Checkmate, Drumpfshit retards
Checkmate, Drumpfshit retards
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But what if I wasn't playing this game in the first place?
I would love to know what cuck got the handle for God so quickly
Just look at this smart, up and coming refugee lad create a science project while riding the bus!
Why wouldn't you want such inventive, creative minds in our country?
When have conservatives ever said that refugee* children aren't people?
>Refugee kids
Doesn't exist, they all stay in Syria while their older brother Mohammad Ahmed (31) moves to Sweden for some fresh, sweet puss.
The only good thing about the electoral college (not the people) electing Trump is that the pendulum will now swing in the other direction. Hopefully Jesus niggers will completely die off within 4 years.
slide thread
>posts random Twitter or whatever with post that's months old
>has nothing to do with Trump, but bring him up anyway
>get guaranteed replies from autists who can't just ignore obvious bait
I'm not religious
>""""refugee"""" """"kids"""""
nice meme
1) I'm not religious
2) Fertilized eggs are people
3) Refugee kids don't """""deserve""""" to come here if a condition of them coming here is bringing their fucking crazy muslim parents with them
But I don't think fertilized eggs are people.
In fact, I wholly support abortion in the first trimester. It is the most effective form of population we have for feral blacks.
Nobody said refugees weren't people. We just don't care about them or want them in our country. It's quite simple.
I'm an illegal and I am human,
Fuck you and fuck Trump
God personally told Joshua and his armies to genocide the Canaanites so his people could live peacefully in the Canaan lands.
Fertilized eggs aren't people and refugees are.
I still don't want a bunch of fucking muslims in my country.
Implying we care about shitskins
Fuck, almost chink levels of soullessness
since when religion is based on logic?
as far as i know islam beheads people and is still religion of peace.
Both are people, but I don't give a shit about either
And libs pretend that they are people
>If you don't want to give some random person you've never met free shit then it means you don't think they're human
False equivalence between the fundamental human right to life and some fantasy "right" to having the federal government house and feed refugees.
Over the wall you go
Someone post the ancap smiley meme blowing the God twitter account the fuck out
Also what kind of crazy strawman is that? Of course they're human, no one is saying otherwise
Why do refugees flood into countries completely antithetical to their culture and way of life if they're not willing to adapt and integrate into their host society? Wouldn't it be easier and less overwhelming to, I don't know, resettle into any of the other 30 Muslim nations surrounding their particular war-torn nation where they'll fit right in, at least in terms of religion? Why is it on Europe to bend over backwards to accept a bunch of people who have no interest in becoming European?
when the fertilized egg grow it will work,
what about immigrants?
Thanks liberal shithead using a religious symbol you don't believe as a mouthpiece for your ideology.
Really activates my cashews.
Neither are people. Kill them all.
how is this not an act of war
Nobody ever said that refugees weren't people we just said we don't fucking care what happens to them. BIG difference in those 2 things, yo.
>I'm an illegal and I am human
It's 2016, you can't pass a Turing test just by saying that you are human
Its not that we dont think refugees aren't people its that they can and could stay in nations closer to their religious beliefs. Life starts at conception but im perfectly fine with abortion as long as tax payer money doesn't go to it.
>not knowing that repubs are going to supermajority in two years
dumb leaf
Refugee kids are people, they just aren't people my government should be helping.
can't believe I actually liked that page
at first it was just edgy against creationist faggots but now I'm seriously wondering why i havent unliked that shitty blog yet
>it is your responsibility to pay for other people's kids while not having any of your own because you can't afford it
poor refugee children fleeing from the war in mexico
>"God" twitter account
>Existence centers around mocking an entire group of people.
>Pretends to be altruistic.
Also Christcucks can affirm that all humanity is made in the Image of God and is worthy of respect. That does not automatically mean that you can't oppose the addition of Syrian refugees to Western society. You can affirm the universality and diversity of the Body of Christ while also accepting the concept of a homogeneous nation-state, since theology is not identical to political philosophy.
