Hey Sup Forums I am a Gay man and support trump! #MAGA. What are you thoughts on The LGTBQ and LGBTQ rights. I think marriage should be up to the state. I think conversion therapy should be banned for minors. I think employers should be able to fire someone and refuse service due to their religious beliefs. If you have any questions for me I will answer any!
LGTBQ for Trump
I'm only suspicious of gay adoption. I'm a hard believer in the nuclear-family. Dont advocate homosexuality, and im fine.
Explain please.
All about the states.
Good for you bud.
Most conservatives don't care about who does what.
pence is going to electrocute the fuck out of you, queer
post boipucci
You should go meet Mike pence. He can help with your... situation..
I'm gay and voted for the imperatur
Fuck you and your tainted vote faggot.
I understand. But think about how in the US divorce rates are so high. Alot of families get split. Alot of children are raised without a mom or a dad. I would rather have two dad's or two moms then no dad or no mom.and when I do raise a beautiful daughter I will love her just as much as my parents loved me. I will make sure she will succeed in life just like my parents did.
I would rather not :]
Pence is a bit extreme but he isn't the one in charge the people are. That's why trump was elected.
Faggotry is degenerate and should remain in the closet. Normalizing it is destructive to a healthy society.
I agree with you. Good day
> gay
Most republicans including myself don't care if people are gay or not. Just don't be super flamboyantly gay.
I hate those gays too don't worry
This. As long as he will stay vice-president I'm okay. I wish in Poland gays would get more rights. Too bad we have too little influence right now to get gays accepted.
Speak for yourself, just try not to get jizz in my mouth without asking first.
Kill yourself you GRIDs infected sodomite :)
Nobody cares if you are gay. Stop baiting attention faggot.
wtf is this thread about lel
Why are you such a faggot
but pls
Homosexuality should be made illegal again. Next question.
Gays are huge attention whores, that's why they shouldn't be let out of the closet, it only feeds their narcissism.
maybe show boipussi? :3
This shit is all acceptable. Welcome aboard.
Actually gays used to be tightly linked to the Right until the 70's. Even the NSADP was very queer leaning with many top party members known gays.
I don't know desu ask a doctor
Fuck off zionist traitor. Liar paid rabbinical twink
Give me a good reason
I was too harsh on you. Marry neil turner and be done with it
*Tbh not desu
I thought nazis were socialists? Faggots make good leaders and soldiers. That party created your country. Be contrarian. Nobody makes any sense
I have no issue with gay marriage. Trump himself said it was a done deal, and a non issue.
I'm not surprised to see more gay republicans, because now that they can get married, they don't have to vote democrat just to look out for their own interests. You can be gay and not liberal.
Well, at least I'm not the only one.
Post of GTFO, durty faggot :^)
>I thought nazis were socialists
Not alone. Another LGBT Trump supporter here. There's plenty of us.
kill yourself
If you want to play cannolistuffer with your BF, whatever I don't care.
What really pisses me off is that it's being spun as something groundbreaking. Like it's some sort of historic achievement that you shoved your dick up an ass. That just becease some people just so happen to be gay, then schools or bisunesses have to seek out and question kids in school if they are gay or not before they even have sex Ed. I know a few gay people, and I have no issues with them or their lifestyle, but don't spread it like some sort of remarkable revolution in sexual liberation or something it not, because you will end up with a bunch of straight guys pretending to be gay because "it's the cool thing these days".
also gay and also waiting for pol to fuck my tight pussy
Another gay Trump voter here. Fuck yall. Just jealous your girlfriends not playing the vidja and helping you build cars and guns on your days off.
And North Korea aka Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy, right?
Oh also fuck gay marriage, give me a civil union with the same economic benefits and we're solid
Well, let's see... you said your gay and support trump... and you said your gay on Sup Forums....
I'd say that's pretty based.
Who wants to be my nazi bf. We can have a traditional family and live in the country. I'll even let you impregnate a normie girl so we can have kids.
It's fucking happened Sup Forums has turned into bloody reddit.
You're mentally ill, keep that shit behind closed doors like you people used to.
>Hey Sup Forums I am a Gay man
never would have guessed.
how old are u cutieeeeeeeeee
>Hey Sup Forums I am a Gay man
Hold it right there
Your kind are nothing but a genetic failure and must be eradicated to the point where are none left or you've shit your pants well enough to hide it in the closet forever to stay alive.
post visage
>Low test
colored me surprised
Marriage should be up to the priest (and/or the state), but adoption should NEVER be available for same-sex couples.
the same economic benefits only apply if you have a child.
Hi pls marry me I need American passport
I'm undergraduate student finish in uni
Ugly and gay.
What I don't get is if you reproduction instinct is still going strong enough that you want kids why the fuck would you not be attracted to the thing that can give you children?
Libertarian here (classic liberal, not dude weed)
I disapprove of your choice of lifestyle, but I respect your right to make that choice.
