Why are old people allowed to vote?

Why are old people allowed to vote?

Because they are smart. Brexit would have fell flat if it wasn't for old people.

The real question is why is anyone under the age of 25 allowed to vote

>Because they are smart.

No, they're dumb and don't even know how to use a computer.

Look at how much closer the old folks' vote is than the youth vote. This is what makes them better voters

Why are maple bars allowed to post here?

>Millennials crying that the world doesn't revolve around them

Must hurt growing up being told how special you are, and finding out in the elections (Brexit and this) that you're not.

canadian shitposting is making me suicidal

Because they've been around long enough to know stupid ideas when they see them.

Old people are still citizens with the right to vote, regardless of your hurt feelings.

Because they don't vote for Harambe and Harry Styles. Voting age should be raised to 25 at the very least

The only requrement for being able to vote should be having some form of stable income, thats it.
Wellfare not included!

And that is all you know.

I recently had my computer repaired by a man in his 80s...

Well... mostly hardware problems. Software is probably another story.

I guess you didn't notice the thread that the older the group got the more they turned red. It's almost like they ended up getting jobs and responsibilities

>this x100000000

like the average 18 year old has half a fuckin clue

This only means people like Drumpf are going the way of the dinosaur and this is just a last spasm before they disappear into the history books. He barely won with all these geezers voting for him so he won't have a chance in four years when many of them are dead and no-one without a liberal platform will ever have a chance again after that.


And non-citizens/dead people shouldn't be able to vote either.

Do you honestly believe that old people don't care about the future of their country, and kin, even after they're dead?

Yeah OP, I agree that only young people should be allowed to vote, since they clearly have all that expansive life experience to make informed political decisions.

Experience and frame of reference.

I remember what it was like before apartheid ended. Murders, rapes and robberies were virtually non-existent.

Young people today have only known living in virtual prisons. They have no frame of reference to compare their current experiences with, just like you.

All you have ever known is this degenerate way of life and you have nothing else to compare it with.

>why are people that actually know what they're talking about and have experienced several election cycles allowed to vote

hm idk good point

why did you guys lower it to 16?
how the fuck did that happen?

This. Young people are generally retarded.

Now how much of the population is in the older brackets?

Quite a few quotes exist about liberal and republican schools of thought being very reflective based on age.

Old people have seen history. Young people pretend to pay attention in history class.....However, you will eventually become older, and if you aren't a worthless cuck your views will become more conservative.

Uncucking Canada One Good Post At A Time

Why do niggers on welfare get to vote? Both currently provide nothing to society

They're trying to prevent a "far-right president in Western Europe". Merkel running for 4th term was their coup de grace tho

>18 year olds in charge of knowing anything.

Fuck off, that's only because they're too polarized to vote for third party candidates.

24k people represents over 300 million people?


>most of them lack a basic understanding of science
>none of them have a clue about economics
>still think we should ban the gays because an invisible man in the sky told them to
yeah what a bunch of geniuses

has more to do with changing politics. 30 years ago you could be a homophobic, science-denying biblethumper and still be a Democrat. Kinda hard to do that these days though, so they become red

yes, that's how statistics work. Assuming this was by a half-decent polling company then that would be more than enough for a good sample size

Because they care more about how things will be for their grandchildren.

Cutting spending on education is good for their grandchildren?

Damn, I didn't know that.

>we shouldn't do anything about climate change
>we should rack up massive debt on ridiculous wars
>we should force teenage mothers to keep an accidental pregnancy
yeah definitely caring about the future generations there

But certain sections of the youth voted Trump too.

Knowing how to use facebook, twitter and youtube doesn't make you smart

Yes, uneducated, rural white people.