Daily reminder that Julian Assange gave his life in the Meme War. Remember him

Daily reminder that Julian Assange gave his life in the Meme War. Remember him.

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What if he has been dead for a while and the leaks are all FBI?



I don't see how that affects anything.

Wikileaks is losing credibility fast, and this could be solved by a simple public appearance by Assange to prove he's still in control.

Since this hasn't happened, and assuming WL wants to retain its credibility, I can only assume that JA and his staff are dead.

what's this about - bullshit?
Why do you all think he died??


There's rampant speculation that he's dead, to the point that wikileak's credibility is being questioned, and their tweets recently have only increased everyone's doubts.

Since there are simple ways (a photograph holding a newspaper) to prove JA is alive and inside the Ecuador embassy, and this proof hasn't been given, we can only assume JA is dead.

i think he's in custody, not dead, and all of wikileaks' material is currently under control by whichever agency arrested him. I don't see why they would kill him desu

Good. Good fucking riddance. F for fuck you, shitposter.

This is also possible. But if we meme "assange is dead" hard enough, Ecuador will be forced to make a statement at some point. That may be the only way to end this no-information stalemate.

Thanks for the bump :)

MFW we meme it too hard and he dies


I have not heard from my college roommate in years, he must be dead too.


This is a false comparison, but I think you know that already. Thanks for the bump!

your death will not be in vain.
Thank you assange.


I think a video, with sound, of JA reading a recent article from a newspaper would be sufficient.

Fantastic false comparison.

Good job globalist intelligence networks.

You are losing and will lose your war on deception.

CIA said no to that.

>calls it low quality proof of life
What's high quality then?
>I DUNNO :^)

Assange is dead.

reminder that ""wikileaks"" went to great lengths to "disprove" this post instead of simply ignoring it.
acknowledgment of guilt?


This tweet is what made me go from "this is probably another publicity ploy" to "oh shit julian is dead."

No, they just torture him right know.


Check the chronology, it explains alot

It's all so very strange, wikileaks itself made a poll on the method to release proof of life on assange late october, which video won.

No to mention the weird stuff with people pushing against the idea of anything happening to assange like that guy we found out to be from the italian press association

That bottom part is fake. It was sent TO wikileaks, not by them.


If he is indeed dead, we will have a matter of hours, possibly MINUTES, to obtain and diseminate the deadman's switch password for the INSURANCE.AES256 file.

That means Wikileaks has been sitting on what amounts to a literal nuclear infoweapon, if many top world leaders are actually implicated in this pedo bullshit, we may see WW3...but between the world's civilian population, and the armies that are controlled by these assholes.

>implying he's not doing just fine

People have been looking on the blockchain theorizing that is where the DMS is.

The theory is that massive DDoS attack that happened a few days after the 16/10 was an attempt to stop the DMS.


at the bottom

5th November: Pilger interview released. Both parties never shown together. No mention of when this was filmed.
6th November: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years.
Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed with direct entry.
Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending, meeting conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)
Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.

The original insurance.aes256 still has not been decoded...this is the one we need to keep an eye on, not the "new" ones (which could be disinfo made to look "new")

And this one:

>The theory is that massive DDoS attack that happened a few days after the 16/10 was an attempt to stop the DMS
This sends chills down my spine.

It means "the plan" is in motion.

God have mercy on the world...I'm agnostic, but I'm gonna convert if what I think will happen, happens.

yfw they allow him to be person of the year just to spite trump

Assange is Trudeau's puppet.

He's not dead, new fag.

that poll doesn't mean anything. TIME still picks the winner and might include the "reader winner" in a small article inside the issue

Oh shit.


The comments were hacked and gutted. Why...would it be THAT specific posting?

While not proof, lends credence to the idea that the DDoS was indeed the move against him as part of a block on the DMS.

There was a recent video where "Assange" labels Trump supporters as "White trash deplorables" while the video is playing his eye literally clips into his face and his collar clips into his shirt. People believe a transformer was used to make "Assange" make a video appearance.

>Since there are simple ways (a photograph holding a newspaper) to prove JA is alive and inside the Ecuador embassy, and this proof hasn't been given, we can only assume JA is dead.
But the list of co-conspirators (that would be inevitably revealed as ones) is ever-expanding. Didn't that guy from Ecuador post a selfie with Assange on the 17th? Why on Earth would he fake that? And Pilger is in on it too despite his extremely strong anti-American stance?

