>Not being in Gainesville, Florida.
Not being in Gainesville, Florida
I'm here in the 904. The fuck is yall doing?
dont you dare sTARt shit
i lived there
I'm in Gainesville. Wanna Deus Vult?
Daily reminder that if you're in Gainesville for any reason other than attending UF you're a scrub.
I'm attending UF. Changing majors, though. Should I Polysci or Business degree?
Polysci is junk. Accounting or Finance is okay though.
I was in Computer Science (Eng.) but I'm over the STEM meme and want to not be depressed staring at a computer for 18 hours a day
>STEM meme
The meme only applies to useless majors like Biology or Chemistry.
But it looks like you'd rather be unemployed
Yes, go hard or home.
Are you really this brainwashed by your Mongolian basket-weaving board? Gimme a break, I'm not a stupid shit who doesn't know how to establish connections with future employers before 3rd year.
Idk, this town is pretty dank. I might consider settling down here.. it's very aligned.
>entire county is blue as fuck
>dank town
I wanna settle down in a community that actually has Christian Conservativel values, probably will head back into the Red South after college.
>Are you really this brainwashed by your Mongolian basket-weaving board?
Lmfao says the newcuck deciding between polysci and business
You're a waste of an admissions slot. Enjoy your capped 40k/year
>Thinking calling someone a cuck is a legitimate argument against life decisions.
kys fampai
It's definitely not religious, because it a college town.. religion limits the mind.
That being said this town is weirdly conservative and liberal. It's just super conscious and creates it's own bandwagon.
I would love to help create this city. Keep the money and the jobs here... after all they are building a large "innovation square" to help the start ups of the ground. I love this town, and people here are truly beginning to care.
It's got a vision, a utopian vision. (Without government mandated eugenics [hopefully])
The ACR's are very conservative, the only liberalness comes from the scum from miami. god i hate those cunts, all my roommates are from miami, it was hilarious seeing their faces when trump got elected.
>mongolian basket-weaving board
>wants to get an underwater basket-weaving degree
oh the irony. just admit it, engineering was kicking your ass and made you run away scared.
I live off campus and I'd say I don't get the same vibe as you. Maybe I haven't digged enough but I've been struggling to stay happy the entire time I've been here.
305 reporting in, Cute Latinas and [some] assimilated Cubans.
No, I've been doing fine, gpa 3.6, I just can't imagine myself working at a computer all day anymore, It's too depressing, man.
how is bio useless u cuck, I'm on my way for premed
UF grad here. What the fuck is the purpose of this thread.
Did someone do something stupid at UF?
which one of you fuckers put up the right side posters
What degree did you get?
What programs do you recommend?
Any uncucked places to hang out?
In my 2nd year and suffering.
Concentrating, collectivating and then taking action thus creating an innovative neo-utopia.
Computer engineering. I would recommend any of UF's engineering programs. It is one of the best things they do outside of law/med, and those are not undergraduate things. Their business school is good as well, but I never figured out what a business undergrad is supposed to do with their life (vs. getting an MBA from UF).
Don't really know about great places to hang out. My friends and I shitposted on Sup Forums together like bros, and played video games. Most of the time we just walked over to Firehouse or McDonalds for dinner, and that was the adventure for the night.
t. someone who makes a lot of money but has no girlfriend
Find the activists. There's alot in this town. It's all about what you make of it. I work downtown. And I love my coworkers, we bounce ideas off each other. Haven't hit the bar scene, as I'm not really much of a drinker.
Florida man here, all my high school friends who went up to Gainesville were big league faggots.
Spiritual activists are incredibly relevant here...
What makes you happy isn't on the outside but rather within.
Ever been to the Temple Of The Universe? He (Michael Singer)was Open Winfrey's Guru for a while.
Unfortunately many fellow Cuban Americans of the millennial generation have been brainwashed into thinking we're the same as Puerto Rico and Mexican trash and actually sympathize with illegals, love Obama and Hillary. I'm afraid the based Cuban meme will die out when the first generation of us dies out, my grandparents. Very few of us remember communism and why our ancestors escaped it. Also any Cuban that's come in the past twenty years should be sent back, they're only here for the welfare gibs.
No, I've never been into the meditation stuff. Should I go there and try it out?
It sounds really new-age
bro look at the fucking ids
I don't know if you're Christian or not, but UF has several large Christian groups. CRU, Navigators, some Catholic one, etc.
Good place to meet a wife if you're ever going to get one. Everybody I know who was in CRU got married, at least.
I just go there to sell drugs and fuck
...business majors use computers a lot bro, dunno why you think just cuz you're not going to be programming means you won't be on the computer a lot. seems like a bullshit excuse desu
Yeah, why not. Gainesville is very conscious and has gone down the rabbit hole like nowhere else in America. (Take it from a guy who hitchhiked across the country)
Mickey Singer at the very least is very interesting.
"If anything can go well, it will"
Yeah, I'm christian. Looking up Cru right now.
I'll try it out, thanks for telling me about it.
I'll visit a couple of times. Need some peace in my life. I don't wanna shrivel up and be dead in my room all of my college life.
Dear Gainesvillefags. GRU has created a monopoly and has pigeon their customers. Apparently they've been avoiding an audit from the mayor for the last decade.. that's all I know, my accountant roommate told me this today.
Spread the word, find out more and let's take on the power grid system.
Like I said. Go big or go home, we can take this to the supreme court if we try.
UF bro checking in from Spain where I'm studying abroad. Feelsgoodman
Has pigeon hole their customers** which allegedly means they have no room to move or breath. Because they set it up that way.. also it's the only power supply company in the area.
>i'm friends with big league faggots
so i guess that would make you....
Y'all gonna get fucked this Saturday! Gator bait!!
Ocala here.
You're all faggots.
321 here, brevard went red so we did our part.
Have fun with your sand and ticks - you live in nowheretown
>degenerate as fuck, lower-tier school, run amok with dumb sluts
dunno why FSU gets so ass blasted about UF, jealousy maybe?
Brevard always goes red, home of a large number of defense contractors here in FL.
I'm in Gainsville every day friend
The state has to have somewhere for the UF rejects to go - it's not his fault he's retarded, his mom probably drank while he was in the womb
Ocala reporting in
This is why we can never MAGA
Is getting a polysci degree from UF really that bad? I'm so much more interested in politics than in my current major and I could see myself arguing with people for a living in any facet.
go on, my brother in Christ.... what seems to be bothering you.?
>tfw when bodybuilding became gross and a joke
Right, babe?
>tfw living on the comfiest beach in the 904
hint: it's just north of the one with all the niggers
Do finance and then masters in finance.
>live in based Ormond beach
>don't have to deal with hipster university shit in central florida
Used to spend weekends visiting friends in gainesville, how can you people stomach that place?
Start ups are the future.
Intact according to market watch, the most technologically advanced country in the world got that way by supporting it's start ups... and once again, that's what innovation square in Gainesville is all about. Helping getting them off the ground, and their restructuring the city based on innovation square.
And then you got that beautiful standard complex going downtown with a fucking Target in the bottom floor like they got it San Francisco
Pussy. I'm still dressed in shorts 120 miles south of him in 56F. Leafs must really be laughing at you.