Any actual liberals or social democrats or whatever left here?
Are you all fucking alt-right? Don't you feel like a hivemind?
Any actual liberals or social democrats or whatever left here?
Are you all fucking alt-right? Don't you feel like a hivemind?
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How do you mean liberal? If we're talking John Locke then yes, I am a liberal.
Used to be a hardcore lib, but reality has a conservative bias
>Poland 2016
>Still this dumb
Alt-Right is a meme. Dont fall for the meme.
Liberal here, I just hate Clinton and pedophilia.
'Allo lad
Yeah, I maintain being a left-leaning classical liberal. Half the time Sup Forums shits the bed in the wake of what I've seen in my life and what the actual reality of the situation is.
Problem is though, there are no non-retarded left-leaning classical liberals. The closest are the libertarians and all they want to do is deregulate the markets, but they end up just being establishment cucks like Johnson.
I'm a lib but I just browse, don't post.
we are here
they are there
youn sound like a french proxyfag faggot
Used to be, then then left went fucking insane. I agree with some of their principles but flooding every western country with sand niggers because they desperately need to assuage their white guilt was what pushed me over to conservatism. I don't believe I'm an evil person just because I'm white, but you HAVE to believe that to be a part of the left these days, or else you're purged for being ideologically impure
Anarcho-communist- long term.
Alt-right "let's let them win to destroy capitalism and set the stage for left wing anarchist post apocalyptic utopia later-short term.
I mean socially liberal
That rose triggers me.
Also, "alt-right" is meaningless.
Libertardation reporting in.
Man, I don't care about this race / class / gender war shit.
I just want the government to just sit back and take care of the admin, then let me get on with my life. I want the freedom to succeed or to fail, the choice to cooperate or isolate. I don't understand what's so wrong with that.
>tfw no John Stuart Mill identified political ideology
I'd say my views are most Strasserist than anything else, so I don't necessarily hate all social democrats.
That's the best I can do.
you are retarded if you think all the left only wants to flood us with sand niggers
Verhofstadt was talking for a long time to establish a proper external EU border
Merkel and Juncker who technically are both Christian democrats invited all of them
socially liberal
fiscally conservative
Fucking tell me about it mate, I made a joke about this one corrupt Eastern European politician today with 'he's a good boy he dindu nuffin' and they went all 'waaah it's racist you can't reapply a joke waaah'.
I want to avoid politics to save the headache with these people but one day I'm gonna lose it. Being a poor bastard at uni and being talked down to by a Yankee 'Anarcho-Communist' that hasn't even read Kropotkin about 'what the left should do' is something I can only tolerate for so long.
Jokes on him though, I write for a political journal whilst he circle jerks with his mates over shitty punk music.
4 generations of social democrats here
No. European socialism has been poisoned by romanticizing the idea of class warfare, leading them to adopt an ends justifies the means philosophy which is horrendous for a government. I don't see them growing respectable in my lifetime.
Stop it. The word hasn't been tainted in Europe and you shouldn't contribute to it becoming so. Not that I like the cucks, but hell, at least it's still related its namesake.
Sup Forums is the only basket weaving board where I can write whatever I want
made up term, Sup Forums is not one person
You mean 4 generations of cultural marxism and niggers fucking up your culture?
everyone here is a mindless shill i bet they also go on reddit politics and pretend to be enlightened liberals
Exactly. Life is short and the pendulum swing is largely irrelevant when it doesn't inadvertedly interfere and fuck with my life. All I care about is living a comfy enough life and travelling the world off of the back of my own fortunes.
Even after engaging in all this right/left class/gender/race smorgasbord, after making friends with politics students, actual people who know the inner-workings of governments like the back of their hand, you come to realise that the actual politics is engaged between powerful actors, unelected bureaucrats and extra-governmental organisations like the CIA, GCHQ and MI6. They don't give a rat's ass if it's left wingers or right wingers who pay them, and they can put down a revolution in a heartbeat, regardless of your ideology.
To me, the extent of politics that I care about is
>who interferes with my life the least
>who helps me enjoy my life the most
>who doesn't want to pretend that they're Caesar Julius when elected
Everything else has been proven either irrelevant, or a trend chased by career opportunists.
get that shit out of here
Socialists ruined belgium
lol the muslims should kick you out of England once and for all.
>being talked down to by a Yankee 'Anarcho-Communist' that hasn't even read Kropotkin about 'what the left should do'
a hearty LOL to you, i met thousands of those in school
economically? yes
No, those are shit tier ideologies. Either you are a libertarian or a national socialist here.
Yes, I am. Although, I think the social liberal part of liberalism went a little too far. It's a complicated word, similar to how fascism has a lot of definitions, but this definition: "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values" sounds good to me.
I'm also pretty discouraged with politics, and have been posting way less since the elections. But there are some of us still out there. I've got a plan for contributing to the rebuilding, but I'm still working on some other stuff. I know Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than liberal, but I have an idea to leverage his popularity to get people moving in the right direction again--that is, the left direction. (ha, sorry terrible leaf liberal humour strikes again). Don't give up everyone, the future is still bright!