We are discussing if he was already killed/obtained, but the powers that are after him are "keeping up appearances" as part of a co-intel move to gather info on the leakers.

Hey CIA intern, how do I get my feet wet in the intelligence community? Got any tips?

>Didn't that guy from Ecuador post a selfie with Assange on the 17th? Why on Earth would he fake that?
As mentioned elsewhere, photos are easy to doctor - the problem was posting proof that couldn't be falsified easily.

Wikileaks don't and can't know the identity of the majority of their whistleblowers. How the fuck would their identity be compromised? This honestly feels like DNC tactics to stop leaks against them.

All Assange has to do is walk out onto the balcony and wave. Wikileaks is definitely a honey pot now.

Sure, it's easy to fake, but what I was asking was why play that game in the first place, when it's going to unravel fairly soon?


>adds space between new and fag
Holy moly CTR, try just a little bit harder next time


With the unredacted raw documents, it's a hell of a lot easier to identify who the leakers are.

I dunno but I"m staying suspicious.

Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fucketty fuck.

duckduckgo.com/?q=julian assange dead man switch&t=ht&ia=videos



and the payload...

Hmm good point. I was thinking purely from a view of the encrypted communication methods.

I think it's really suspicious too.

That is one name for it. I wouldn't describe it literally that way, more like "finally, we can throw the big red lever that makes everyone our bitch...worldwide."


Textbook useful idiot they let him live long enough to damage Hillary


F for true hero

Do you guys think that a major shitstorm will form once it is confirmed that he is dead?

The NWO can't kill Assange and they know it. If he dies there'll be mass rioting all over the world and lynch mobs will go after them.


o brave new world that has such people in it



wtf ?


People think that "sudden uprisings" are a thing for all major events...sometimes they aren't. In this case, this is just a match to a lit fuse, which will burn its way towards the dynamite...

They can and they most assuredly will. The public can't get past its poon, beer, and TV set for more than a day. Which will people remember, that Assange pointed out these people are beyond corrupt and rotten to their core, or that Kim Kardashian's ass looks my-tee-fine?

guess thats what a vegan diet does for u

Old news, I've known since his death. Sup Forums turned a blind eye and claimed it was doctored; I think it fits his "thinning" look towards the end.




From what i understood everyone was hoping JA would win in the hope that he gets a chance to speak and prove he's alive. w/e though it's all prob gonna be setup for their benefit.

I ate civilization. it poisoned me.


This what ya talking about?

Another thing of note, he also twitter something that was said on whereisassange 3h after it was posted there.


Zero transactions. Makes me think that ANY transaction against that chain may result in the DMS triggering...clever. They would need to take down the entire BTC peer network to basically disrupt it, and there are hundreds of thousands of copies of this hash going out.

Of course, the right transaction with the right embedded comment would make all the difference in the world.

Wake up, and smell the ashes.

Yes and there is another one at 1:50. His shoulders expand waaay to fast and his hand appears on the side when just a moment ago it was in front of him. That is not humanly possible.

ho fuck thats pretty bad, bad for everyone. F for him though, dude risked everything for a better future and the truth and paid. Bad for us, if it wasn't for this minor mistake in the digital bullshit they are pulling no one will have noticed. This means they can put words in anyones mouth. Puppet leaders who have been dead for years. The level of propaganda is insane. Dark times.

3 of the Wikileaks executives are dead. Julian Assange may or may not be, but it's clear that the killers (probably the CIA) would kill him if they could.

I would bet he made it out.

Probably chillin in Australia somewhere on. He is a good man and i'm sure many people wanted to help him.



what a fascinating horror

40 bits. WEP keys are 40 bits but it won't be that...

Thought this might have been Base64 but it's the wrong length. Not raw binary converted to text methinks. Weird.

it was sent from and returned to WL


DESU it looks like they cut something out and smoothed the vid a bit to make it less of a jump cut

Dammit forgot about the word filter

Fuck off Dr. Freeman

Its a publicity stunt. The guy is an attention whore


Fuck I'm slow. Missed the post about it being a BTC wallet. Sorry guys :)


>This means they can put words in anyones mouth.
Old technology.

You might be right, but this video (wish i had the gif) is kind of creepy when mixed with JA case.
(Also if video doesn't embed sorry still new to this site.)

or he just wanted to go into hiding peacefully. I don't think he wants to raise a fuss.

He died before providing the real leaks.

> mfw forplay forever and never climaxed