>LGBTQ rights
no problem, but "pride parades" are public obscenity and everyone involved should be registered as a sex offender. I also support secular gay marriage at the discretion of the state (i.e. the county clerk who refused a marriage license to a gay couple was right in upholding the Kentucky constitution,) or as a federal marriage license.
>I think conversion therapy should be banned for minors.
I agree, insofar as subjecting minors to compulsory psychiatric treatment without action of the court is a violation of their rights, but I also think the federally funded schools should stop distributing pro-gay propaganda to children.
>I think employers should be able to fire someone and refuse service due to their religious beliefs.
I think you should fuck off to one of the many countries that doesn't recognize or protect the basic human right to freedom of religion.
>>Hey Sup Forums I am a Gay man
Come on, at least we aren't skipping around on the streets in rainbow thongs screaming "MUH EQUALITY". Not all of us are as degenerate as most think. Some hate the bullshit the LGBT community spurts as much as the next straight person.
>would force jews to bake nazi cakes
Gary get out.
Then you can do what the Victorian fags did and stay behind closed doors, you can engage in your degeneracy to your hearts content and you don't infect mainstream society.
My thoughts on LGBT? I think they're a bunch of freaks who should keep their perversions to themselves.
Fuck off to Saudi Arabia idiot. Islam doesn't respect your rights fucking dhimmy kuffar
Why do you think we're on Sup Forums? ;)
missed the second half of that last one
fire someone based on religion = bad
refuse service based on religion = okay
wtf I love faggots now
Solution to that problem is to only hire people of your religion.
Hey kiddo, want some BDSM?
> I am a gay man
Well at least for once OP really is a faggot.
But seriously I dont care where you put your dick.
> and support trump! #MAGA.
Okeydoke. Good on you
>What are you thoughts on The LGTBQ and LGBTQ rights.
"The LGTBQ"?
Honestly if they're human they get the same rights as everyone else. End of story.
> I think marriage should be up to the state
Good. It's a state created and supported arrangement so you have logic on your side
> I think conversion therapy should be banned for minors
Agreed. Don't mess with a kids head more than you have to. Once they're an adult they can make their own decisions
> I think employers should be able to fire someone and refuse service due to their religious beliefs
Not with you on this one. I dont think discrimination on the basis of /unrelated/ opinions should be legitimised. As an example, I think refusing to serve someone because they're an alt-righter or a communist is as unfair.
What's your opinion on money in politics?
I support you wholeheartedly!
I think you're a faggot who supports Trump just so you can be "one of the cool gays." I think your idol Milo should be banned from the United States. I think your attempt at being one of the cool gays has led you to idiotic statements like "I think marriage should be up to the state." Take your libertarian pseudo politics back to /r/the_donald. Gay marriage should be outright banned, but leaving it up to the state on a local or a federal level is still violating the rights of Christians. I know you are trying to be a libertarian with your states rights bullshit, but you are being the opposite of libertarian by impeding on people's religious freedom. This is how I know you have not seriously considered your political opinions and only have them so you can be viewed as one of the cool gays. Then you go on to say you think employers should be able to fire someone and refuse service due to religious beliefs. You're a goddamn moron.
I don't care what you do behind closed doors but faggotry leads to pedophilia and promotion of the homosexual agenda and lifestyle should be banned. Just look at David Brock, James Alefantis or other D.C. / Hollywood homos behind #pizzagate.
post tummy :3
lets see it.
>I think your idol Milo should be banned from the United States.
Gunna stop you right there, famalam
Every so called "conservative" gay under 30 is either a fag who milo turned conservative or a conservative who milo turned gay.
Pence will die
agreed on all points. (seriously)
now post boipucci
You sound based, I'll be willing to be your ally. Though trannies are a mental disease.
Any kind of therapy should be given with consent of the fag.
I don't give a shit about gay marriage
Employers can and do refuse service for ANY reason. Most states allow them to fire for any reason as well.
You seem alright, just don't be a fucking faggot like you are being right now. Just live a normal life.
>the people are in charge
The people don't elect the government bureaucrats or members of the defense and national security apparatus who actually run the country.
bait that needs more pics
At least the anti racist leftist Bavarian gives pics
christians should be fed to the lions
So what? Good for you. Hate flamboyant faggots, they can go die. Act like a normal person and you're fine.
This isn't a Christian country, fuck off back to your shitty county.
No, you are wrong. Homosexuals should never be allowed to raise children.
The solution to the divorce rate is a ban on no-fault divorce. It is NOT "hurr durr might as well legalize utter faggotry"
This, kids are thinking they're gay way too early now-a-days, before they even hit puberty and understand what sexual attraction even is. It's 100% because of their gay parents.
>This isn't a Christian country, fuck off back to your shitty county.
This isn't a fucking gay country either. Where in the constitution does it mention anything about gay rights? Because it certainly mentions religion.
Not only are you a cuck for faggots, you are also very, very stupid.