This, fucking Walloons and their bullshit Parti Socialiste. Also the fucking Greens who are basically hidden socialists
He genuinely gets on my nerves with his smugness. I know good people who are anarcho-communists who reject all the recent trendy shit about being sjws and about the crux being to let people choose, and there's this guy.
For eg, we were talking about animal sacrifices
>guy sacrifices goat for his meme religion
I say that it's mental and that the guy in question is likely insane if he drags out a goat and guts it with a knife for some deity
>b-but user, it's no different to eating meat
>That doesn't make him insane, him being a white supremacist is what does it
>implying one isn't less sane than the other and that either helps his character
Reporting in. Not an autistic socialist but I do believe in both liberal social and economics policies.
>not tainted in Europe
In the domestic nationalist opposition here, it's pretty tainted.
Uh... guys... I'm worried. Are they secret NAzis?
Get the FUCK out, this is a traditionalist monarchist GODLY board and not for the likes of you
Almost everyone on this board is a fucking disgusting libshit.
My views are mostly social democracy with some right-wing stances on social issues.
The parties are, the word isn't. It's fuck off and leave me alone, socially and economically. Björklund is another matter altogether.
Social democrat/ordoliberalist here
Well, in the sense that the market should be as free as possible, while the government should ensure that the market is fair and competition is guaranteed. If the economy is good you can throw in some gibsmedat in case the wealth distribution is fucked.
I'd like to see ancap in action though, just to see if it actually works.
I am a right wing socialist. IDK if that counts or not though.
Those libshits are the worst ones, but it's sometimes used by nationalists as a way to refer to any cultural marxist.
"Fuck off and leave me alone" is a libertarian, not a liberal.
It's classic liberalism. Or just any liberalism outside of the US, where it apparently means homosexual socialist for some fucking reason.
Lolbertarian here
I'm unironically a left wing gay muslim hispanic illegal immigrant. AMA.
A tankie?
Actual lefty here. I'm just not dumb enough to think that regressive policy, the failing EU, mass barbarian immigration and fucking Shillary are good for the world. Brexit and Trump were the right ways to go, and hopefully after the world it sorted out a bit we can build a functioning left-wing again sans this neo-virtue LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ BLM "we are all muslim" shit.
Same here, although, I'm still not too far away from the centre economically.
Daily before/after pol thread? Looks like it.
>be rullakebab-loving liblab
>come to Sup Forums
>boycott all kebab restaurants become white nationalist totalitaritanian absolute monarchist, also racist and antisemite
well at least I grew up, stopped playing vidya, hit the gym and got a wife
> actual lefty here
> btw im a racist regressive trump voter :^)
kill yourself
leftys are fucking stupid atm; im waiting it out and may have another look in a decade. unamerican. fuck all the post-modernist marxism. i asked you idiots to cut that out in the early '90s.
What a gay logo
Everything that isn't right-wing is shit. Alt-Right and National-Socialism is shit too, because it's not Right-Wing enough.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip: You cant.
Racism and left-wing are not mutually exclusive.
In any case he said "barbarians". And they are barbarians who don't fit in. It's a cultural issue. But I guess not being a cultural relativist makes you a racist today.
I am a fan of social liberalism, maybe socialist libertarian. I think it's a good model for a society if you ensure that power can't be centralized (for example, into huge conglomerates that screw over the little guy) and that unions can be fierce and strong protectors of workers rights.
Bit of a fan of syndicalism desu, the non-radical kind.
I'm a leftist. Bizarre combo of libertarian and socialist beliefs. (Loose confederacy of socialist states when?)
I come here for the banter, actual discussion and memes. Also I like to stay informed and the media has no clue on how to analyze the alt-right so it's more productive to just watch for myself.
"Keep your friends and your enemies closer"
So your ideal society is China? They are right-wing as fuck. They are the most capitalist state today in practice.
>he fell for the alt-right meme
National Minarchist here. Would that count as being outside of the alt-right?
>National Minarchist
Are you actually so dumb you think that someone can't believe in things like nationalized railways and simultaneously recognise that muslims are backwards savages? Is everyone is your mind either a roid-head gun toting christian "red" or a book-holding, PHD, tolerant "blue"?
China's economy is in the center, so no, it's not a capitalist country.
Capitalism = the higher's the contribution -- the more you profit from it.
Prove me that China is Right-Wing.
Plot twist, we are the real liberals.
I'm actually a huge liberal but I'm full support of Trump and the rest of these "right" wing politicians . In all honesty Trump is pretty lenient compared to "LITERALLY HITLER".
Libertarian here
Yes this is a hivemind fuck the alt-right and fuck nazis
but fuck liberals and lefties more
>Any actual liberals or social democrats or whatever left here?
We killed them all and raped their corpses.
>Are you all fucking alt-right?
We're a lot of things, just not retarded leftists.
>Don't you feel like a hivemind?
Don't your usual liberal hangouts feel the same way since there's no differing opinion ever?
Government spending is 20% of GDP. Tax burden is 19% of GDP.
Regulations even if they exist are barely enforced, especially things like workplace safety, pollution prevention and so on.
