>Megyn Kelly calls out the media
>Megyn Kelly calls out the media
Sean Cuckity getting asshurt because he's paranoid that she's talking about him too
She's still having PSTD from getting BTFO by Trump.
She looks more aggressive and she used that anger to wreck Trump at every opportunity.
Now she's a big commodity in the news world and literally has a pick of any network she wants when her contract with Fox is up.
Trump did nothing but bring win to Megyn, despite all his whining.
So, what you're saying is she should be thanking Trump for making her great?
No, nothing of the sort, it was her spectacular coverage of a manchild that has vaulted her into the international spotlight.
So, her inaccurate hit pieces and exaggerated drama between her and Trump is what put her in the international spotlight?
She pretty much created an good girl vs bad guy angle to put herself over is what you're saying?
Nope, she literally reported the truth over and over and he kept foaming at the mouth and making himself look more and more like a misogynist.
She's been on at least a dozen shows lately due to how she handled his bullying. And people are buying up her book to read about how Trump threatened her, and how Roger Ailes tried to put his tongue down her throat and threatened her job.
Fox News is collapsing as we speak.
Also she had lower ratings than either O'Reilly or Hannity despite being inbetween them. Meaning people tune out when she comes on, and some possibly come back for Hannity. Tucker Carlsons show before O'Reilly also just got big ratings. She's dragging the night line up downward at this point.
>how Roger Ailes tried to put his tongue down her throat and threatened her job.
Have you ever seen or heard her Howard Stern episode where she talked about which one her co-workers she'd fuck and how much kinky sex she and her husband has.
Give it a listen.
>she literally reported the truth over and over
No she "reported" gossip rag tier nonsense then when Trump called her on it she became combative and insulting. Then when Trump and his supporters came back at her with the same venom she became a victim.
Oh and let's not forget that she's the only female anchor on Fox with a desk with a see through front. To show off her legs. She's a piece of ass who puts herself on display and even admits it.
So she can drop the "my innocence was lost" act while she tries to pile on the Ailes allegations.
I guess she's not the media then, good to know.
Looks like her constant shilling on every TV show imaginable has worked. I'm sure all those 5 stars read the book so quickly.
Every 5 star review pretty much masturbated over "how hard" Megyns life must be.
Who cares if she's a sexual person? That doesn't give some fat pig the right to threaten her job if she doesn't fuck him.
If that is even true. When ever these sexual allegations things happen and more and more women come out of the woodworks you can bet it's all to get a slice of the action.
And yes you should care about her being a so called "sexual person" because she's unprofessional to sit on a shock jock radio show rating her male co-workers and making sexual comments about them.
It put her character into question and brings the question of was she really a victim or using her sexual wiles to get ahead in the industry.
Megyn wasn't the original accuser, in case you forgot. She didn't mention it until the other chick accused him of it.
And Roger Ailes is out now, isn't he?
She's absolutely fucked. FoxNews hates her. CNN won't touch her because of suing CEO. Her book is not selling at all because all she does is trash Trump in it.
She's fucked. This will be the last contract she has with a major network. Expect her doing the weather on local news in the future.
Prolly on next episode of blacked
I read her book. She barely mentions Drumpf. And it's selling like hotcakes.
Any network will grab her. I'm betting she'll go to CNN.
We'll see about that. You do know she has the lowest rating at FoxNews of all the anchors, right?
She had one of the highest ratings on Fox News before the Drumpf situation, you know. She will easily be swallowed by another station. She had way more than Anderson Cooper even when her ratings were low.
>Megyn wasn't the original accuser
You're making my point faggot. She's piling on. She's one of the biggest female personalities in the company. If Roger Ailes as sexually harassing her she should have been the first one to call him out for his actions but she wasn't some other woman did and Megyn in her quest for attention cooked up some story about being harassed.
>And Roger Ailes is out now, isn't he?
When accused of sexual assault or harassment there is no way for a man to defend himself. No matter what he says or does in the eyes of public opinion is he already guilty. And the normal course for this type of thing is for the company to distance themselves from the accused.
>And people are buying up her book to read about how Trump threatened her
>I read her book. She barely mentions Drumpf.
You trollin' mang?
A sexual predator rarely abuses one woman. He does it habitually. Women don't usually come out against a powerful man because they know the consequences.
I'm sure you'd just be all over Bill Clinton's women, but you think this fat pig is totally innocent even though he admitted guilt by quitting.
>he admitted guilt by quitting.
What did I fucking just tell you. When shit like this happens companies distance themselves from the accused.
He didn't just quit, there are boards that rule over corporations. They forced him out to prevent backlash and association.
>Women don't usually come out against a powerful man because they know the consequences.
Except they fucking do which is why we're having this discussion.
everyone who can get in on a class-action suit against a rich person (as in: GUILTY EBIL WHITE MAN) will attempt to do so
and the media will do whatever possible to extend the story for ratings, no one actually cares about the victims or the accused, it's all a money game
>She's a piece of ass who puts herself on display and even admits it.
I hate "news" programs that try to control me with my dick by having some dumb cunt read their "news".
>Women don't usually come out against a powerful man because...
They're trying to take advantage of their pussy.
Fuck off with your bullshit.