Name a more redpilled band than System of a Down
>hint: you cant
Name a more redpilled band than System of a Down
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I actually can not.
OP confirmed 12.
What do I win?
I want to look forward to their reunion next year. But I'm afraid.
Most 12 year olds have never heard of them now
Taylor Swift
they're practically jews
>left propaganda
>red pilled
Early Blink 182
>born in Israel
Death grips
>In the 2016 Democratic Party primaries Tankian endorsed Bernie Sanders in August 2015. He wrote on Facebook: "When it comes to standing up to the oligarchs, leading the fight for civil rights, income equality, and so much more, no other politician has been so consistent and incorruptible as Bernie Sanders.
>He praised Sanders in May 2016, stating: "He's said what he's done and he'd done what he says in the Senate. All his contributions are from private individuals; everyone else's are from major donors and corporations. It does not take a genius to see who's working for whom here.
Serj was shilling for dems. Fucking linking park is more redpilled right now than soad by Sup Forums standards.
Aren't they pro liberal like Rage against the machine?
Green day
Post-Trump Kayne West.
Dixie chicks tee hee
> Communists
> Redpilled
> 1post by this ID
Fucking Disturbed is more redpilled than those faggots.
Kill yourself commie cunt
So he wants someone who stands up to the oligarchs, and yet, no doubt, he would be against Trump.
>I want muh figurehead to APPEAR NICE LIKE BERNIE boohoo.
Lets be honest. Sanders is easily corruptible in comparison to Trump.
Sanders is all talk, and his level of "understanding" of how fucked the US government is is "Rich people are bad boo hoo hoo".
Easy to show this. What's Bernies tax plan? Tax the rich more.
god damn, good choice
This. This is more of a band for 25-35 y/o and not that redpilled they are a little gay sometimes.
can u confirm this
The Mars Volta
Literally made a song about how the blacks started necklacing each other with hot burning tyres in Africa.
He was only in it for the money, don't forgot he is gonna write a book now.
Armenians are generally pretty redpilled. They voted overwhelmingly for Trump even in CA. If you take a look at LA counties, the only red precincts in North LA are in northern Glendale and Burbank, where most are Armenian immigrants. If the Mexicans weren't pull down the results in Downtown Glendale, the whole city would be red.
They are scheduled for rock im park 2017. So yeah its confirmed.
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Disturbed? I really like their older music but they're kinda pro-liberal shills now and David Dreiman is a jew and proud of it. On the other hand they have shit like Serpentine which basically says that women are monstrous beings incapable of feeling and thinking on the same level as men, so I don't think they're all bad.
Un-ironically Rush
Serj still likes Obama
just because they hate Turkey doesn't mean that they're redpilled
>communist nu-metal faggots
Please fuck of and kill yourself
Joy Division
Best answer yet
You are absolutely right, SOAD is the most redpilled band ever
I personally don't like Disturbted music style(it's a little too edgy nu-metal for me, but music is just subjective)
However their message has always been on point.
System of a Down is a lot more fun to listen to though.
lead singer was shitting on obama non stop and he was making fun of global warming and he went on alex jones.
hes been hinting about the jeuus calling them the illuminati and trying to red pill people
Lol I love system of a down OP. Me and my dad actually drove like 5 hours to go see them... I have listened and love all of Serj's solo albums and scars on broadway too.. But you can't deny that Serj is liberal as fuck. He is semi-redpilled and a smart individual but he puts his heart in his thinking and politics too much and it clouds his mind.
Tool way more redpilled than SOAD.
Shame.You win shame and contempt. High school anarchy-core
My man.
Good for drinking not for thinking
Now. Absurd, Death in June, Goatmoon, Changes, Werkraum. Listen and learn.
>save image
>change color values in photoshop
If every single person at that "concert" mysteriously died, world would be slightly better place.
Oh boy. An ex-girlfriend of mine loved them. Interesting aesthetics and poetry but the music itself is a dirge. A couple of stand-out songs, though, that I would prefer to not revisit.
>be """punk"""(c)
>throw your support behind a confirmed corrupt politician
I can understand why people wouldn't like the music, not for everyone, but I genuinely love it. Hits the spot when nothing else will.
Wikipedia: In the 2016 Democratic Party primaries Tankian endorsed Bernie Sanders in August 2015. He wrote on Facebook: "When it comes to standing up to the oligarchs, leading the fight for civil rights, income equality, and so much more, no other politician has been so consistent and incorruptible as Bernie Sanders."[33] He praised Sanders in May 2016, stating: "He's said what he's done and he'd done what he says in the Senate. All his contributions are from private individuals; everyone else's are from major donors and corporations. It does not take a genius to see who's working for whom here."
I'm going to say possibly...
It hit the spot when I'd be up all night drinking hard liquor and smoking in my shithole rented room in London, remembering the good times turning bad.
Like I said, not anything I'd like to revisit anytime soon.
It was a band for 12 year olds like 15 years ago. But yeah, they've not been active very much so mostly 20s and 30s now.
DIJ is great, but the faggotry is a bit much at times
wow deep man
Peste Noir
Panda Bear
What do you mean? I get that some of his lyrics could be taken both ways, but I don't know that any of it is particularly flamboyant.
Seconding, naturally. Also, Alcest as a good side project of Peste Noir.
Peste noir is good stuff
Kill All The Gays
>Iron Maiden
>Minor Threat
>The Smiths
Darude: Sandstorm
This guy pretty redpilled.
>King Diamond
death, rip chuck
Future sound of london
Blind Guardian
wtf in Sup Forums but no one is posting nazi music
LOL Korn are an absolute joke. I'd be embarrassed if they were in any way progressive.
Aphex Twin
I love a bit of Disturbed but I definitely wouldn't call them redpilled