These people are the reason why trump won

>these people are the reason why trump won

Other urls found in this thread:

Not quite, but your thinking that these people are the reason Trump won are the reason Trump won.

When you generalize half of the fucking country as being backwards and stupid instead of pandering to them like you do everyone else, it can upend your strategy and cause them to dig in against you.

Two fictional characters?


Fuck smug liberal morons

your post is the reason why trump won

no these are

yep, and there's nothing you can do about it


liberal "elitists" got btfo

On a scale from 1 to mad how mad are you? Im guessing your off the scale

> Multicultural people voted for Trump



The Simpsons?

People like you are the reason the left will never win again in America unless they restructure their entire strategy

>When you generalize half of the fucking country as being backwards and stupid
holy hypocrisy batman!!!!



>lmao the grannies have bad teeth XDDD

drumpf btfo

Well it's a Lithuanian posting - unless they're behind 7 proxies - so who cares.

the batman meme isn't funny you piece of shit faggot

>I says we voted for trumps cuz he gonna fuck all the illegals out our countreh n mak murica grate agun.

>Id has get in it
>Gets a get

Praise kek

>These people are why liberals ever win

Unlike Hillary, Trump never really attacked the DNC voterbase


Oh, you have electricity now? Good for you boy.

>When you generalize half of the fucking country as being backwards and stupid
More like almost the entire nation is filled with dumbasses.



>peruvian shitskin

Still not a nigger.

>there "people" are the reason why clinton lost

How is this not racist in any way? Have you leftists become caricatures of the very "wacists" that you despise?

you're five years late hombre

no its because people are sick of shillary, even the niggers

I can't wait for another trump landslide in 2020.

Yeeeaah, we done gone and did it.



>fictional characters?
They're the reason Hillary nearly won.

>Surely if we just hurl more baseless insults at the white people we alienated with baseless insults, they'll start to agree with us again.

Feels pretty good knowing the left won't figure out how bad this tactic is until the brown shirts are kicking down their door and screaming angry german words in their face.

You mean the faggots who make shit like The Simpsons where they spend millions of dollars using public airwaves to shit on working class whites?

You got that right.

Well the liberals wanted to get rid of Literacy tests

Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.
-W.C. Fields

Poor people who have families to take care of?

>the Democrat party is the voice of the poor!
>man, fuck these dumbass poor hicks. incest, backwards, trash, uneducated, etc.
no wonder the Democrats lost, they can't even stay consistent in their pandering

>no wonder the Democrats lost
They are hysterical shitards. Let them go nuts, it only helps us win

Based Cletus


leftists are hypocrites

cry more faggot