Sup Forums btfo
>group of very specific people commit atrocities
>hhmm maybe we should keep an eye on these people
omg racists evil meanies!
I can objectively see why it is "bad" but you know what? When was the last time you heard a major figurehead of the Islamic community call out the atrocities in Paris, Nice, Orlando, London, etc? When people fail to act on something they give up their right to complain when someone tries to fix a problem.
who ever mentioned a sandnigger registry?
we just don't want them in our country and want to keep them away from us.
There's a difference between a religion and an insane savage bloodcult
A Christian that only worships on Easter and Christmas is the equivalent of a muslim that only rapes adult women.
DESU this grinds my gears
really shouldnt infringe on religious rights like that.
but mostly
What fellowship hath Light with darkness?
Any Christian that doesn't want to reclaim the holy land and destroy heretics is retarded
Says the side that wants a gun registry
>cool ranch is best girl
I'm outraged, because I don't want to know how many of the smelly bastards there are, I'd rather they just were gotten rid of
Unsurprisingly, an atheist is pontificating about how Christians are supposed to feel and act. Posted by a leaf. God you faggots are useless.
I've never seen a muslim registry suggested from the Trump camp.
Also, you're delusional if you think the FBI doesn't already have this.
Where is the Vlad of our times? We need to put cucks like this on the end of pikes.
I bet he wouldn't do away with a gun registry.
It should be called a registry for deportation of Muslim subhuman scum.
>Implying the right cares about anything but being edgy faggots
both are retards, who cares
>Libshits unironically believe non-citizens have rights.
You can profile and target non-citizens all you want. Civil rights only extend to citizens.
Sage Leaf.
That out of the way, the only people talking about a "Muslim registry" were of course the lying, fear mongering, race baiting, kikes in the media.
Also this shit wouldn't be a problem is said ZOG kikes weren't allowing terrorists to enter and train inside Western countries, before being shipped back out to the Middle East. If Globalist Kikes like Soros weren't hellbent on flooding the 1st world with 3rd world migrants to wreck Civil Society and further drive up massive government debt. Like the man has said himself, he doesn't care about the social or moral consequences of his actions.
>I'm going to ignore my own religion's commandments because an atheist who rightly rejects and abhors my kike demon-worship reminds me I'm being a fucking hypocrite
Islam is a political ideology though.
>who ever mentioned a sandnigger registry?
A journalist trying to bait Trump.
Trump gave a neutral answer, then the journalist ignored that and decided it was a "YES!".
Copy-Paste Journalism away!
Priebus has already said there will be no muslim registry. I'm not even american and I know this.
Liberals care more about not offending their sacred muslim cows than they do about protecting american lives from terrorism.
>implying i want religious freedom
I want Christian supremacy. Thats the end goal of the faith anyways
By the emperor
The founding fathers meant religious freedom for white Protestants, not for shit-skinned devil worshippers.
Why? Not an argument. I'm Christian but would be fine with their being a database of everybody's religion, mine included. difference is in current year people of my religion aren't blowing up buildings so they can rape virgin children
America was founded as a Christian nation.
"Religious freedom" basically meant that you wouldn't be punished for heresy for adhering to a different Christian denomination.
Christians don't have a terrorism problem, though.
Liberals are such fear mongering, self-trolling idiots.
What if I'm a Muslim who was born in the US?
Just halt all immigration from any Muslim country and deport any illegals or refugees.
As long as libshits keep their head in the sand, they can never utter the words "public safety" ever again
Is it really a religion when it's more about politics via theocracy? Religiously/ideologically motivated political movements are already under heavy surveillance if they have a history of violence ie. Ku Klux Klan. Considering the events of the last 30 years, thousands of years of history, and of course the recent political conflicts and terrorist attacks, I think it's pretty safe to say that Islam is not the "religion of peace" we've been let to believe.
Many people ignorantly compare Islam to Christianity, and perhaps see Islam as an exotic alternative to Christianity, but things couldn't be more different when we compare how things are in "Christian countries", and countries run under Islamic theocracy. Christianity in the west has been domesticated as we have evolved and become more civilized. We no longer burn witches or drown heathens, we have moved on from those times. Meanwhile in countries ruled by Islamic theocracy things have changed very little. Pakistan, Iraq, Syria etc. are all black holes of human rights thanks to the strict and cruel sharia laws. Homosexuals, rape victims, wrong thinkers etc. will all face death. Not by some militant jihadi group, not by warlords, not by street gangs, but by their own governments and leaders. And all with clean conscience, for it is all done according to the Koran.
Christians don't kill people like Muslims do, not in the modern days. The countries run by Muslims are the worst places on earth thanks to their backwards beliefs, and it would be insane not to keep track on the people who hold extremist beliefs and are potential threats.
"Islamophobia" is the most retarded concept I've heard in years. It's a pathetic attempt to draw lines between "disliking backwards beliefs" and racism. It's a cowards way to avoid discussion. As if finding the idea of people getting stoned to death is racist.
You will pay a special tax until you convert.
The list is only for non-American muslims, leaf boy
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