Does anyone actually know what happened?
Does anyone actually care?
What happened to her?
Other urls found in this thread:
She made some fine burgers happy.
She's fucking DEAD.
Stop talking about it, 2007 was 9 years ago. Chances are she was either killed by her parents and they cleverly covered it up or a pedo pumped and dumped her in the sea. There's no chance in hell she'd still be alive and if she was she'd look far different.
Someone said there was an article that said that the police knew who it was but couldn't do anything after we started pushing the podesta connection.
Sounds like the podestas were the ones behind in imo.
She's probably dead though.
I hate to say it, but it was a run of the mill tragedy,
I wish she was still alive but odds are someone just took her and hid the body too well.
Never leave your kids unattended in a foreign country known for sex trafficking.
Her parents killed her.
Why was some girl's parents killing her in Portugal such a big story?
She's Podesta s personal cockpuppet
surprised foreign flags have heard of her
is it just due to Sup Forums?
She was "sold" by her parents, idiot
I was on board with pizzagate until you shills started spamming this crap. The podesta bros didn't kidnap anyone themselves, they have people for that.
spooky version:
- her parents drugged and loaned her out to the P. bros
- the P. bros snuffed her accidentally (or not), and took the body to dispose of it.
- the parents covered it up and played the victim.
All this is total shitpost speculation with like 1% probability.
She got pregnant
>Does anyone actually care?
You will regret those words user
Her parents drugged her to get her to go to sleep. It didn't work quite right, and she fell down the stairs... while her parents were in an adult party orgy type of thing.
Being intoxicated themselves, and unable to think clearly enough to do the right thing, they covered up her death best they could. Somehow, they got away with it (something about international law or some stupid shit).
Someone got paid off.
she was pretty big meme back in... I dunno 2008-2012?
also there was fuckton of jokes about her on Sickipedia (RIP in peace), word just got out one way or another
Why did this get made such a big deal out of?
Don't kids go missing all the time?
Thankfully things like this are unusual
But yeah never leave your kids, especially in some semi third world shit hole like Portugal.
>boycotted the place
>2007 was 9 years ago
Nothing. People only cared about the faggot conspiracy theories during the election. She has been dead and buried for ages.
They don't get taken away like this very often
Most non sociopaths do care what happens to innocent kids
>Kidnapped to be used in child sex rings.
>All the coverage scared the kidnappers.
>Murdered, and body cut into a billion pieces.
>Fed to fish in the Mediterranian
The police know the parents covered up an accidental death. But they fucked up the investigation.
>Does anyone actually care?
Just remember that the next time you hear some stupid cunt wanting to "HALP THE OPPRESSED AND RICH FOREIGN PEOPLE"! There is a database in Washington DC with the names of about 600,000 missing kids on it. No effort is being made to recover any of them.
I think that's what I hate the most about the SJW stuff. None of these cunts know what genuine suffering is. They think getting a dirty look or being called a dirty name makes for a hard life.
John and Tony Podesta did it.
I'm Nora sociopath and I don't care what happens to anyone I don't know (including kids).
Animals being harmed tho triggers me a bit
This. Her parents acted shady as fuck after the story became yuuge. Most likely they accidentally killed her and then tried to cover it up.
>Doesn't even know
It happened at night while they were out of the hotel room and kids were in the room. Apparently they checked back on the kids every half hour (sus). Then she was gone, the mother screams "they've taken her!" (Officially struck from the record) and goes into a panic.
The story is the financially struggling parents sold a couple nights with their children to powerful abusers, but it went wrong and they lost their child for it.
Sick stuff.
There weren't any stairs in the apartment. There were stairs outside, but I doubt she would have been able to make it outside on her own.
The facts (as far aw can be determined) support her death in the apartment. There was a search by sniffer dogs which identified her blood in the front room under a window, behind a sofa, and the scent of a dead human body in the children's bedroom. There was also blood found in the hire car which was hired a number of days after she went missing, as well as the scent of a dead human body again. Both areas were tested by the same professional, world-renowned dog handler at separate times with separate dogs.
There are also too many inconsistencies with the stories of all the people involved, too numerous to go into here. A major question is also raised by the people hired by the parents to run the private search and to carry out said search: accountants, experts in fraud law, and private investigation firms with no history or expertise in looking for missing persons. They also hired a convicted fraudster as an investigator without any reason to, except he knew one of the people who was running the investigation through a business connection.
tl;dr Parents did it by accident and covered it up.
>Animals being harmed tho triggers me a bit
so psychopath then?
If you care more about animals than humans you will join them
We've been having some fun hearing about your state-funded child trafficking you ironically call Child Protective Services. I specially loved the one about taking a kid from their parents to put in foster care with a convicted child molester who is currently in jail yet again for rape. Apparently the excuse was that they forgot to check his identity.
It makes for great TV.
I saw a documentary that made a very good case that her brother killed her and the parents covered it up to protect him.
You realize the top image is a progression of the same man, correct? They are not depicting multiple individuals. Just one.
