German engineer trails woman through streets

>Hamelin, Lower Saxony of 'Pied Piper' fame
>two Kurdish familes feuding (this is the current theory), living in Germany (suspect Kurd is born there)
>Kurd man ties rope around neck of woman from other family
>ties rope to back of car
>trails her around center of Hameln at top speed, 250+ meters

Germany is truly enriched, all Europeans can only hope to learn the secrets of their integration success story

Other urls found in this thread:

Link you faggot.


>>ties rope to back of car
Was it a german car at least?

This has nothing to do with Islam tho.

VW Passat


mudslimes are just plain retarded. work with two of them totally prone to berko emotional flip outs over minor bullshit.

The perpetrators and victim are German Turks with Kurdish roots from two large families.

Will Germans ever overthrow their government and publicly execute the people who gleefully created the refugee crisis that has seen and will see thousands if not millions of innocent people murdered, raped, or assaulted

First of all, that guy aint German.

Second, he sure as fuck aint no god damn engineer.

That mother fucker looks like he eats paint chips.

Saw it on the news today, was waiting for something like that. In the city of one of the most famous European legends to boot.

We need another Hitler to get rid of this trash.

We should be proud of him because he is so integrated that he used a (german) car instead of a camel

>The perpetrator has no ties to Islam

You had one job. Can't wait til you autismic retards get genocided

Heard about this on the radio. No race/religion specified, and I knew. I fuckin knew it was some refugee.

>pic related is a German
>Germans will unironically defend this

>Germans will unironically defend this
some yes, not all.

roach roots confirmed

There's a sort of government-run CTR program going on here, a foundation named after some important Jew (I forgot the name, Amadeu Antonio or something of the sort). They've been running research on Sup Forums and how it affects public opinion for a while (think along the lines of that UN report that occasionally gets posted here) - with the result that we now have (((people))) getting paid to demoralise right-wingers on here. When you see cuckposts with a German flag, be aware that the enemy's in the thread.

This is an FYI, please keep an eye out for the kind of thing that you described and troll them mercilessly where you can. Rest assured that we actual Germans on here are always either ironic or just as pissed as you, just with less freedom.

VW are the car of choice for Mexican sicarios. With the vw plant in Mexico, the cars all wheel drive, affordability, and also it's easy to blend in.

Was the woman a feminist?

This should be required treatment for those.

>german turks
>kurdish roots
so kurds

kennst du etwa auch die weltraumaffen?


What exactly is a kurd and how do they differ from arabs and turks?

kurds are a race with no country of their own, they sort of exist across multiple countries in shithole central

they fight against ISIS so we like them but they still goat fuckers

Komm schon. Bloß weil die Amerikaner es in den Weltraum geschafft haben müssen wir doch wohl noch lange nicht so rassistisch werden.

Arabs and turks hate them but they are still brown.


in turkey at least the differences are as follows;
-speak turkish
-live in anatolia or thrace
-mixture of caucasian, persian, anatolian with added turkic
-speak kurdish and accented turkish
-live in southeastern anatolia, or the major cities
-mixture of persian and arabic with added armenian
-these are often inbred and you can tell
-speak turkish and sometimes arabic
-live in adana-urfaline
-mostly arabic

picture somewhat related, it is a voter map. red are western anatolian turk majority countries, yellow are inner anatolian turks and purple are "turks" ie kurds

sometimes you will hear some shit a turk did abroad but it will actually be a kurd. for example there was a rape case in japan which was served as "turks rape a japanese citizen" but they were actually two kurds from the local kurdish refugee center

wrong picture