I just bought 5 pounds of potatoes for $0.99
Please tell me again why we need food stamps?
I just bought 5 pounds of potatoes for $0.99
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they are called dollars in americaland bruv
Because a bag of flaming hot cheetos is like 1.50
Why don't poor people buy potatoes instead of cheetos then?
You know why
Fucking hell, is food that cheap in the US?
If you think that's cheap, check out their meat prices.
That said, Canadian beef is higher quality.
Damn burger, so you eat them , like raw?
That's fucking expensive. I get 10lb. for that price.
Food that you can cook yourself is pretty cheap
Sadly welfare turds dont know how to cook so they buy expensive shit food with taxpayer money because they dont give a shit
Fucking kek
Yeah everyone lives where you live. Kys
Staple groceries are dirt cheap. But as snobs have pointed out Oreos, Cheetos, Digorno pizzas, and other junk costs much more and the lazy fucks can't be bothered to cook up meals of their own.
Most places, yes.
T. American on vacation, currently in Paris
How will tyrone be able to afford a Filet and Lobster dinner without them?
San Diego is not cheap or potato country
Muh food desert
>why we need food stamps
So that dindus can buy theyselv som gold teefs, yo. Nawn sayn?
I like flaming hot Cheetos
But not the crunchy variant, only the standard format
They remind me of Smiths spicy wotsits
You can get high quality American beef for the price of regular quality Canadian beef.
Depends completely where you buy it, you can get very very high quality stuff for a wicked steal
How am I supposed to eat senpai?I need my giblets
Niggers can't into mathematics
Need pretty pictures to understand basic human needs such as food
Also stamps ensure the money can't get spent on crack or alcohol, though the nigger currency is the food stamp so maybe not
Americans definitely have access to high quality beef. I'm just saying that the lowest quality of beef allowed to be sold in the country is higher.
Second post best post
If I would get a welfare check everytime I saw people complaining about being broke whilst having the kitchen absolutely stuffed with the expensive brands of everything, I would have to work as much as they do
I literally know unemployed people on welfare complaining about how cooking healthy and from scratch takes too much time. When you buy cheap and in bulk, you can eat for as little as a few euros/dorrahs a day and cooking is easy as fuck
If I'd order €15 in take-out, I'd be significantly poorer too
They literally sell their EBT at 50% cash value for drugs. Not even joking. The guy who was caught buying this stuff was done in for it.
even the super high quality stuff isn't that expensive I can get like 10 pounds of high grade lean meat for like 30$
Because sheboons are too busy whoring to afford crack to spend any time in the kitchen, and too stupid to learn how to cook.
Again, the ratings are very different.
Exactly where?
I hate nigger so much, how do these niggers whom eat KFC and mcdonalds get lean?
Where'd you get that deal? The cheapest I've ever bought potatoes for is $1/pound.
When they call us cucks, theyre not kidding.
>$7 for a pint
>$80 for games
>$2000000 for a house
Dude, look at the whites of their eyes. If they are yellow, that's a telltale sign of malnutrition.
If you want to lose weight, just count your calories. You don't even need to do exercise. Just eat fewer calories than you burn. I lost 75 lbs using myfitnesspal while I had a busted ankle. Was aiming for 2 lbs per week but ended up losing 2.5 instead.
Pickles are a great filler food.
I worked at a two gas stations recently. One accepted food stamps the other didn't.
Some people on food stamps DONT HAVE VEHICLES so they can't get to grocery stores or markets.
And people without vehicles have to use their food stamps to barter for things that you need money for, LIKE GAS and paying someone for a ride.
So niggers can afford Jordans
how much in Kilo's is 5 pound ? We don't use that outdated system of measurements anymore.
I work at a farmers market and this shit happens all the time.
I had some foreigners come in, they weren't even black, but they first bought an apple to see if their EBT worked, then they bought a basket of shit nobody really needs but is covered by food stamps anyways, THEN they bring a hot and ready rotisserie chicken up to my register "just to try and see if it works".
They obviously weren't from here and wanted to milk the system and I want them all out. I work 40 hours a week and I end up with 35 bucks for 2 weeks after rent/groceries/insurance/car is covered.
Yet somehow, the government says I make too much for EBT? Sorry I'm not abusing the system sitting on my ass.
The housing market will crash soon enough, user. Probably as soon as the US federal reserve fucks the interest rate to mess with Trump.
Organ meat is disgusting.
It'll take me in pretty desperate poverty to eat organ meat.
Foodstamps are to help out the genuinely poor and incapable. I think welfare should be gutted and payments should instead be converted to foodstamps or some sort of credit system where you are entitled to a certain amount of necessities every week. If you are taking from the government, you should not be able to spend the money freely.
>Who are the Chinese
>Some people on food stamps DONT HAVE VEHICLES so they can't get to grocery stores or markets.
I actually took them home in the basket of my bike
because we like spices white boy.
nobody wanna eat yo bland ass boiled potato white people food
I don't need to lose weight, I just dont understand these niggas
>why we need food stamps?
To make mashed potatoes.
