How do we end the Rothschild family and their control of the global economy and international politics?
How do we end the Rothschild family and their control of the global economy and international politics?
By fapping and shitposting.
working on it
Is there a new line of Rothschild kids? The fuggers who were the giant bankers before the Rothschilds just ended off their lineage, maybe these inbreds will do the same
If we figured that out we wouldn't be in this situation right now, now would we?
Umm shoot them?
These faggots thrive on secrecy
remove the secrecy, connect the dots, identify the family and allies
meme campaign to elect nationalists worldwide, which is already in effect. then, discredit the bankers and the foundations. maybe by the year 2020 Sup Forums will finally take down the dollar and usher a cashless society post-crash
My guess is that the children unless they have some weird training going are probably very spoiled and decadent and probably will make everything collapse.
Have to pierce thousands of years of Jewish hebrew magic. It is a daunting task.
>Total Global Thermonuclear War
>Vaporize the entire surface of the earth
>Reset Button
tfw only the Turks survive because radiation doesn't kill roaches.
I think it's already happening, the last generation of Jews could cause two world wars and much more, the current generation couldn't even win a rigged election
king of embarrassing mow much classier that place looks compared to Trump's penthouse
Yep. I go to school with one.
Wow. You have absolute abhorrent taste.
same way as ever: just find indisputable links to a cp ring or link them to corruption. then, if you have hard evidence go to MSM and talk to them. Have an accomplice at the same time make an appointment to speak with police
you better have some airtight evidence tho
>First the last Muslim vs Christian holy war
>then betrayal by libcucks which causes us to lose
> finally the apocalypse
no need. these things work themselves out mostly. only a few stragglers who changed their names and entered show business will remain and drugs and hepC will finish the job
are you actually defending that tacky
nouveau riche style of his
Thank you leaf for not dishonoring your country.
Additionally if you look at the conditions Soros was brought up it's a full 360 from his children. Soros sold his parents to the Nazis. His kids shitpost badly on twitter and probably has as much influence as the average shitposter.
If the children had power would old man soros and his cronies still be alive? Bet not
Bitcoin, gold backed currency.
Gidafi almost did, that's why he's pushin daisies.
Grecco-Roman style is best style.
meh, memes are inherently human, therefore we should embrace these demons as devices of our own. self awareness and truth are some of the most powerful tools humans have to impose their will on reality. the internet is our vessel and we should use it as such to converge human consciousness into that which benefits us, the people, and not the order of the elite which has stood far too long
>tfw I've been there and it still looks exactly the same, and is way more impressive irl
>globokikes would see this replaced with some modernist abomination or a housing complex
We already did! We elected Trump. We won! Trump is the people's champion. Trump won't use the Presidency to enrich himself. Trump is the common man, and will fight corruption. I know this because he is a brilliant businessman who always follows the rules, especially surrounding conflict of interest regulations.
Trump is absolutely not controlled opposition.
its not though trump has a Louis XIV style penthouse with golden everywhere which just looks atrocious and for some one born into money you would think they would have better taste than what a nigger could choose
Same. I was there this summer.
It was awe inspiring, the type of great works that brings you to your knees in humility. Pictures do not do it justice.
>>globokikes would see this replaced with some modernist abomination or a housing complex
That's the good thing about Italians I saw while I was traveling Europe. They are very much about the preservation of themselves over other European countries.
Why would a nigger choose roman pillars and vaulted ceilings?
I'll save you the thinking, they are imitating western culture and that is what a status symbol looks like for hundreds of years for western nations.
This leaf knows what's up.
The vampire myth is instructive.
Pull back all the curtains, crack open the coffins and let all the sight in.
Well everyone already knows they're close with the Rockefellers
how the hell is this not tacky
>Find them
>Shoot them
Not terribly hard
A good old fashioned bloodline purge.
do not stop till every Rothschild is dead
from the oldest geezer to the youngest baby.
once the line is extinguished their dogs will turn on each other for the scraps of their empire.
there will be nothing left but ashes.
Looks beautiful to me.
I want to live there.
"systematic removal as we would any other termite or roach"
Rothschild is just one of the 13 families, we would need a massive joint operation to make it happen. Or if we can somehow anger Putin enough about it?
That book on the table looks like someone did a meme where they made Mike Pence a black Wojak.
By spreading the truth about the Jews