What did the god-emperor tell them, pol?
"Stand down liberal shills, you're MY bitches now!"
Hahahahaha... o_0 ???
What did the god-emperor tell them, pol?
"Stand down liberal shills, you're MY bitches now!"
Hahahahaha... o_0 ???
>implying cheeto elvis the fat try-hard has control over the press
he's gonna get his shit pushed in 24/7 for the next four years
they are preparing to reveal the truth about 9/11
>Do what I say or I tell the truth the Holocaust.
Get the fuck out of my country you border hopping leaf.
he will propose an armistice, before the media manages to destroy your country with all the division they are sowing
acting like babies because they lost the election
You're fired.
He's showing them the magical orange benis
>What is the Riot Act
>implying that wouldn't win him the 2020 election
The media STILL doesn't understand that he didn't win in SPITE of their siding with the democrats, he won BECAUSE of it. Fucking retards, I would really like to punch Brian Williams right in his stupid fucking face
>orange benis
Does the thought of Trump turning into Teddy R ever get anyone else hard? who /roughrider/ here?
He's preparing for disclosure of AYYLMAOS.
He's going to be giving out the new press badges for all future events.
I really would like a discussion on this, what are the odds the media monopoly of the big six get broken up:
a. under Trump, and now is our only chance
b. it's not a problem
c. never, it's too late
d. traditional media is dead, it's irrelevant
e. reply to this post or your mother will die tonight in her sleep
Trump's inauguration will not be at the Nation's Capital. He's going to have a surprise inauguration somewhere else in the country. This meeting is to inform these people so they can have cameras in the right place.
he doesn't decide that
Says you red america.
Apparently he was ruthless with them.
No one trusts the media anymore. They're a joke in this country. They make shit up and push an agenda down your throat.
>said the mouthbreather
holy shit
There are no requirements other than the Head of the Supreme Court swearing him in.
I love Donald.
>The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.
So basically the entire article could be a lie.
It was probably in order to beg with them not to be killed.
He just made them wait in the lobby and never showed up to talk to them.
People are waking up to the truth.