When Sup Forums pisses itself like an over excited dog over literally nothing, we lose credibility
this is some /x/ shit right here
Nah man. Sociopaths cant empathise others pain. Psychopaths enjoy inflicting pain and usually start harming animals as children.
I'm neither.
Here, have some corn of peace
Evil is everywhere, the point is your reaction to it.
The UK is indeed descending into hell and not much will stop it. Doesn't absolve your shitty excuse for a country being virtually supine when it comes to confronting problems.
Was a pretty big story in the u.s
even due to the similarities to the Jon Benet case which is arguably the most famous unsolved murder here
Podesta and HRC got to her. She's long dead, but not before she got raped and sacrificed to Moloch
Look at the facts. They are all there. Better than 'muh Podestas' or some shit.
>I don't care what happens to anyone I don't know
Self described sociopath then
I have two examples.
1. recent one, how parents can be the fucked up or permitting party:
2. women will give their children for rape and torture to high-status famous men:
Ian Watkins of "Lostprophets" band:
Hard to believe but moms kill their own kids all the time. Like the Anthony case, Jonbenet Ramsey, and a lot of others.
This is the $1 million mansion belonging to Clement Freud, that sits only 1/3 of a mile from where Madeleine was abducted. While searching for their daughter, the McCann’s were invited to this house many times by Freud, claiming it would get them out of the glaring media.
Freud reportedly wrote the McCann’s a letter, inviting them for lunch at the villa in July 2007:
“I have a house in P da L,” he wrote. “Been ashamed of the intrusion into your lives by our media and if you would care to come to lunch/dinner at any time before Wednesday next, do ring and let me know. I cook decent meals.”
At one of their visits to the mansion, Mrs. McCann has been quoted as saying: “He gave me one of his looks and a giant glass of brandy, and managed to get a smile out of me with his greeting: ‘So Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?’
>Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known Pedaphile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However, his home had been loaned to friends of his- John and Tony Podesta.
Watch out for the CIA snip--
>A sincere FUCK YOU.
Pizzagate and the connected timelines aren't going ANYWHERE...
Normies are just now getting involved...
The Dark Web these demons have spun over humanity is coming to an end...
Burke killed jonbenet not the mom
Our child protective services aren't a child trafficking ring and we aren't supporting parents who impede police investigation into their daughter's disappearance so I'd say we're good. Worry about yourselves first.
did his mole progress too?
kys CTR
Can sociopath care about people they know?
Do you really care if a different African kid dies of aids every 5 seconds? Or is it just little white girls you feel sad for?
I can give you the best information on this.
She had an accident that killed her in the flat whilst her parents were out drinking.
The sniffer dogs that were used have never been wrong, in light of the fact that the two cases that they were previously thought to have been wrong about, were overturned with new evidence. Those sniffer dogs are hot shit at their job.
The sniffer dogs smelled both blood and cadavers in the flat. They smelled it all over the flat, and in the car they had rented.
The mother of Madelaine refused to answer questions when she reported her missing daughter. This is because she knew that she was dead. Why else would a concerned mother reply 'no comment' to 48 questions that could help the authorities find her daughter? Bear in mind this is before they ever felt that she was a suspect. She was stand-offish from the beginning.
A neigbor gave a statement that on the day that Madelaine was supposed to have gone missing that their rental car's boot was open, the neighbor noticed this before she left for work. She remembered this because she also noticed that the car boot was open when she returned home from work. The most likely explanation for this is that they had cleaned the car of blood and left it to air dry.
The red-pill on this is that they went out, couldn't be bothered to pay for a baby-sitter, took it in turns to check on her every half an hour or probably less, got pissed, Madelaine fell whilst climbing on the sofa (the sofa moved as she reached the window sill) on the mosaic tiled floor.
That's it. That's what happened.
>A fucking leaf
Literally Google it. I'll wait. They're progressions
Probely drugged her so they could get pissed, she either dies because of a dodgy dosage or she fell and hit her head or some shit, parents panic and bury her somewhere
Can't buy into them selling her for cash unless they had a fucking enormous drug problem since iirc they were both doctors
I only care about money and shitposting
>we aren't supporting parents who impede police investigation into their daughter's disappearance
No evidence for that at all
I've long since given up worrying about the leftard hell of the UK.
We will reap what we sow
link it from scotland yard CTR shill
You shouldn't leave your kids anywhere you dumb fuck.
They were photofits released by the parents' investigation, not the UK police.
Don't Portugal bash in this thread.
muh mole progression
Fuckoff CTR shell
>leaving your white kid alone in old Brazil
Fucking idiots
muslims broke in, when the kid couldn't recite ten koranic verses they took her and made her join isis where to this day she now fights for Allahs glory.
Tbh you can make up any story, its like jack the ripper, nobody knows.
You took her you portugal fuck
>Tries to talk about multifaceted situation utilizing logic.
>Says "hey, you're kind of wrong here's why"
>Y-you're CTR!
>Literally a leaf
Aren't you people gone yet? I'm ready to go back to discussions instead of polarized, retarded incorrect memes.
