Whites BTFO!!!!!
Whites BTFO!!!!!
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Spanish have more native blood on their hands than we do.
Spanish BTFO
I don't have anyone's death on my hands.
tumblr for the win
>implying current generation of whites killed injuns
Wow if only I carried hot sauce in my bag at all times
really makes u think
If they keep this up we might.
>When Nigger Twitter and black-presenting cucks make bad jokes about chicken spice and your first reaction is to wonder why niggers put gunpowder and crack cocaine on their chicken
>My Ancestors killed the weak race
>Blood is on my hands
Quick Sup Forums think of a chef or people who excel at fine foods.
Did you think of French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Greek person or did you think of a fucking nigger?
This will make you really think.
They can make memes on Twitter if they want to, black people don't even have families.
But they actually fuck the natives, you guys just killed them
Once again
Who the fuck eats hot wings for thanksgiving
Thanksgiving means turkey
Pretty sure buffalo wings were invented by white people
But that's aside the point since who the fuck besides niggers has buffalo wings for fucking thanksgiving?
What food have niggers invented? Gumbo? Is that about it?
When you ask your dad to pass you the salt but he's still out buying smokes
/fit/ tier, would eat. Honestly, I know niggers are behind this, niggers see any food not covered in lard as bland. See soul food.
>did you think of a fucking nigger?
Soul food is french
When you ask your dad to pass the salt and realise he walked out on you before you were born
Pick one.
>Who the fuck eats hot wings for thanksgiving
Poor people?
Where did this "White people don't like seasoned chicken" thing come from? I've never heard of it being a thing until recently.
It's like it became a meme on black twitter and everyone just decided it was true.
>buffalo wings for Thanksgiving
Doesn't sound like a white thing
>When you ask your dad to pass the potatoes but suddenly remember you've never met him
Niggers, the same kind of "people" who are always looking to insult someone but can't take comebacks and start ooking about how others are "ignorant white people" if you really burn them
Really activated my almonds.
thanks, we r proud of all of u, even the peruvians
ha ha
>When all your siblings have different last names
Fuck you I want wings now.
>Black people food
whats the difference
Son: Mom and Dad can you please pass the gravy?
Dad: Sure son
In America churches tend to have thanksgiving drives to get the food for a traditional meal to the families which can't afford it
This seems more like one of those situations where niggers invented their own alternate "traditional" meals, in this case of course the "tradition" includes buffalo wings- a bar appetizer invented in the 1970s.
I like my wings spicy you fucking niggers,
White people don't like shit on their hands. It's why they invented guns. So they don't have to touch the dirty smelly shitskins when they kill them.
>ITT Sup Forums gets triggered by nigger bait memes
Yall are pathetic
When you ask dad to pass the salt.
Why would you ask both parents for gravy? I bet you're a disappointment
Ainsley is white as fuck. He gets a pass.
If niggers born in Britain are British, aren't whites born in America Native Americans?
Who the hell eats hot wings on Thanksgiving?
And that created Mexico. Thank fuck the British can keep their dicks in their pantaloons
>when you ask your dad to pass the salt and nobody reaches for it
When having turkey with more than one parent
Buffalo wings were apparently invented by an Italian-American and Frank's Red Hot Sauce- the most popular brand of hot sauce- was also invented by a white guy almost 100 years ago, but all this "hotsauce in muh purse" bullshit makes me think it isn't long until niggers start making up bullshit about how the first proto-buffalo wings were a nigger invention that whites stole
>whites responsible for the greatest genocides and most brutal and violent wars in history
>"hahaha hey let's go piss off some white people"
Keep going, see what happens
The good news is, we don't have to worry about Cousin Leroy shooting someone when he doesn't get the drumstick as happens in, oh, about 50 different black households every Thanksgiving. I'm good with that.
you know whats funny?
whites are doing the same thing to blacks that they did to the natives.
>isolate them in their own communities (reservations aka ghetto's)
>flood the community with alcohol and drugs
>jail them everytime they set foot out of their containment zone
>encourage interracial breeding. go look at how many "real" indians are on a reservation. most are quadroons at best.
