Brit/pol/ - Destroy the SNP in 2017 Edition

>Right-wing Donald Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos banned from speaking at former school in Kent by extremism unit

>Diane James, former UKIP leader, quits party

>PM faces fury after hinting at 'transitional' Brexit deal to appease City firms that could see us tied to the EU for YEARS

>What is a 'transitional' Brexit deal and what would it involve?

>How euroscepticism is RIPPING the EU APART: Shock poll shows unstoppable populist surge

>Donald Trump state visit to UK being considered

>Theresa May backtracks on putting workers on company boards

>DUDE WEED LMAO, say MPs including Nick Clegg

>Royal Navy 'woefully low' on warships

>Nigel Farage makes new comeback bid: Acting Ukip leader rips up pledge to quit frontline politics as he vows to forge new alliance with Donald Trump and fight for a Commons seat

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:,_2015_(Scotland)


tunnocks teacakes desu

1st for fuck YKTD

Might give this weeks Question Time a miss.

Jesus fucking Christ, no way

kek & saved

Numbers on the eternal haggis
>SNP currently holds 56 seats in the commons (Out of 650)
>They only campaigned in Scotland
>In Scotland there is 59 seats up for grabs
>This means they won 94.9% of the Scottish Seats

But is there something more going on?

Although we're talking percent in Scotland and Scottish seats this was a general election for the United Kingdom and Scotland is no more relevant in the end result than any other county on top of that knowing the number vote is important.

>The SNP won their 56 seats with 1.45 million votes,
>This translates to only 50% of the Scottish votes
>This also translates to only 4.7% of the entire United Kingdom vote.

So the SNP holds 9% of the Commons, with 5% of the vote, brought into power by 50% of the people of Scotland who turned out (which was 71%
This means that anything the SNP says, is only supported by half the population of the people of Scotland.
Which is important when you consider that in the independence referendum.
>2.1 million people vote to stay British (55.6% of the turn out)
>1.6 million voted to go independent (44.5% of the turn out)

Fuck the SNP, they have zero mandate to say that the shit they're stirring right now with the Brexit vote is on behalf of the people of Scotland and they have even less of a foot to stand on when they are holding the will of 17 million British citizens hostage when they themselves only got voted in by 1.45 million Scotcucks

>Bump into Sir David Attenborough

>"eyy whiite bwoiiii you gon' watch Planet EARF on da bee bee seeeee? wha gwan, fuck Donald Trump and fuck white people"

How do you respond?

That's probably him, he most likely made it himself

>Green party
>token minority
Jesus Fucking Christ

Is this real?

>not even anything resembling one of /our guys/


Why would you want NI or Scotland? They're a pain, they drag you down.

Alright, what councils do the Conservatives have a chance at winning in the upcoming Scottish council elections? Heard they're doing well up in Aberdeenshire.

Conservative landslide would RUIN the SNP for 2020.

>Occupation: Feminist
This fucking century. Just kill me.

yeah my mate works at the bbc online graphics, sent it to me

it's fake but i wouldn't put it beyond the bbc.


Might be fun desu.

nope, see

>2 comedians
>2 jokes

Pop quiz, whose the comedians, whose the jokes?

Because the UK flag would be shitty without them.

REMEMBER, the SNP purposely made Scotland an economic drain just to justify independence in the hope Scotland gets kicked out of the UK.

But the Scottish Conservative Party is openly left-wing

Reposting because it's particularly true of the Redditors ITT (Look at the amount of newfags falling for that Question Time panel);

In the end, not many people on Brit/pol/ are actually conservative. You wade through all the pro-drugs, pro-prostitution libertarians, past the alleged right-""centrists"" who inevitably support far-left policies like sex education and abortion, over the Tory shills who don't care if the country's fucked just as long as immigration is 100,000 a year under Mummy May instead of 250,000, and you're left with not much at all

The fact of the matter is that when people say things like "ANTI-TORY??? SO YOU WANTED LABOUR TO WIN??" they're confessing that they basically treat politics like a sports game. Yes, Labour and the Tories fundamentally agree on 99% of issues, and in some ways (spying, budget cuts for our Armed Forces) the Tories are worse, but I support the Blue Team and if I don't the Red Team will win, so fuck that. It's very sad

I dunno man I really like the union jack without the blue

that's a cute Pepe

Anyone you don't like you call a redditor.

> femenist

>implying working class englishmen havent been givin out about the bloody scots down the pub for decades

Can't tell if this is sarcasm, too lazy to confirm for myself. Well played user, well played.

Not so, I recognise oldfags that I disagree with, it's just true. Or worse, Sup Forums

>I secretly support labour for the neet benbens but don't want the guys down at brit/pol/ to make fun of me

Lads, I just found the biggest Scottish cuck on Youtube and he makes diabetic recipies.

Take a look at this shit:

Nice spelling m8

If only

>the SNP purposely made Scotland an economic drain just to justify independence
Its more that they done nothing to aid Scotland in its recovery from Thatcherism
>inb4 the Thatcherite mob come to lynch me

>Scottish Tories
we need UKIP up here lad.

I could only give one of my votes to UKIP this year.
Its annoying.

>you have the choice between getting punched in the face or knifed in the gut
>"better not make any choice, they're both pretty bad"


Applied for Deliveroo lads

Tell me what I'm in for


Wew, BBC, you have outdone yourselves.

>If Corbyn ever runs for PM
Is this bait? Do you have that little understanding of how your own country's politics work?

