>Romans were white
Why do cumskins believe this? Average citizens of rome.
>Romans were white
Why do cumskins believe this? Average citizens of rome.
romans were multiethnic and multicultural
Nothing to see here boys, we just need to apply a bit more Raid.
They were emperors and shit , take Augustus for example had blond hair and blue eyes as you can see here in the original pigmentation of the Augustus of Prima Porta.
If you look at the paintings of the normal people, you see that roman citizens were more brown.
They are only able to determine the colour of the base coat.
Romans were meds? Who would have guessed?
that's from Pompeii, only confirms southerners have always been kinda swarthy
Yes, turk you people were the roman empire
And my people is white and everybody loves us
m8, Rome was fucking huge
Implying rome only existed in Europe
Roman empire*
This, but we have to make distinction between ethnic Romans(Latins) and the ones that got citizenship later and mixed.
Rome was likely populated by other Italics and especially Etruscans as well since very early. The patricians most likely were of Etruscan and Latin heritage.
Why is it so critical for people that they stake some claim to the Romans? Why are you unable to appreciate the glory of Rome as it was without pretending they are your racial kinsmen?
>A snapshot of southern Italy as an example of all of Rome.
Turkish education, people. How did you ever manage to capture Konstantinopole?
Besides, nobody in northern Europe claims to have anything to do with Roman Empire. Romans wouldn't have survived the cold and darkness here.
This too, are Etruscans depicted more pale? I remember reading some theories on their origins, as I imagine all other Italics looked similar.
>nobody in northern Europe claims to have anything to do with Roman Empire
We do, as part of Western civilization, not to mention religion, law and so on.
I've seen many Swedes here claim that their ancestors ruled Rome or some shit like that.
By the way we all have med blood so I guess we really wuz romans and shieet.
>By the way we all have med blood
Yeah, sure. But in that sense we are connected to pretty much everything ancient. There's no point to make such a claim, since it applies to almost every Eurasian.
In some paintings they are either swarthy or a fairier. Going by mtDNA their were west Med locals kinda like Sardinians perhaps(which is confirmed by craniometric analyses).
Italics, being IE speakers, would be of somewhat different stock, although it's unknown the extent they were also mixed with European locals.
>How did turks capture Constantinoples?
>>With Greek and Albanian generals and commanders.
Ottoman Empire was basically converted whites against christian whites. Turks just provided farmers and a decorative sultan. People really running their shit (vizirs, janissaires, army commanders) were all white euros. Just check up the proeminent ottomans in wikipedia, don't be fooled by they adopted arab sounding names, if you look up their backstory they all originate from euro master race.
It's those ancient nordics delusions that are even worse than we wuz kangs.
Even Egyptians and Sumerians are apparently secret aryans.
>tfw varg will never be your father in law
It's about time you inferior humans came up with a proper slang term. This is much better than crackers.
It is a known fact that the nordic-germanic people are the true descendants of the Roman overlords. We have preserved their conquering and victorious spirit in our blood
The ruling class of Egypt wasn't "that white" but indo european though. DNA analysis proved that pharaos were euro not long ago. Probably closer to italics thracians (troyans were possibly a subthracian group) or greeks, so still oliveskined, but white because having white features etc. Basically like today Mediterraneans (the real ones, not roaches or arabs who came in later).
Are there any statistics on Late Imperial Rome? Though I imagine most people would not have been able to travel that much, maybe merchants, soldiers, patricians and so on.
Top fucking kek.
The islam is pro lgbt meme was true after all.
statistics about what in particular?
only one Pharaoh has been claimed being R1b, but there's no scientific proof about that, it was a claim from a private company based on their analysis of a segment from national geographic
Isn't this a case of them using a misnomer, though? I assume what they mean by "Mediterranean" is Neolithic farmers from the Fertile Crescent judging by some of their descriptions. I'm not really sure these should be considered "Mediterranean" as such.
ah, little atm, only mtDNA from pompeii and some skeletal remains from Rome which by the analysis of their carbon seemed to have come mostly from nearby
there's also some Roman brits which seem to be locals, except for an outlier who clearly came from the middle east
fug how can whide peoble even compete :DDD
>Only one pharaoh
>The one so inbred after centuries of his family elders fucking each other he could barely survive
If he was found euro, and was the result of countless years of inbreeding, what could his ancestors have been user ? Niggers inbreeding don't create euros, you know that.
No R1a or I2?
The Romans were undoubtedly white. There was actually a thing back then where they brought over black slaves from Africa and their wives started giving birth to black babies. The Romans concluded that having black slaves around their wives could cause her children to be black because of "imprinting", the belief that what a pregnant woman sees can influence what the baby looks like. This was a common belief in the ancient world (the Old Testament promotes this in Genesis 30:39).
>Niggers inbreeding don't create euros, you know that.
Well, look at the English.
Would have links for reading material on this?
Very few actually traveled long distances before modern times. Not even traders: You don't have to actually carry silk from China all the way to Rome. It would rather change hands dozens of times before it is finally worn by some empress half a world away. I suppose soldiers would have done most of the traveling, since others just didn't need to. Everyone else probably lived and died pretty much in the area they were born
point is that it's not known if he was Euro, the Egyptians, who have access to his DNA, didn't release his Y-DNA
only king Tut and Ramsses III have been analysed as far as I'm aware, the Egyptian scientists who published the results claim the latter carried E1b1a
Umm, several things, many of which have already been pointed out:
-why are you surprised that anybody on the Italian peninsula (ancient or not) is a shade darker than what people normally consider white? Is this news? It's the fucking Mediterranean.
