Really makes you think

really makes you think...

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They both look like nice places to me. Russia clearly has a greater emphasis on cars, though.

Japan looks so comfy. You can almost picture yourself walking through the quiet neighborhood on your way to the konbeni.

So what's the deal with all the above ground wires in Japan? I thought this was supposed to be the country of aesthetics.

Japan looks so third world with those shitty wires everywhere.

Do you think it's easier to replace damaged infrastructure that's buried underground or kept above ground after a major earthquake?

>choosing the shittiest looking place in Japan and comparing it to the nicest looking place in russia

This, almost every random street view of Japan looks like shit with power lines all over the fucking sky.

Power lines, fucking power line everywhere.

I can imagine myself molesting school girl after school girl in Japan.... grab them by the pussy

It is like this in California too. Even in wealthy areas.

Yeah, makes me think how you just cherry picked the best area in Russia and the worst area in Japan. Dirty Slav.

I can imagine myself being a pretty school girl in japan, and I do it regularly, but please don't molest me.

I really mean this in a good way, but Japan is like a country if everyone was a friendly beta. I honestly think the nukes had something to do with this, as if the nukes killed everyone confidence / pride. Shit wearing those mask is just so dorky but it's very courteous if you think about it.

u wot m8?

Are you Finnish?

The red flag means Denmark.

It's all the same to be honest.

Canada is aerial wire country too. Really, most places in countries stick to it. There's nothing wrong with it.

do they have some sort of rules that don't allow them to ride a bike at a proper speed? He's moving like a fucking snail.


Makes me think how a single street is a representation of a whole nation

>Not imagining yourself being molested by a japanese school girl

>cherrypicking makes you think
Not really.

They just move all the wires behind storefronts

One cherry for the basket...


Sure, if you have a weird fetish for chaotic telephone and electric lines

Lack of viriculture

That doctor dude posted about it recently, not mentioning japan specifically

You can walk literally anywhere in Japan because no niggers


Alone at night in the city or side streets
0 fucking worries because no niggers

Plus you'd be white so you could fight off like 20 asians if you ever ran into a gang.

t 17 yo kid who never been to japan
Tokyo,namely Roppongi/Minato, a block probably bigger than your town, is filled with nigerians who work as touts and try and coerce you into "their" shitty bars and massage parlors
They all work for the Yakuza and marry nip chicks to get benefits

Yep, Japs are better than the ruskies at architecture and aesthetics, as well as art and philosophy and according from the pic, city planning and engineering.

You see, you filthy snow mongol, if you have lots of land (russia in general) you can build however you like, yet its more rational to build like the romans did, yet you don't you build chaotic and without any aesthetic too.

Fucking mongoloid cheeke breeke

Fair enough, I guess I don't notice it often here. I do think America as a whole has pretty neat electrical set ups.

Some countries it's just a rats nest of wires. God bless the poor souls who have to maintain/trouble shoot those.

For a Roman you're the snow mongol. At least Russians are relevant you gypsy

>blue sky
>power lines
>cicadas rattle
Can you be more anime?

there's a big difference between being robbed by a nigger and being invited into a bar by a nigger

Russia looks like one of those fake showroom things to show people what some future development looks like or they wished people to think of their area looking like that but never actually does.

Is there?

What do you think they do they get you in (which they do)?
They spike your drink and while you are passed clean the fuck out hey go thru your wallet or they force you to buy expensive shit

no thanks if i wanted to eat shit i'd scoop it up from my toilet

Japan looks exactly like in the slice of life animes.

>Lack of viriculture
What are implying? Japanese drink like stevedores.

that's just being stupid enough to fall for a nigger's prank and getting pulled in


that looks comfy as fuck

ah, so it's the anime brainwashing that makes you able to look past the ugly-ass wire setup they have

>Overhead wires
>not aesthetic

thats actually a pretty average japanese street
though the russian pic would likely be cherry picked... or are you guys a lot more developed than what western media portrays on average?