>keep enough hand outs flowing to stagnate any potential growth
>destabilize any kind of value in family and promote "diversity"
go visit an indian reservation. i encourage you. because that is what the black community in the US is going to look like in a couple generations.
"black" populations are actually declining in the US, and because the one-drop rule so heavily skews the census, there are no accurate numbers for how many real black people are left.
Would you willingly accept a downgrade?
It's funny how they're making fun of white people like we're all inbred but the truth is that niggers fuck their sisters at a much, much higher rate.
Like it's basically part of the culture in Africa...
>when you don't have to worry about getting shot by the gang members that deshawn sold cut coke to
Are you OK?
I eat healthy (inb4 flag) ~360 days a year, but you gotta cut a bit loose at thanksgiving and Christmas and potentially Easter. Nobody likes you faggots who complain that grandma's pumpkin pie doesn't meet your macros and ask for grass-fed organic kale instead.
>Product ad for something no one has ever seen before
From American blacks who don't know anything about Europe or the world outside their shithole ghettos.
Blacks > Whites
>kill all flavour by drowning all meat with cumin and other nigger spices
>muh soul food
>muh fried chicken
Pics like these and OP's make me think niggers only know really prissy white liberals or white trash rather than knowing the vast majority of normal white people
I hate niggers
>nigger food memes
pretty pathetic desu what have niggers actually contributed to food culture?
muh spicy chicken?
Brilliant engineering.
Ooga booga hol up muh fugga rape so u be sayin rice and peas fried chicken fuggin rape theft ooga booga smacks lips hol up finna u be tryin to Trayvon skittles muh dick gibsmedat ah dindu nuffin.
I'm alright, thanks for caring though.
>when you lose the election despite calling white people racist/sexist/bigots so you double down on calling them racist/sexist/bigots because it worked so well before.
This one made me kek, I give em that. They're still getting lynched though.
Also the whole inbred thing is retarded since it just started as a thing for whites to make fun of Applachian people
Then niggers stole it and applied it to all white people because they're retarded and annoying like that
I think we all know the answer to that
Honestly, did think french first pham
I know it was wrong to do so. I'm sorry.
Wrong. Bet you think cajun is nigger food too, or BBQ?
>wingsauce on turkey
>picture is of chicken wings
rly mks u thnk
They took food scraps that were considered garbage and made it slightly edible.
It was only ever the English and the Spanish who did that. And it was years ago.
Stop lumping us all together.
>any white person currently alive is personally responsible for murdering ancient natives
stupid "meme." discarded
>When you ask your mom to pass the cranberry sauce but then remember you are in jail
Nah, I heard you. I just mean I would eat it for a normal non-cheat meal. Eating unhealthy for special occasions is okay in my book so long as you prepare a little for it and know you won't binge or over do it. I for one can't wait to devour Christmas dinner.
>This Thread
>he doesn't know who owned the South before the Americans did
fucking retard, go back to Boston you mick fuck
He probably meant to say "Mom or Dad", intending to be inclusive of genderfluid parents
I know right? It's like they don't realize we conquered a quarter of the world and sailed the fucking seas in part because of spices. I eat spicier shit than most blacks will even touch.
My bad then. 100% agree
I'm triggered by the lack of inspiration
Have you seen what happens to most Mexican women after 30?
Yeah. That's due to the native genes.
>Quick Sup Forums think of a chef or people who excel at fine foods.
Beaners, beaners everywhere. Fancy French restaurant? Beaners in the kitchen. Diners? Beaners in the kitchen. Sushi bar? Koreans pretending to be Japanese, and a beaner washing dishes.
dude i actually eat wings and chips with latex gloves (when im alone ofc to hide my autism levels) because have food slime/dust on my fingers freaks me the fuck out
The butthurt is palpable by
criminally underrated
They think they invented electricity for fucks sake man. Who cares about hot sauce.
Severely underrated
Spanish are white.