the key to drawing a good swastika is to make an almost-diamond pattern
The key to drawing a good swastika is to make an almost-diamond pattern
heres how 2 drow spostikea :DDDDDDD
Its embarassing how many people cant draw a proper swastika
the jews fear the samurai
check it
Literally why would should anyone know how to draw a swastika? Not everyone is an edgy tweenager pretending to be a nazi in their freetime.
wtf i love steben jewniverse now
Thanks rabbi.
Did I do it right familia?
stupid white cultural appropriating cunt.
its two "S"letters at 90 degree angles.
>tell someone something is fact
>why would anyone want facts that are correct
But its a simple drawing user, if you think a bit before you draw it shouldnt be hard
Sup Forums is off centre
do it again
>hurr durr I have never encountered memes on my favorite laotian cricket training board
I too enjoy pretending to be a newfag.
yeah OP go on
Like a window to the soul. I see so clearly now.
Close brah
This is how it's done. OP's is some Jewish shit. Looks like some form of the David star
politically incorrigible.
Did I do it right /pole/
Hold on, I wasn't done
something isnt quite right here
This will help ALOT of ((our)) people
>shalom shabbat