>Not giving endless free shit to people who despise you and not dismembering unborn babies with sharp tongs are identical
how's life in Sweden, Abdul-Qadir?
If you think that refugee kids are people, but won't stop funding the war that actually makes them refugees, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are moral.
Mexico is a war zone though.
Why do you think we want the wall?
fertilized eggs don't fuck goats so ya
Who the hell said I cared about either?
They really are beneath white people.
> TheGoodGodAbove
Seems pretty late to the party
what did he set on fire?
So you argument is..
Because you promote the killing of future white children and we dissagree with it, we should therefore agree to replace them with children who hate our culture, religion and values?
Is that right?
>I've never been to México.
Thanks for playing.
The quads will it!
I'm just a dick, kill them all
>Wouldn't it be easier and less overwhelming to, I don't know, resettle into any of the other 30 Muslim nations
The other Muslim nations, ie Saudi Arabia, don't allow it
I don't get this stupid asshole,
That statement could be reversed and make the same point
"If you think Syrian children are people but unborn children aren't you shouldn't be a Christian"
Wow ! I'm so le clever
because a fertilized white egg is more important than any shitskin kid
>I've been to the tourist areas and this is my perception of mexico
Gracias por jugar.
I hope God actually exists so that when this faggot dies he'll have to stand before him and justify all his hilaaarious jokes. Vanity and hubris on that level has to be a fucking sin.
I don't give a shit about religion or abortion and the argument against refugees isn't on whether or not they are people but the logistics of harboring the entire third world in the first world as "refugrees" when most of the "refugees" are actually just economic migrants looking to get out of their shit country on the back of retarded Germans.
stale pasta
how many chinese refugee kids would you like to import? how about 400 million?
also they're called babies
That's why I don't like neocons. All lives matter unless they aren't American.
Hell I'd rather have a box of chicken eggs in my fridge than save 12 dying 'refugees'
Of course they don't. They use the 'refugees' as pawns and conscripts to drain the West and act as sappers rather than spend a riyal to support their 'muslim brothers'. Close the borders.
I'm pro abortion, but
>Being vacuumed from a vag
>Beimg told you have to go back
People who want Syrian refugees all have 2 things in common - they don't want someone else to pay for it and they won't take any themselves - in other words your a fucking douchebag hypocrit
Reminder this is what the "innocent" refugee children are
>If you believe the 40 year old men invading Europe are "children" you need to stop pretending your concerns are rooted in reality
Why do you hate babies?
I don't think eggs or even fetuses are people, but I support abortion? Why? Because retards need some fucking consequences in their lives. They should have to go through to term then have the child taken from them at the end and put up for adoption, tons of people can't have kids and there are plenty of decent homes out there for white children. As for the niggers, who cares, kill the child when it is born then kill the parents.
Fetuses don't rape, muder, and blow themselves up
Because most of them aren't refugees. They are economic migrants and subversives trying to create Eurabia.
Refugees don't die if they go to Hungary instead of Germany.
Who is this clown, and why does he think anyone cares about his retarded Parody Twitter?
No one said that refugee kids aren't people.. We just don't want them here.
>lol I'm larping as a dumbass
I was being facetious, but I agree with you, user.
So if a white American little Joe does some stupid prank should you deport all white Americans too? Of course not because we are individuals. Yes this guy is an asshole but his actions doesn't represent those of all people who share his brownish hue.
Come now, that's petty vandalism. Chinks kick babies for fun.
He set fire to the back (top floor?) of a bus with nobody else in that compartment. He didn't bomb it and the driver really should have a screen showing that camera area anyway and alerting him to shop the bus.
(Should as in "every bus I've ever been on has had one", not should "ah, well here's how to stop it happening again.")
You need to be an official state actor to commit an act of war.
Now that's true.
looks to be a pile of newspapers.
Real God's still kind of a cuck, but he isn't as aggressively retarded, although this is close.
>Aim for the knees