1, 7 and 10 especially
10 Ways You Can Actively Reject Your White Privilege
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So, you're feeling nostalgic already?
If I'm racist no matter what, why should I even try.
was about to post this
because you're racist and you need to atone you cis shitlord stop triggering me
>your still racist no matter what
Why bother hiding it then?
They forgot a good one: Take neurotoxic chemicals to knock your iq down 15 points
tldr: How to cuck your race
since white privilege doesn't exist, how can i reject that i dont have?
>4. Never invite people of color to the table for the sake of claiming diversity
Then what the fuck am I supposed todo, that's literally what they have been preaching for years. Should we go back to segregation
>10.Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.
Then let's be racist, fuck it. Might as well march on the streets with my ghost costume on and scream "No queers, no blacks, no liberal USA!"
>Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
>White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.
I choose to embrace it, thanks though.
2 is fucking retarded. Gentrification is inherently good; wiping out all the scum from the biggest hellholes in the city and use the space for better things is the best idea ever. Do they really want to risk their wallets and lives living in such fucking filthy hoods because of "muh nigger/spic culture"?
We should signal boost all SJW anti-white shit so that it's fucking EVERYWHERE. The next big Sup Forums psyop should be a 10000% increase in the visibility of anti-white / white-hating shit from the idpol left.
All that would do is drive more and more whites over to our side, or at least into apathy and non-participation.
Trump is pushing #4 pretty well thus far
>Recognize your still racist
What is the point to doing all this bullshit then?
11 Kill yourself
you gotta closely monitor that shit to make sure it's not have the opposite of the desired effect. it's better to educate people in a 1 on 1 or small group setting, so you can see how the information is being received and you get instant feedback.
>interfering when your enemy is making a mistake
Nahh, I actively encourage this kind of shit on all my social media and irl. The more they double down the sooner they collapse.
or embrace your whiteness.
That is the point. Modern day liberals are never satisfied and will never be satisfied.
8 years of obama presidency has proved this with their BLM happening towards the end pf it
it is not enough that you become a beta nu-male cuck, you have to constantly show them how much of a triggering cis white make you are
what'd you abbos do devolve?
(((classical liberals))) need to LEAVE
1. Shut up
2. Don't do anything to enrich the lives of coons and make them responsible for their actions
3. Shut up!! See 1.
4.around blacks never relax
5. Don't be friendly with blacks ever
6. Fuck Martin Luther coon
7. Isolate yourself socially to the point that no one wants to be around you
8. Be yourself you cuck and let Jamal fuck your white wife as an activist statement
9. Tell everyone you know to shut up when a coon is around
10. Allow Jamal to fuck your wife again
I swear it's like Sup Forums made a satire and I just further satirized it
You mean giving the cities back to the people that actually work in them? You mean turning areas that are doing poorly and are a drain on the system in thriving economies? You mean allowing small business to start up and make the area better? If you're against that you are against economic and cultural progress.
>that 10th point
Why the fuck would anyone do anything to change the perception people have of them if it's not going to change their minds? If they're going to say you're racist even after going out of your way to fill out their arbitrary checklist then there's no point in doing it. Liberals are quackin' crazy
If I'm racist no matter what I do, then I'm not going to bother not trying to be anti-racist.
>these pieces of shit have never met a real racist.
This. If it's a war, then I want to be on the winning side
Fuck niggers and muslims. There's literakly nothing wrong with being racist.
>Stop bring up MLK as an example, because it makes BLM look bad for being a bunch of savages
Top meme
Wtf I hate poc even more now.
>(((classical liberals))) need to LEAVE
mommies little fascists need to leave.
Don't forget to take out the trash when you're on your way out.
i feel as though trump came to be for a variety of reasons that also include this but let's not forget
>politicians doing nothing but promise everything
>petty politics where the left won't even call ISIS an islamic threat
>corrupt politicians all being in bed together and we need someone outside of that
>people not trusting the media
>people in the country/poor white people not having a voice in modern politics where pandering to minorities matter more than the majority of the country
then it's
>rise of anti-sjw cunt and anti-feminism videos ad neaseaum
I've learned English in school and talk to foreigners on Sup Forums fluently.
But I don't understand a single sentence in that picture.
I thought, you were a leaf for a second. Thank god.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
It is time to embrace white privilege. Being priviledged in our own lands is our right. A guest has no right to be treated as equal with a home owner.
Gee, you sure showed us. Guess we're all #LickingTheJohnson now.
>Stop contributing to gentrification and calling it "urban development"
I'm not sure why gentrification is being attacked here. Where I lived used to be a shithole until it was gentrified.
How dare you buy and improve an area that was going to shit
What the fuck were they thinking?
If I'm racist anyway, I might as well be the best racist.
>10: Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.
Good. Then I can just skip the other fucking 9 bullshit things and get on with my hate.
Fuck niggers and fuck nigger lovers.
1.) I don't attend that horseshit, so N/A
2.) Then tell leftist faggots to stop moving to places like Seattle
3.) No
4.) Lol. I wouldn't anyways
5.) Black slang is to cringy and awful to use anyways
6.) No
7.) No
8.) No
9.) No
10.) No
Nothing useful to know in that picture anyways
>Calls out anti whites
>Gets the echoes
Newfag gtfo
Because blacks can't afford to live in nice areas, so you should just let them be shitty. That's actually the argument.
4 is anti Affirmative Action
I guess I have #1 down
since I don't literally don't give a shit, that's minimal as it gets right?
But once you leave the shithole they've created they call it white flight.
>call your family out on racism
literally nazi tier tattling
very much this
>no. 10
Trump has 2020 on lock. Einstein's definition of insanity is appropriate here.
>1 Take up minimal space during anti-racism dialogues and protests
So to take up the least possible space I should just not participate or support anti-racism activism then?
>never invite people of color to the table
Where is the most important part: cutting off your balls?
I wish that every nigger was forced to read this shit. They need to know just how we really feel about them. Maybe then they would just swim to Kenya.
any person that allows themselves to be treated this way deserves it
>Dat pic