Honestly, i'm going to make everything i eat homemade. if you want some fucking flaming hot Cheetos or something that you need to buy like it, you can look up how to make them on youtube.
he be talking of the chicken nigger variety, Heart is delicous
A little over two and a quarter.
beggers cant be choosers
also good luck getting 5 pound of potatos in Los Angeles or new york for that price.....or getting potatos at all.
this will only work in rural bumfuck nowhere towns.
If youre poor, you shouldnt bitch that you cant afford a variety of food.
When i was in college, i wasnt ramen every night tier poor. But would buy 60 eggs for $7 at Walmart. Two for breakfast everyday, lasts a month.
you dont use that outdated system called google either apparently
It was in San Diego
2.3 kg. Also negative on outdated you wanna be European
I don't use the search jew no.
It really comes down to how well it's prepared. I'm a big fan of liver, personally. Chicken hearts are pretty tasty, too.
B.C. just placed a 15% tax on non-citizens purchasing homes. Sales dropped 85% from the same period in the previous year.
Their health will fall apart and they'll die young.
You don't understand? These people don't have time to prepare their own food! They're unemployed and oppressed so they lack motivation meaning they need to rest their minds with sleep and entertainment in order to live.
Plenty of white people eat organ meat.
I'm scared of it. Liver is a poison filter. Why eat it?
Good luck keeping possession of your nice bike while you live in a ghetto.
That's a bad deal. You can get a dollar a dozen for Grade AA extra large. With a sale it's .79 a dozen.
EBT whitey. We is gonna eat like kangs you know what i'm sayin? you whites eat trash, y'all trash. You mofuckas eat white bread and mayo,lamo. you dumb ass white boy, you prolly don't put spices on yo turkey, dis nigga eat Bologna.
Really? Can't think of a single reason why a subsistence diet based around potatoes could possibly go wrong?
Niggers can't cook
>I'm scared of it. Liver is a poison filter. Why eat it?
Extremely high levels of iron and B12. If you're anemic, it's one of the best possible foods for you.
Fug. Do want.
Pics or it didn't happen
10lb for $1.50 at staters right now bud
Everyone has the RIGHT to eat whatever kind of food they want, you racist prick. You can't force someone to just eat potatoes if they have no money. We need to expand foodstamps to allow people to buy ANYTHING in the store. What if someone wants lobster? You have no fucking right to tell them they can't have lobster because they are black. Fuck you.
bcuz when u on the hustle u on the grind slangin rocks u need that EBT for them red bulls
Are they Kerrs Pinks user? Those are my favourite.
check your privilege shitlord
aint nobody beggin fo shit nigga, everything grown in this cuntry belung to niggas, yall OWE us for all the crops that were grown off the backs of slaves
>5 pounds for 99 cents
>I've never suffered, it must not exist
food here is fucking cheap go kill yourself retarded proxy nigger
>Good luck keeping possession of your nice bike while you live in a ghetto.
A shitty bike will still get you where you need to go
>yo bland ass boiled potato white people food
get off of our bland ass white people internet, don't drive our cars, our medicine, or use our language or anything else we invented.
I don't eben believe u r real dindu, but just incase you are a liberal or actual dindu, let me explain to you:
I understand you are angry
Your race is an embarrassment
Your race has no accomplishments
>Your race will forever be under the superior white race as our accomplishments are timeless and we aren't tribalistic baboon monkeys
They are not growing their potatoes, and they can buy milk and vegetables to complement them
>Can buy 100 pounds of potatos for the cost of 1 take-out pizza
>Currently in Paris
>That Flag
Somethings wrong here...
But srsly GMO's are poison
I know this is sarcasm, but come on
>my chest
this, fo real tho. nigga im tired as shit out there tryna get paid, i gotsta keep mahh energy up in case some racis ass white cop tryna chase me and profile me an shit
Potatoes eh.
a bottle of hot sauce here is like a £1
Jews can't have shellfish
so the poor can weigh 400lbs
Well when all those Mexicans and Syrian refugees start moving into our versions of section 8 housing projects (ie $2000000 house neighborhoods) the housing prices will surely go down. I'm sure plenty of old white people will part with a house they paid 85k for decades ago if the government wants to buy it for 1.8 million. A few of those deals later there's a 10 story commie block of diversity the Asians don't want and nobody will pay millions to smell Mexico china and Somalia all at once all the time.
That's literally just from overcooking it...
Prices have a pretty large range.
How are niggers always at the polar opposite of whats good for this country. We go into space and they complain about missed handout opportunities
learn to cook your eggs
So I take it you've never boiled an egg?
Staple is. Flour, potatoes, rice, bread, beans, peanut butter, corn, cornmeal etc. Meat right now is 3.50-4.00 dollars a lb. Vegatables can be a bit pricey, fruit as well. It depends. I live near ohio, so i buy a lot of bulk foods from local farm and feed stores. usually 50-80 cents cheaper than store bought. The cost of food gets worse the farther you get away from farm land. So does the quality.
dude the egg on the right is just what happens when you don't put the egg immediately into an ice bath after you finish boiling it.
actually I do live in Malta
if yo so superior then how come all the white girls want a real nigga dikk?
hahah better go stroke it to them anime cartoons bish.