs, LGBT rights, etc. as non essential. We think the left should focus on economy, not gender, sexuality or race.

2) the main problem is that the LEFT no longer represents the economically exploited class and instead has become "champagne leftism", elite corrupt left-liberalism etc.

3) the CTRL-LEFT's main class is not the "working class" (as it was for Marxism), but a new class mainly composed of those who simply cannot find a role in society: the unemployed which will rise in the future due to automation

We're goinna make a movement. Who's with me?


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Shit thread
Kill yourself

i'm altgr-right ok m8

stop lumping me in with the rest of these clowns

>rebuild the left into controlled opposition

preach on, commrade

this is what the left actually needs to become relevant again. focus on the economically downtrodden, especially with respect to the working poor. leave that other jazz to non-profits, charities, etc.

Dude, thanks for Melania but seriously fuck your gay shit.
No identity politics, but you want classes of people warring against each other? Your complaints about "Champagne leftism" is another way of saying "not real Communism"

You are stupider than the average retard.

This, by far, is the most insanely idiotic thing I've ever seen.

inb4 "beaner"

>still not being a Maoist
What are you even doing with your life?

>using a shitty play on words based on someone else's movement to name your own
>using societal dropouts as your main mobilizing force

I hope this gets off the ground just for the impending laffs.


>not wanting Chinese Cantonese cartoons to be real

You may have missed the fact that we made the "Ctrl-Left" meme to associate the "Left" with "Control."

> A U T I S M

Yes. We're not getting anywhere with the identity politics. They won't be needed once a better state of parity has been reached.

What do we call moderates? Shift-Up?


>implying the current left isn't just the negation of what you claim to represent

read hegel




it's not about keyboards, alt right is like alt rock. breaking from mainstream. its a phrase we use in america that has nothing to do with fucking pc keyboard buttons lmao

ahhh i wonder if ill work

The controlled left?
So we meme a strawman as our opposition?
OK. Sounds good.

I prefer the FN-Left

lol fuck off slovene