It's literally the most capitalist country today in the traditional sense, in practice.
Enforcing existing regulations is vital for consistency, and for a working capitalist economy.
China aren't very capitalist, they're very underdeveloped.
Capitalism = economic system based on PRIVATE ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
Tell me, where did you see PRIVATE ownership in China?
I know terms but market socialism would be like former Yugoslavia.
China is a capitalist country. It's more capitalist than any Western state.
And outside of some peculiar mini-states like Hong-Kong or Singapoore, it's the best example of capitalism today.
My question is, is that your ideal society? If not, name some society in past that fit your ideal.
>tfw centrist friends now think I'm alt-right because I talk about the failings of neoliberalism
>tfw jokingly called nazi now
i was a social democrat back when it meant something differend
>the mulit cultural society is a illusion od interlectuals
>China is a capitalist country. It's more capitalist than any Western state.
The wealthy elite are all communist party cadres or their family members, and the country has no formalized right of private property.
This strikes me as slightly uncapitalistic.
Yes but those regulations should be minimal, and in Chinese case they de facto are.
In plenty of places, do you think China is stuck in 60's?
Ever heard of stuff like Alibaba?
>Than any western state.
Nope. Look up the statistics.
>Hong-Kong, Singapore..
These are indeed true examples of Capitalist states my friend.
And stop implying that China is capitalist, the main principle of Capitalism is free trade and private ownership, if China's economical views don't uphold both of these values - this is not Capitalism.
>Yes but those regulations should be minimal, and in Chinese case they de facto are.
That's true. But selective enforcement of regulations is an obstacle in itself. It's not the same situation as if they didn't exist.
Yeah it's not ideal capitalism as imagined by some old farts who spent their life writing books.
It's the reality of right-wing economic policies though.
Don't do social democracy. It's sounds good but it's a slippery slope towards hell. It's simply doomed to go to shit when people get too comfortable with the idea that goverment should be behind everything. If they are responsible for X, why not Y? And if Y, why not Z?
I saw an interesting break down of political Ideologies a few days ago, and it broke down your politic beliefs between a need for equality, a need for liberty, and a need for stability.
I think liberals have moderate-high need for liberty and equality with a low need for stability. I do value the liberty portion of socially liberal people, but I value stability far more than equality. In a way I consider that moderate, a mix of stability with liberty.
So what do most classic liberals/socially liberal people value more, liberty as in the freedom to change and challenge old doctrine or equality, that everyone should be treated the same/everything equal among the classes?
NO. Liberalism has brought nothing but degenerancy and chaos to quality societies. Liberalism is anti-progress for mankind. Progressivism is a joke to the Wording. Society should never adapt to others beliefs when actual progress declines to habitate others social state and Welfare class. Eat shit and die commie
I gave you statistics. Compare tax burden and government spending as percentage of GDP for China and Western states.
China is capitalism.
And you "perfect" capitalist states are just extreme and peculiar examples. Both are small entities that profit because of their geopolitical position.
They don't demonstrate anything really. It would be like saying "communism is great, look at kibbutz!".
China is the proper demonstration.
What about Switzerland?
Switzerland is nothing like those countries and yes, them being small and insignificant if you discount their geopolitical position is an argument.
Switzerland is also in a highly favourable geopolitical situation.
You don't really understand, economy doesn't occur in a vacuum and external factors play a role.
To put it simple, if you repeated same things in let's say Russia, it would descend into chaos. As it did in 90's.
>mfw comparing state-owned-by-oligarchy Russia and Switzerland
Fuckin kek. You clearly know nothing about post-USSR Russia and even modern Russia. Well, it's ok, most westerners can't properly explain what's happening in Russia (btw I was born in Russia, both my parents are from USSR).
>Switzerland is also in a highly favourable geopolitical situation.
Many countries are, although that doesn't make them "one of the strongest capitalist economies in the EU and the world".
Elaborate your responces m8. U can't just say "Oh that's cuz they're in a favorable position".
Ctrl left
Alt right is for faggots. We are politically incorrect and nothing more.
I know exactly what was happening in Russia.
Point is similar things will occur everywhere when you enforce "pure capitalism".
You sound exactly like communists with "i-it will work this time if we discount human nature".
You can't do that. Your perfect system will only work in your mind. Unlike real-life systems that worked succesfully.
Hong Kong owes it's wealth to it's position near China, former British rule. They are virtually a zone with special privileges in China now.
Singapore, same thing. They have excellent position, it's a trade chokepoint.
Those are peculiar examples and their policies can't be repeated everywhere with same success.
It's kinda like those Italian trading cities. They were wealthy but if everyone acted like Venice it wouldn't get same results.
So geography, culture, politics, it all plays a massive role in question of what systems are viable.
I'm not even into politics, and I'm here all the time, either baiting alt right retards or reading through interesting threads, I'm slowly becoming alt right though
My only friend on Facebook is a formerly libertarian idiot who comments on everything conservative I post on Facebook, while also making "political revolution" post, on because he doesn't believe in gun rights. Also he shared a "my brother's pregnancy and the new American family.