Teacher BTFO by student of color

"This brave, young student of color called out her white teacher for making a racist comment in front of the whole class."


Is it brave to do things the entire liberal media will praise you for?

That doesn't sound very brave, sounds quite easy.

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You just know


Nigger who wont graduate disrespects teacher.

What else is new?

are we the jews?

what was the comment?

All I see a racist little black girl disrespectfully lashing out at her teacher and disrupting the classroom.

Enough of this shit.

Fuck niggers

> (((white))) ppl control everything
She is kinda right. There is one problem though: they are antichristian possessed jewish scum.

>Trump might not be that bad a president

>White people control everything
>President is black

Why is this overlooked?

>those desks
Is this a fucking high school? Why do they all look 30?


It's similar to dieing in Afghanistan because your country told you to and you still get participation points.

Quiet down and stop being racist goyim

It takes them that long to graduate

>I don't want America to become Mexico

wtf is that? There are literally ONLY niggers in this class.

mein Freund, that is what America is like now

>But white people control everything

Stopped watching right there. She's so close. Soooo close. Why can't she just say Jews? Because the MSM will have a raging fit?

the (((whites))) also control the framework under which blacks are allowed to strive for leadership positions awarded by to merit, with a bit of the ol' affirmative action mixed in

the irony gets me every time and never displeases me

>"White people control everything, and that's not fair"
We literally have a nigger president.

Jesus imagine the stench, I've never seen that many niggers in one room before.

Why isn't it fair that whites are in control of their own nation?

>how to tell if an user has never been in jail the post

Even the other black girls are laughing at this shit with their heads down in embarrassment. Why does the media reward mental instability?

Gas the kikes


Fucking hell. Niggers have been with us since the foundation of our great country and they are more anti-American than terrorists fresh off the boat.

> Category
> Comedy

Indeed it is lmao

>White people control everything
>The student is a fan of unlimited third world immigration

Why don't thy just go back to Africa? BAKA Black people are so close-minded.

>White people control everything

Like a giant vat of Coco butter

Boy oh boy these are some uppity niggers. I would go on welfare before I taught in the U.S. public education system.

Obama isn't black he's a mulatto.

Because Hillary ran for the presidency.

>She's so close. Soooo close. Why can't she just say Jews? Because the MSM will have a raging fit?

Because she just doesn't know. Most jews look white, unfortunately, so to minorities it looks like it's just all these white people rather than a specific subset.

fair fair fair fair fair fair

without white people they where now in their african utopia, these fucking retards.

>White people control everything, dat's unfair!