Russia is a mix of development. You really cannot generalize it.

no comparison
seeing 80 year old grannies riding bicycles through dark alleys at 3 am without a care in the world is depressing because that doesn't happen in our societies because frankly, we're all niggers in comparison

then again they are still pretty 'primitive' in some aspects, rice niggers and all.

cheers, I want to go exploring at some point but am a little hesitant due to watching a lot of fucked up vids sourced from russia via ogrish, rotten etc back in the day

Guess where literally everybody but you and maybe Belarussians would rather live

Don't be a shit and stay out of really poor areas for your comfort and you will be fine. It's NOT a anglophile country though so English won't get you far, find a friend or travel group there or something.

The nature is beautiful but it is real nature, so wild and untamed.

A city's beauty is directly inverse to it's average road width.


looks like recently built commie blocks to me

>even alleys are kept nice and clean
>all those little gardens people have even with the limited space
>commercial district is actually a load of cute little stores instead of some giant faceless mall

>St. Louis, Missouri looks better than Paris

Russian streets could be paved with gold and it'd still be a shithole dictatorship.

Happy to work with you guys to crush ISIS once Trump is in office, but don't start thinking our countries are friends.

I agree, it looks awful. It should be torn down and removed. All of it.

What is city planning for dense areas?

We have them everywhere too

Japan was so advanced in the 80s their infrastructure is now outdated, it was designed to last and they have no need to replace it.


I think it's easier when electricity circuits don't fall on people during earthquake or atomic bombings.

>nukes had something
No all the real men fought to the death. Only betas surrendered and that's how you have Japan and Germany now.

Why wouldn't you?

does japan even has some architecture thats not some cyberpunk commieblocks?
why only european countries more or less fully developed their architectural styles?

Unfortunately due to all the earthquakes they can't have underground wires

Guess they're stuck with cities that look like shit

> be poor ruski fucktard
> live in a dirty shithole
> post pics of random rural japan area and random urban russian area
> be proud of himself


It really doesn't

Meanwhile, in the rest of Russia....


>Japan on a cloudy day
>Russia with some blue sky and fluffy/wisp clouds

I'd still check out both though.

That reminds me of the shopping center in Prescott Arizona. Good job, Russia, new buildings can look good sometimes

smug af


Im not a weeb but I would fucking KILL to live in a place like op's Japan pic.

I am absolutely terrified of driving because of an accident I had a while back, if I could live in a place where walking everywhere was the norm I would be in paradise.

Literally "Estonian Street".

This was the case in Sweden too until recently. Your comment made me nostalgic. Jesus 2018 can't come soon enough

Exposed power lines are third world tier. Japan is very backwards in many aspects.

It took me some time to realize that this wasn't a photo.
This +comfy.
>Cities are clean and compact so you can go anywhere without a car
>Bathing is very important; people don't smell like Frenchmen
>Trains and buses are always on time
>If you miss a train you can chillax at a manga café and you can even sleep there if you need to
>You can walk to the 7-Eleven without being afraid of being mugged or beheaded

Get on my level fuckers

Where you see chaos I see order made manifest.

Why won't you just dispose of this garbage "transportation of the future" mistake of humankind?

What's with all the construction throughout Russia?

Japanese urban landscapes are just terrible.

Japan looks c o m f y tbqh famalam

they don't fall

Murder rate in that area of Japan 0.01/100,000
Murder rate in that area of Russia 2/1

Only Japan can make shitty architecture look so cozy.

Japan went from 3rd world to first world between 1950 and 1985. When you're in a hurry you have wires around.

>haha, checkmate weeaboos, I have photographic proof that there are cloudy days in Japan

nice eye, did you notice how Japan is also much more friendlier to crippled people (wheelchair access in the sidewalks)

Japan was hardly "3rd world" in 1950, it was "3rd world" as much as Germany was

that looks romanian af

>wheel chair access
Are you also blind, monkey? There are garages there, and japan has several industries that get distribution by small vehicle delivery.

Japan is pretty merciless toward the handicapped. They get relegated to hospitals to spend the rest of their gimped days in otherwise isolation.

>ywn live around Lake Biwa


Internet arguments.