"In 2013 Scotland Yard released e-fit images of men they wanted to trace..."
kys CTR
You should start your investigation on twitter.
weak ad hominem
"In 2013 Scotland Yard released e-fit images of men they wanted to trace..."
You should seriously kill yourself.
I also have Kek on my side
Ok, that singer dude just got me all creeped out. Just shows how vile woman can be just for the prospect of getting money
also no link
>lying CTR shill confirmed
you should really, really kys before david brock does
Was a pretty big story here in Ireland
>HURR I'm right you're wrong I have kek on my side
>Ignores the fact that there were more than these two images released. These two images are a progression of one man among multiple men of interest.
Let's pretend for a moment that your analysis isn't totally retarded. Why the fuck would someone as connected as Podesta risk his whole career by kidnapping her HIMSELF when he could pay someone to do it? Use some fucking common sense.
This is honestly the reason why people on Sup Forums are starting to genuinely hate Canadian posters. You refuse to be analytical or use common sense. You should all be banned. Fuck. Off.
>being this stupid
>Or is it just little white girls you feel sad for?
Forgive me for being white and British and having sympathy for my own kind Achmed.
However you fucking cunt, if one of the kids in my family dies in an accident for example it would be a personal tragedy but that is life and there would be no wider implication
Deliberately taking an innocent kid for someones fun is just pure evil, no matter who are.
True. But... The witness could have seen two separate people at different moments and mistakenly assumed it was one person.
>pic related
Yeah but the parents were both doctors, not uneducated trash.
If someone shits in the toilet, nobody cares.
If however a turd turns up on the kitchen table, we can start to be concerned.
Thanks for the informative redpills Brits
Norwegian police investigating a pedophile ring have arrested 20 people and identified 31 others as suspects.
>Floystad told reporters that many of the suspects were highly educated and include lawyers and politicians.
Police seized 150 terabytes of material depicting many forms of child abuse, local media reported.
>Prosecutors said the perpetrators met on the dark web, using encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks.
>lawyer, check
>politician, check
150,000 GB of CP
>how in the fuck?
Just ask the Podesta brothers. I'm sure they know.
Wish Serial would cover this case to expose the parents. Send them emails and messages on twitter. They need to redeem themselves after a boring second series.
Parents killed the kid but the Portuguese are cucks and didn't want to blame white people for a crime and risk hurting their relationship with Britain.
To this day, the official position is that a dirty Portuguese rat is the criminal.
I am talking about Maddies own parents. The two women in the Ian Watkins case were just groupies and 100% guilty and convicted.
The police have developed a response to people expressing themselves on the McCann case. You have to be careful what kind of information you publish or else the police may want to prosecute you.
parents killed her, or allowed her to be killed.
nobody pushed too far either by conspiracy (lots of powerful people saw a chance to stick their faces into things and "be helpful" and didn't want to look like twats for cosying up to the murderer) or by cock-up (they just never caught anyone.)
british justice is scary anyway:
>trial judge Sir Hugh Park, who had praised the police and the 13-year-old girls at the original trial for bringing Kiszko to justice... said he was not sorry for how he had handled the court case.
>David Waddington, Sheila Buckley, Maxine Buckley, Hind, Brown and Burke, Ronald Outteridge and prosecution barrister Peter Taylor all offered no apology, nor expressed any regret for what had happened. All refused to comment when Kiszko was released. Even the West Yorkshire police, while accepting and admitting they had been wrong, tried to justify the position they had taken in 1975
>Kiszko needed further psychiatric treatment and continued to remain in Prestwich hospital though he was allowed home at weekends and occasionally during the week. He was finally allowed home fully in May 1992, three months after being cleared, but the years of incarceration for something he had not done had both mentally and emotionally destroyed him... As his mental health had deteriorated over the years, so now did his physical health; in October 1993 he was diagnosed as suffering from angina.
>Kiszko died of a massive heart attack, in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, on 23 December 1993, at home, 18 years and 2 days after he made the confession that helped lead to wrongful conviction for murder...His mother, Charlotte Hedwig Kiszko, died four months later
>After release from prison Kiszko had been told he would receive £500,000 in compensation... He had received an interim payment, but neither he nor his mother ever received the full amount they ...since both died before...
You think the elite enjoy that shit in anything less than 4K?
That shit is only for the pleb masses to make them think we're coming along technologically. They're enjoying that shit in glorious fucking 144k rez in their very own personal IMAX theaters man.
was a pretty big story
for you
>foreign country known for sex trafficking.
Try VR. Oculas rift POV
That's for their personal bedroom time. The IMAX is for when they want to bring friends.
IDK man idk.
>wew lad
>Jon Benet case most famous unsolved murder here
l m a o
I'm partial to the EAR/ONS guy but Jon Benet had major press and basically scared every parent in the 90s. I was born in 96 and my mom was terrified during my whole childhood that I would be abducted. Sensationalism at its finest.
> 2016
> not using virtual memory headsets
We SensEn now?
In chopped up bits in the comet ping pongs basement