-that was taken from the ruins of Pompeii, logically speaking it only proves that one couple from Pompeii looked something like that.
-other art, literature from the time depicts Romans as ranging from pic-related to white. As others have said, this should come as no surprise seeing as how expansive and multicultural Rome was.
-Ultimately, our definitions of white may vary, but it is a fact that Rome was "white-driven" or white-ish if you prefer. There were no nigger Emperors. There no half-breed nigger Emperors.
Nice bait though. If nothing else, I applaud you for taking the time to cipher through Pompeii's relics.
>point is that it's not known if he was Euro, the Egyptians, who have access to his DNA, didn't release his Y-DNA
Wouldn't Ptolemy and his heirs all have been Euros?
not in particular, but it's info you can google, there's not much talk around it in general
fuck of with your cuck lies
oh the Greek rulers, sure, but the real interest seems on the very ancient dynasties before Egyptians got raped by pretty much everyone
Some people travelled decent amount, there was one expedition form Rome to Baltic coast by land on a trade mission to get some amber, one of the travellers died somewhere in Poland I believe.
That is a taned caucasian, idiot. Even the nordics would be brownish if they worked under the mediterranian sun all day long. Also, race is deeper than skin color.
Those were Egyptians you fucking retard.
>Egyptians not giving access to his DNA
>Egyptians claiming stuff
Look m8 the arabs who conquered egypt claim to be egyptians just like some bulgarians roleplay as macedonians. They even go after hollywood movies for showing egyptians as "white" while they themselves aren't. While I agree egyptians didn't look like Christian Bale, their looks was probably closer to that of a persian than an arab.
So they basically cover shit up to support their we wuz bullshit and have a right to claim artifacts from britbongs so they can attract tourists to their shit tier country and make some gibs.
That's the same tier as mexican intellectual or turkish woman. No such things.
According to legend etruscans were the same ethnic stock as the ancient ionians, ie eastern mediterranean "greeks"
Honestly I don't trust those that much anyway. There were huge differences between different calculators. Literally just some Polish autist coding those in his home. If they
look like whites after spending their entire life in the sun yes
Anyone else find it weird how white Julia Domna and here descendants are for being Syrians? Severus was also fairly white for a North African
Those are my results. I've used GEDmatch, DNA.LAND, and 23andme and all have given me fairly similar results.
Looks like a roach is about to get some electro therapy.
well they published the results on respectable journals
link related: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
also, E1b1a is chiefly African, if they wanted to wewuz they'd claim J1 or E-M81/E-V22
my guess is that the original stock would be closer to the purest Levantines and north Africans rather than Iran related folks
Those were found in pompei.
fucking awesome gif
Not lies m8.
White people were Japanese
that woman isn't brown are you color blind ?
Didn't her daughter went full swj or something
The Romans did not have a concept of an "ethnic Roman". To them, anyone that lived within the borders of the Empire and had citizenship was a Roman, regardless of what they looked like.
The only reason by people believe the Romans were white is because only citizens born in Italy were allowed to become legionaries.
what's the difference?
Only applies to Scandinavians in my mind.
slide thread
They all look like contemporary italians to me
It's not like they loved in a colorblind society, though. Greeks, for instance, we're distrusted heavily.
Nothing that strange, IMO. You need to account for Roman stylistic devices. They also often painted their slaves as being significantly shorter - midgets, essentially - than themselves. It was a way of communicating status and prominence to the observer rather than a literal depiction of the Roman preference for midget slaves.
In any case, lighter complexion in Arabs is rare but not unheard of.
Indeed. They are very similar. Still ate white caucasians.
nice flag faggot
That's not correct, concept of Romaness was always evolving. Rome existed in the west as entity from 800bc to around 450AD. It wasnt untill Caracalla in the later third century AD that everyone was given roman citizenship. In the Republican people other Italic people on the italian peninsula werent even viewed as Roman, only conquered areas with latin status were
oh my fucking god
2 minutes on google will show you the color of the hair and eye of every emperor
If Romans weren't white then why is Turkey so shit? Checkmate faggot.
Watch the documentary "Spartacus", and take a red pill you fucking autist kike retard. It's on Netflix.
tfw confronted with empirical data
Because they use the same data and methods. Even given that my results varied a lot between different gedmatch tests.
There was one guy who tried 3 different DNA tests and they had huge variation also. There is a video about it in youtube.
Wouldn't put much value to those tests, they are kinda like horoscopes. Maybe you get some general idea about your ancestry but that's about it.
go on , keep telling us who is white and who isn't. you fucking roach
heres your (you)
>Even Egyptians and Sumerians are apparently secret aryans.
däts rajt.
Pretty sick how yours is split virtually 50/50.
That's just with that particular model.
Do you have it filtered to not show less than a certain % of admixture? I can actually use your kit number and it starts to have more similar results to mine (a few tiny admixtures from outside europe)
Actually most of the richest parts of the roman empire weren't european at all.
>Sub Sahara
user, I...
Well, civilization was younger in that part of the world at the time, also, I believe there was less exploration in eastern, Greek provinces.