It's more comparable to getting knifed in the gut by people who say that they hate you because you're a white male or getting knifed in the gut by people who say that they hate you because you're a white male but they're really very sorry about it

>"Nuttall will be great for UKIP, here's hoping they do well in 2020 and replace Labour in working-class constituencies"

>Applied for Deliveroo lads
>Tell me what I'm in for

Mostly shame user, with Chavs gobbing on your back.

and regardless of him being correct on them being reddit or not everything else he said is completely correct.

Yes, user! I'm glad someone other than me sees sense!

I mean look at all the EXPLICIT DIFFERENCES in the Parties.
Like Labour increasing mass immigration to over 300k/year or the Tories who refused to even dent the number!

Or perhaps the fact that Labour want to make Military Budget cuts and the Tories are currently making huge military budget cuts!

Or the fact that Labour are all Europhiles how the Tories are still trying to keep us in the EU!

Or how Labour all voted for the Snooper's Charter that the Tories also ALL VOTED FOR!

What a wonderful amount of Diversity we have in our two largest political parties!

Agreed. This is a retarded way to handle the situation.
The man has no pragmatism.

If we're luck he bothers his arse to vote for UKIP in 2020 rather than just stay at home.

You are more like a redditor than most, you insist on using a username, because for some reason when posting on an anonymous image board it is important for you to have some sort of recognition, and apparently you think that your identity should have some kind of influence on how people judge your posts, you cover up your astonishing inability to discern between the nuances of sincere, ironic and blatant troll posts by calling someone a redditor, which only serves to highlight your desperate need to be thought of as cool, and instead of forming your own opinions, you seem to rarely differ in thought from whatever Peter "Should Have Been The Brother To Die From Cancer" Hitchens spews out each week.


ffs, where?

>Peter "Should Have Been The Brother To Die From Cancer" Hitchens
lets have Christopher, the Trotskyist turn Neocon, be the man to survive.

He would be perfect right now.



Please wear a helmet and high visibility clothing mate. It's getting dark really early.

Oh well, we all make mistakes.

Actually got triggered for a second there, well baited

Conservatives do pretty well all over, just not well enough to win seats.
I'm Scottish myself and in the past two general elections I've voted differently as I lived in two different areas.
Liberal Democrates in Shetland
Conservative in Angus North
I will vote for whoever has the strongest chance of beating SNP as nothing matters more to me than beating the independence vote.

The next general election is going to be an odd one because SNP has lost some of it's support but then the Scottish people don't know how to vote and they will likely just default to SNP anyway.,_2015_(Scotland)

I'm talking with a hambeast on OKCupid.

I find her pretty repulsive but we both liked each other and we're now talking.

dunno what to do. If she asks me out I will panic.


Calling people Redditors isn't "cool" anymore since the majority of people on this thread got here from /r/UnitedKingdom, the other political UK one, or on the wider board /r/TheDonald

Case in point being how much people like to screech and claim it doesn't matter when I call them out on it, never actually denying that they didn't come here from Reddit

This will be a crucial episode. We must endure it because it will be maximum badgood.

That laurie penny cunt actually said that robot wombs need to be invented to free women from the curse of pregnancy and motherhood, shes proper demented.






>YKTD and Blair return at the same time
Hmm, really makes you think.

lyyk ur mum did with you :]

UKIP eh? UKIP?! My mum votes UKIP but I told her "bloody mum, fuck off if you vote UKIP", cheers, hope you enjoyed my hour of standup

I don't like either of them tbqh. Obviously I agree with Peter on more, but he's annoying for the same reasons YKTD is.

Worst line up i have ever seen

Plenty to disagree on.

>blames bankers
>blames whites
>blames nuclear power
>blames the Daily Mail
>blames David Starkey

>blair has been sent to divide brit/pol/
>rps as an autistic jobless welshman with a superiority complex

This has to be some sort of joke

Not a fan?

he's also far more useful for the same reasons YKTD is.

YKTD is an insufferable uppity faggot who can't get enough of himself however his political views tend to be sound and he's one of the only legitimate conservatives in this thread.

Hitchens has all his flaws with a bigger platform and a better insight.


BUT... FARAGE?!?!?!?!!?



*Spills pint*

I didn't think it would be possible to beat last week


Was worth a laugh.

I don't like how they think their say on Brexit is important.

And I'm not Welsh so they have nothing to offer me anyway.

If you read the first letter of every YKTD post, it spells out "things can only get better". Coincidence?


>when you get a (you) for the wrong post

You the guy that made the racist reddit post letter?


Yes I am. Didn't put much effort into though.

please stop

It's too fun.

only reaosn I bought that shit to begin with was you "forgetting" to cover up the reddit username "Willow"

Post the original one.

Milo Yiannopoulos will be on Question Time by the end of next year

Please God no.

Don't have it.

I've got a better idea

Roll to see who you have to vote for

Last two digits decide

It was weiow

>(You) are my hero!

Do you doubt it?

UKIP desu


I'm gonna get GIMP
Looks professional as fuck

>not making it 00-99 UKIP
>du bs UKIP & pass out flyers for them
>tri ps UKIP and join the arty before the election
>qua ds UKIP and run as an MP for them


Was thinking of making a similar letter but a court summons from the US asking some burger to show up for court for posting racist stuff on reddit. Problem is I don't know what a US court summons looks like.

It's good enough but a bit of a pain to use. I've not tried any others desu

>yfw 2 off

What is the case for GIMP over photoshop? Is it free?

be safe nippon, this could be bad

Why do we have a supreme court lads?
It was created to remove the power from the House of Lords, yet the court is made up of Lords anyway by appointment of the queen on the recommendation of the Prime minister (just as the house of lords is) and it's a lifetime position.

What is the point of it all?