"He's really good with computers, it's crazy"

Wtf? I love barron now!

Other urls found in this thread:



does he browse Sup Forums?

He is pol

He's behind it all

That evil little shit... It all makes sense now.

i hope he's appointed secretary of the cyber

Basically another way of saying his Autistic

When he was on that stage during election night I'm sure he wished for nothing more than to go home, sleep, shit and play some minecraft

He was manipulating Trump all along. He wanted to get his dad the presidency so that he could gain access to Area 51 technology, and build his own super AI with it

Boi he cute as hell

My parents always told people that I was a wizard with computers, but I really only knew enough to get vidya games running on DOS

so. who is his waifu? he looks like a Gwen Tennyson type

Is this child the new incarnation of the antichrist?

The man behind the man.

Barron is the future /ourguy/

What if he is the 400 pounds hacker?

he's master memer that lead the great war into his father's triumph

Fear is the mind-killer

Everyone knows Barron is the one pulling the strings

>Paul: Remember Barron, stick with the Prod
>Barron: No, give me the GEP gun


>yfw Barron broke into Podesta's Gmail account

barron is the 400lb russian hacker hilliary was talking about

nice numbers, but i thought we discovered several phishing links in the mails ?

You gay bruv?

We live within his mind

So Barron is pol and won the election?

haha i was going to post that myself

sad because that's me (sad!)

do you think we can get our nip owner to sell Sup Forums to barron?

Yes. His cyborgs are responsible for 95% of the posts on Sup Forums.

It's the hacker known as Sup Forums!

"This kid, with the cyber. Incredible."

I also think he is cute, there are girls on Sup Forums

Baron is stronger than us all.

>tfw will still be posting on Sup Forums by the time Barron runs for president

>running for president
>not inheriting it

stereotypical hacker Barron shoops when?


He is /our guy/?

That face you make when you find out Barron is a poltardand and has been orchestrating the entire Sup Forumslution that has hijacked the 2016 potus race

Reminder that the Nips made a manga about him

We agree, your parents are stoopid

My mom is Slovenian, am I Barron too?

baron's brain is the only thing keeping the internet running

This kid is obviously on the autism spectrum, right?

My son loves the wired, he's so good in it. Soon he'll be completely absorbed by it!

Mathematically likely, considering the spectrum itself widens every year, and he was conceived when Donald was in his 60's

>He's preparing to build the fireWALL

Barron is a time traveler. Barron is the younger version of Trump.
No time travel paradox innuendo here.
Occam's razor at it best.

Definitely but all it does it make him even better at the cyber

It was funny for the first couple minutes, but then it hit me in the feels.

God damn you, Sam.

wtf i want to die now

I don't understand why he hasn't publicly denounced spics and niggers, is he a cuck?




Is he going to ddos our enemies?

>tfw skilled tradesmen
>tfw this doesn't apply to me

>tfw you're observing how the gravity affects fluids but no one will understand you

In this photo, Barron looks like that actor who plays Scarecrow in the Dark Knight


His name is Bat Man

aren't we all?

>He's really good with computers

Good, someone get him on Pizzagate. I can't wait to see the BIG DISCOVERY Sup Forums is going to make there.

Donald is being controlled by Barron.
Barron is being controlled by Trudeau.

the man behind the curtain



Of course he is. Ted Cruz is Vegeta and Trump is Goku. Of course Barron is Gohan

TRUMP 2040!

he is the first awoo poster.

there's only a cover, sadly no full manga yet.

Why can't people stop harping about this boy?

It's obvious he has no taste for the publicity at this point. That's a really, really good thing.

Leave him be already, you dorks.

Who is he playing against? The rothschilds?

Ben Carson is piccolo, and he's been training Barron, that's why Barron was so sleepy, he was practicing ben's techniques