ITT: Post Trump's most formidable opposition in 2020

I personally think Trump's most daunting challenger would be Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who has always been against free-trade and can appeal to the White Working Class.

I don't like John Kasich, but hopefully he runs for Senate in 2018 so we can pre-emptively knock out Brown.

What do you think Sup Forums? Who would be the Democrat's strongest choice for 2020?

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Too young to be taken seriously, and she's a Hindu.

Also, she wants to work with Trump:

Sup Forums should be doing opposition research on every potential 2020 democratic candidate
Booker is rumored to be a closet fag, De Blaise is corrupt to the core, Al Franken likely stole his 2008 senate election
Gather the weaponized autism

Yes Putin, it will be as you say. I serve the Soviet Union

The Dems are already laying ground work for a phony revolution within the DFL. They're basically going to put a new coat of paint on the same old donkey. Try to run a hip young candidate and get all the Bernie supporters hyped again. They honestly think they can manufacture their own Trump.
Too bad they already did that with Obama, and we all known how that went.

now that trump is presdident will we see a Union of Soviet Conservative Republics?

that should worry the republicans then

The Rock

Honestly if America is stupid enough to elect a reality tv host, why not a pro wrestler? Let's make our country into even more of a sad joke than it already is.

The left is definitely going to be butthurt, but they'll be losing millions of guaranteed Liberal voters. If Trump really gets 3 million deported, and we end financial incentives for them, even more of them will leave. Those are all faithful Democrat voters who only vote for welfare.
The right leaning American people don't care. We've been called racist for far too long, it doesn't phase us. We were called racist for doing nothing but being moderately conservative.

The policies that Trump has stated he wants to pursue will not only help America, but also help ensure he wins the next election.

This man is too ugly to win.

>reality tv host

How to tell somebody is underage. Trump was famous for DECADES before the Apprentice.

go ahead and laugh.

sherrod brown only got into office because of anger against bush, he has no staying power. if he was running this year he would've been voted out

because The Dwayne is a hardcore republican.

So this Sherrod Brown is going to be removed in 2018
Why would he be a dangerous challenger in 2020?

I don't think you understand how insane their voter base is now, they are not going to vote for a white male in their primary

Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren. Let's hope the Dems are stupid and elect another corporatist hack.

Not habbedin
They won't get enough labors whites back in 4 years and they will lose all the non-white vote

Could make English the official language of the US and not let states translate shit into these foreign languages.

If the Clinton machine couldn't take down Trump then literally no one can.

Unless he fucks up majorly he is 100% guaranteed to win again.

English as the official language, make Voting recognized as a right of the citizens only, punish companies for employing illegals.
Once all the sanctuary cities are broken up they'll have nothing left to hold on to.
The DFL would be fucked for decades.

If the wall gets built, BP are allowed full reign to enforce our laws and defend the border, we'll be in a very advantageous position. The key to this is that Trump isn't a hard line Republican when it comes to doctrine, he doesn't espouse right rhetoric on more social issues. As marijuana is decriminalized in more states drug dealers get less business. A portion of that is taking money away from cartels. We continue down this path of decriminalization and begin treating users of hard drugs for their medical addiction instead of like common criminals, and the cartels lose their most lucrative market.

States see more taxable revenue, crime rates fall, illegals have no incentive to be here, our inner cities can be revitalized once the black gangs lose considerable portions of their drug trade as well. We more of the hard core ghettos can be "gentrified."
Genuinely making America great.

MO Lt Governor, Russell Carnahan

She'll be 71
They wont run another old white woman. It didn't work last time, wont unseat an incumbent.

Her reputation is pretty poor as well, shes seen as genuinely out of her mind even by the moderate left.